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Virtual communities are online spaces with potential of integration of (member-generated) content and conversations [7,8]. In our research project we are interested in the adoption and building of virtual communities in organized sports, that is to say in the voluntary sports clubs (VSCs) in the Netherlands. Since these VSCs have massively transferred their communication with members from paper club magazines to online channels, these virtual communities arise from the use of a growing number of websites, e-mail and social network sites (SNSs). Although virtual communities are broadly investigated, such as social communities, brand communities, and public communities, there is little scholarly interest in virtual communities of member organizations that VSCs are an example of. The study that is to be presented at SECSI 2019 concerns the clubs’ use of SNSs (ClubSNSs), such as Facebook and Twitter, within the virtual communities. These SNSs are increasingly used by the VSCs to facilitate organizational communication and to obtain a good internal climate [9]. However, academic understanding of the impact of ClubSNSs’ content and conversations on the organizational performance of the VSC is in its infancy. In our study, we examined this impact of ClubSNSs use on the involvement among members and whether we can explain this by members’ identification with the club. Furthermore, we have tried to categorize ClubSNSs by content types, such as informative, conversational or sociable ClubSNSs, and their role in stimulating the use of ClubSNSs. In this way we attempted to gain insight into the effect of types of ClubSNSs’ content and conversations on membership involvement and the mediating role of identification with the club. This insight can help VSCs to develop effective ClubSNS channels that contribute to organizational goals such as supportive and loyal membership.
Jeugdsport draagt bij aan een groot aantal positieve aspecten waaronder gezondheid, zelfvertrouwen en sociale contacten. Dit gaat alleen niet vanzelf. Om de positieve aspecten van jeugdsport te vergroten en probleemgedrag te verminderen moet er een pedagogisch sportklimaat gecreëerd worden. Een pedagogisch sportklimaat is een sportklimaat waarbij het kind centraal staat. Daarnaast moet, vanuit een zorgzame en sociaal veilige basis, de focus liggen op plezier en op de persoonlijke en sociale ontwikkeling van het kind in en door de sport. Het doel van het Kids First, towards a pedagogical sport climate-project is het ontwerpen en invoeren van een hulpkader om dit pedagogisch sportklimaat op clubniveau te realiseren. Het project is gesubsidieerd vanuit het ZonMw programma 'Sport en Bewegen 2017-2020'.
The objective of this multidisciplinary research project is to gain new knowledge about how to establish a pedagogical sport climate that increases the value of youth sports. In this project led by Windesheim University of applied sciences, a consortium of committed and experienced partners will closely work together on the following research question: how to increase the value of youth sports by realizing a safe and educational sport club environment?
Client: HNE Eberswalde, subcontractor of Land Brandenburg Product: Eijgelaar, E., & Peeters, P. (2011). Umwelt- und klimafreundliche Technologien in den Wassersportrevieren der Niederlande: Bericht im Rahmen des Projektes „KlimTechTour - Verbreitung umwelt- und klimafreundlicher Technologien bei touristischen Leistungsträgern in Brandenburg im Bereich Wassertouristik“ [Environmentally and climate friendly technologies in Dutch water sport areas]. Breda, Netherlands: NHTV Centre for Sustainable Tourism & Transport. The project report (in German) describes the environmental advantages and disadvantages of technologies used for water sports in the Netherlands. Besides this, instruments for financing and planning, as well as key succes factors are presented.