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Little is known about innovation in the non-profit sport sector. The current research addresses this gap by questioning whether and to what extent sport federations innovate. It aims to identify types of innovation implemented by sport federations and their attitude and preferences towards innovation. An online questionnaire was administered to a sample of key representatives (i.e. Chair, Secretary General or Directors) of regional sport federations in Belgium (n = 101; 70% response rate). Directed content analysis of the service innovations described by respondents reveals ten different types of sport and non-sport service innovations. Results suggest that membership size and categories of sport influence preferences in knowledge creation/appropriation, and ultimately the type of innovation developed. This paper also suggests that sport federations are driven by demands by members in meeting their expectations of new services and are not risk averse. On average, the sport federations surveyed have a positive attitude towards newness that favours innovativeness. The current study would help researchers to advance further into the knowledge of service innovation in non-profit organisations. It should act as a foundation for research and practice on specific types of service innovation in sport. Managers should realise the importance of attitude for innovation and use the suggested typology to provide new services in different categories and meet members’ expectations.
The increasing commercialisation of the sports sector and changing consumer demands are some of the issues that create challenges for non-profit sports in contemporary society. It is important for managers and marketers of these organisations to innovate because innovation is a way to grow within a competitive environment and to meet customers' expectations. The present study aims to develop an explorative typology of sports federations based on their attitudes and perceptions of determinants of innovation and their innovation capacity. A cluster analysis suggested three clusters with different responses towards service innovation: traditional sports federations, financially secure sports federations and competitive sports federations. Sports federations perceiving competition in terms of financial and human resources, favouring change and paid staff involvement in decision-making processes, and with negative economic perceptions are significantly more innovative. These findings have implications for the management and marketing of non-profit sports organisations.
The Sport Empowers Disabled Youth 2 (SEDY2) project encourages inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for youth with a disability by raising their sports and exercise participation in inclusive settings. It was important to ensure that the authentic views, wishes and feelings of youth with a disability regarding inclusion in sport were attained. Therefore, online focus groups were conducted with youth with a disability, their parents and sport professionals in Finland, Lithuania, Portugal and The Netherlands. During the online EUCAPA 2020 conference the preliminary results of these focus groups were presented.
Main goal of the Sport Physical Education And Coaching in Health (SPEACH) Project is to increase awareness and behavioural change in sport professionals and European citizens towards an active and healthy lifestyle.Sedentariness and physical inactivity are a cross-national problem. Therefore, the Project builds upon a strong collaborative-partnership to contribute in solving this problem on the European level and to increase sport and physical activity participation. To achieve this, the project will develop HEPA related educational modules, which will be included into existing education structures in the areas of sport coaching and physical education (PE), in order to stimulate pupils, young athletes and adults towards an active and healthy lifestyle.An innovative aspect of the project is the diversity of partners involved. The consortium consists of ten organizations and actors from seven EU countries in the field of sport, PE and health. The partners involved are national and international sports committees, sport federations and higher educational institutes in the field of sport, PE teacher education and health. Finally, the project is strongly supported by the European Network of Sport Science, Education & Employment (ENSSEE).
The scientific challenge is about unraveling the secret of Brazilian and Dutch soccer by capturing successful elements of game play of both countries,, combining expertise from data science, computer science and sport science. Suggested features from literature, as well as several novel ones, will be considered and filtered on how they capture success in soccer. A manageable set of features will then be obtained from various available Dutch datasets (focusing on successful play). Subsequently, the same features will be used to compare playing styles between both countries. Features of game play will be approached from two different angles. The first angle (spearheaded by the Brazilian computer science partner) concerns features that capture the dynamics of game play and characterize aspects of formation on the pitch. The second angle (lead by the Dutch data science partner) will focus on how an attack is built up, and how key events (shots on goal, transitions from defenders to midfielders, etc.) can help to characterize this. For the comparison between countries data will be collected in four different age categories in Brazil and the Netherlands during official games, in order to compare (the development of) game play between both countries. Data will be collected by means of the Local Position Measurement System, for reasons of accuracy and consistency. The applied science part of this proposal is focusing on bridging the gap between fundamental science and soccer practice, i.e. coaches, trainers, clubs and federations. The outcomes of the fundamental part will be implemented in a coach-cockpit, a software application which trainers and coaches can use to (1) decide upon their strategy before a game, (2) analyze player- and team behaviour during a game enabling to adjust the strategy accordingly, and (3) choose and/or design training forms to improve player- and team behaviour.
The scientific challenge is about unraveling the secret of Brazilian and Dutch soccer by capturing successful elements of game play of both countries,, combining expertise from data science, computer science and sport science. Suggested features from literature, as well as several novel ones, will be considered and filtered on how they capture success in soccer. A manageable set of features will then be obtained from various available Dutch datasets (focusing on successful play). Subsequently, the same features will be used to compare playing styles between both countries. Features of game play will be approached from two different angles. The first angle (spearheaded by the Brazilian computer science partner) concerns features that capture the dynamics of game play and characterize aspects of formation on the pitch. The second angle (lead by the Dutch data science partner) will focus on how an attack is built up, and how key events (shots on goal, transitions from defenders to midfielders, etc.) can help to characterize this. For the comparison between countries data will be collected in four different age categories in Brazil and the Netherlands during official games, in order to compare (the development of) game play between both countries. Data will be collected by means of the Local Position Measurement System, for reasons of accuracy and consistency. The applied science part of this proposal is focusing on bridging the gap between fundamental science and soccer practice, i.e. coaches, trainers, clubs and federations. The outcomes of the fundamental part will be implemented in a coach-cockpit, a software application which trainers and coaches can use to (1) decide upon their strategy before a game, (2) analyze player- and team behaviour during a game enabling to adjust the strategy accordingly, and (3) choose and/or design training forms to improve player- and team behaviour.