© 2025 SURF
In de helft van de Surinaamse en Antilliaanse gezinnen in Nederland ontbreekteen vader. Dit artikel bespreekt de achtergronden en mogelijke effectendaarvan en de manier waarop vaders uit deze groepen zelf tegen hunrol als vader en het grote aantal afwezige vaders aankijken. Daarbij ligt hetaccent op Afro-Surinaamse vaders. Een belangrijke vraag die in het artikelwordt behandeld is hoe vaderschap in Afro-Caribische kring te versterken.Enkele recent gestarte initiatieven rond versterking van vaderschap in Amsterdamworden daartoe kort uitgelicht.
In de helft van de Surinaamse en Antilliaanse gezinnen in Nederland ontbreekteen vader. Dit artikel bespreekt de achtergronden en mogelijke effectendaarvan en de manier waarop vaders uit deze groepen zelf tegen hunrol als vader en het grote aantal afwezige vaders aankijken. Daarbij ligt hetaccent op Afro-Surinaamse vaders. Een belangrijke vraag die in het artikelwordt behandeld is hoe vaderschap in Afro-Caribische kring te versterken.Enkele recent gestarte initiatieven rond versterking van vaderschap in Amsterdamworden daartoe kort uitgelicht.
ObjectiveIn the Netherlands, persons of Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese descent form the largest groups of non-western immigrants. A high prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia has been described in immigrant populations in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We determined the prevalence of MCI and dementia in older community-dwelling adults from the largest non-western immigrant groups in the Netherlands.MethodsParticipants, aged 55 years and older, of Turkish, Moroccan (Arabic or Berber), Surinamese (Creole or Hindustani) or Dutch descent were recruited via their general practitioners. Cognitive deficits were assessed using the Cross-Cultural Dementia screening instrument, which was validated in poorly educated people from different cultures. Differences in prevalence rates of MCI and dementia between the immigrant groups and a native Dutch group were analysed using chi-square tests.ResultsWe included 2254 participants. Their mean age was 65.0 years (standard deviation, 7.5), and 44.4% were male. The prevalence of MCI was 13.0% in Turkish, 10.1% in Moroccan–Arabic, 9.4% in Moroccan–Berber and 11.9% in Surinamese–Hindustani participants, compared to 5.9% in Surinamese–Creoles and 3.3% in native Dutch. The prevalence of dementia was 14.8% in Turkish, 12.2% in Moroccan Arabic, 11.3% in Moroccan Berber and 12.6% in Surinamese–Hindustani participants, compared to 4.0% in Surinamese–Creoles and 3.5% in native Dutch.ConclusionsMCI and dementia were three to four times more prevalent in the majority of non-western immigrant groups when compared to the native Dutch population. These differences are important for planning and improving healthcare facilities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ObjectiveIn the Netherlands, persons of Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese descent form the largest groups of non-western immigrants. A high prevalence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia has been described in immigrant populations in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. We determined the prevalence of MCI and dementia in older community-dwelling adults from the largest non-western immigrant groups in the Netherlands.MethodsParticipants, aged 55 years and older, of Turkish, Moroccan (Arabic or Berber), Surinamese (Creole or Hindustani) or Dutch descent were recruited via their general practitioners. Cognitive deficits were assessed using the Cross-Cultural Dementia screening instrument, which was validated in poorly educated people from different cultures. Differences in prevalence rates of MCI and dementia between the immigrant groups and a native Dutch group were analysed using chi-square tests.ResultsWe included 2254 participants. Their mean age was 65.0 years (standard deviation, 7.5), and 44.4% were male. The prevalence of MCI was 13.0% in Turkish, 10.1% in Moroccan–Arabic, 9.4% in Moroccan–Berber and 11.9% in Surinamese–Hindustani participants, compared to 5.9% in Surinamese–Creoles and 3.3% in native Dutch. The prevalence of dementia was 14.8% in Turkish, 12.2% in Moroccan Arabic, 11.3% in Moroccan Berber and 12.6% in Surinamese–Hindustani participants, compared to 4.0% in Surinamese–Creoles and 3.5% in native Dutch.ConclusionsMCI and dementia were three to four times more prevalent in the majority of non-western immigrant groups when compared to the native Dutch population. These differences are important for planning and improving healthcare facilities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background: Despite high prevalence of mental problems among elderly migrants in The Netherlands, the use of psychosocial care services by this group is low. Scientific evidence points at the crucial role of social support for mental health and the use of psychosocial services. We therefore explored the role of social networks in the access to psychosocial care among elderly migrants in The Netherlands. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured group interviews and individual interviews. The eight group and eleven individual interviews (respectively n = 58 and n = 11) were conducted in The Netherlands with Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, and Dutch elderly. The data were analysed through coding and comparing fragments and recognizing patterns. Results: Support of the social network is important to navigate to psychosocial care and is most frequently provided by children. However, the social network of elderly migrants is generally not able to meet the needs of the elderly. This is mostly due to poor mental health literacy of the social network, taboo, and stigma around mental illness and the busy lives of the social network members. Conclusions: Strategies to address help-seeking barriers should consider mental health literacy in elderly migrants as well as their social networks, and counteract taboos and stigma of mental health problems.
Background: Despite high prevalence of mental problems among elderly migrants in The Netherlands, the use of psychosocial care services by this group is low. Scientific evidence points at the crucial role of social support for mental health and the use of psychosocial services. We therefore explored the role of social networks in the access to psychosocial care among elderly migrants in The Netherlands. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured group interviews and individual interviews. The eight group and eleven individual interviews (respectively n = 58 and n = 11) were conducted in The Netherlands with Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, and Dutch elderly. The data were analysed through coding and comparing fragments and recognizing patterns. Results: Support of the social network is important to navigate to psychosocial care and is most frequently provided by children. However, the social network of elderly migrants is generally not able to meet the needs of the elderly. This is mostly due to poor mental health literacy of the social network, taboo, and stigma around mental illness and the busy lives of the social network members. Conclusions: Strategies to address help-seeking barriers should consider mental health literacy in elderly migrants as well as their social networks, and counteract taboos and stigma of mental health problems.