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For creating sports innovations we need tools to collect data on physical activity behaviour. Collecting data is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, sharing data and using it to answer multiple research questions is desirable. Especially in larger multidisciplinary research projects, it is beneficial if a diverse data set can be collected effortlessly. For this, we created a smartphone app that can be used for scientific data collection on physical activity behavior in sport research.The requirement for the app was that the different research partners could contribute, use the app independently and that the individual contributions could be easily combined into a larger app. We created a base app which provides a framework for easy implementation of custom modules. Each functionality in the app is represented in a module and can be created by different parties. The app uses the EventBus framework [1] to allow easy communication between independent modules including an independent GUI. In our presentation we will further explain this independance using the beacon physical activity app BAMBEA [4] .Over the span of three years we made a sensor collection-, emotion input-, beacon scanner-, beacon handler-, goal-, reward- and message/notification-module. We combined different modules into different versions. A first version initially focused on running behaviour and used a movement- and a heart rate-module that were originally created for research [2] and different modules of partners (like gait step frequency and emotion detection). The app was extended with a GUI to test the user experience of the modules [3]. Finally, the framework was updated and combined different modules and a new GUI for a bootcamp app [4]. In conclusion we experienced the modular framework as a good solution for reuse and collaboration within multidisciplinary research projects. By allowing for the independent development of modules only intense communication between partners was needed when conflicts occurred between modules. Another advantage was that partners could develop their module in their desired programming language and later integrate their module in the app by providing a small wrapper. We consider the framework approach as a success for projects where close collaboration is desired with a multidisciplinary team. However, we would not advise this approach when it can be expected that multiple heavy performance solutions are required and resources like data collection, storage and backup cannot be shared. In that case a tight integration and continuous collaborative implementation is likely a preferred approach.This research is made possible by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences research programs Urban Vitality, Amsterdam Creative Industries Network, the Amsterdam Institute of Sport Sciences (AISS) and by the Dutch National program COMMIT/.
In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the use of health and sports-related smartphone applications (apps). This is also reflected in App-stores, which are stacked with thousands of health- and sports-apps, with new apps launched each day. These apps have great potential to monitor and support people’s physical activity and health. For users, however, it is difficult to know which app suits their needs. In this paper, we present an online tool that supports the decision-making process for choosing an appropriate app. We constructed and validated a screening instrument to assess app content quality, together with the assessment of users’ needs. Both served as input for building the tool through various iterations with prototypes and user tests. This resulted in an online tool which relies on app content quality scores to match the users’ needs with apps that score high in the screening instrument on those particular needs. Users can add new apps to the database via the screening instrument, making the tool self-supportive and future proof. A feedback loop allows users to give feedback on the recommended app and how well it meets their needs. This feedback is added to the database and used in future filtering and recommendations. The principles used can be applied to other areas of sports, physical activity and health to help users to select an app that suits their needs. Potentially increasing the long-term use of apps to monitor and to support physical activity and health.
Which factors are important for effectiveness of sport- and health-related apps? Results of focus groups with experts.Dallinga, J, van der Werf, J , Janssen, M, Vos, S, Deutekom-Baart de la Faille, M.A huge amount of sport- and health-related smartphone applications (apps) is available in the app stores [1]. These apps are often used by individual recreational athletes participating in running, walking or cycling [2]. Exercise apps ideally should support athletes and encourage them to be physical active in a frequent and healthy way. In order to reach these goals, more insight into the value of different app features is necessary. With this knowledge the health enhancing effects of apps can be improved. Therefore the aim of this study was to identify which features in sport- and health-related apps are important for stimulating and maintaining physical activity. Two focus groups (n=4 & n=3) were organized to identify and rank app features relevant for increasing and maintaining physical activity. These groups were facilitated by two of the authors (JD and JvdW). A nominal group technique was used. Seven behavioral and sport scientists participated in the focus groups consisting of three consultation rounds. In the first round these experts were asked to individually list all factors that they found necessary for increasing and maintaining physical activity. After that, all factors were collected, explained and listed on a white board. In the second round the experts were asked to individually rank the ten most important features. Subsequently, these rankings were discussed groupwise. In the last round, the experts individually made a final ranking of the ten most important features. In addition, they were also asked to appoint a score to each feature (0-100), to indicate the importance.The participants in the focus groups generated 28 and 24 features respectively in round one. After combining these features and checking for duplicates, we reduced the number of features to 25. Factors with highest frequency in the top 10 most important factors were ‘usability’ (n=7), ‘monitoring’ (n=5), ‘fun’ (n=5), ‘anticipating/context awareness’ (n=5) and ‘motivational feedback’ (n=4). Factors with highest importance scores were ‘instructional feedback’ (95.0), ‘motivating/challenging’ (95.0), ‘monitoring’ (92.5), ‘peer rating and peer use’ (92.0) and ‘motivational feedback’ (91.3). In conclusion, based on opinions of behavioral and sport scientists several app features were extracted related to physical activity, with instructional feedback and features that motivate or challenge the athlete as most important. A smart and tailored app may need to be developed that can provide feedback and anticipate on the environment. A feature for monitoring and a fun element may need to be included as well. Interestingly, usability was mentioned by all experts, this seems to be a premise for effectiveness of the app. Based on the results of this study, currently available exercise app rating scales could be revised [3, 4].This research is cofinanced by ‘Regieorgaan SIA’, part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and by the Dutch national program COMMIT.References[1] Yuan S, Ma W, Kanthawala S, Peng W. Keep Using My Health Apps: Discover Users' Perception of Health and Fitness Apps with the UTAUT2 Model. Telemed J E Health. 2015 Sep;21(9):735-41. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2014.0148.[2] Dallinga JM., Janssen M, van der Bie J, Nibbeling N, Krose B, Goudsmit J, Megens C, Baart de la Faille-Deutekom M en Vos S. De rol van innovatieve technologie in het stimuleren van sport en bewegen in de steden Amsterdam en Eindhoven. Vrijtijdstudies. 2016, 34 (2): 43-57.[3] Abraham C, Michie S. A taxonomy of behavior change techniques used in interventions. Health Psychol. 2008 May;27(3):379-87. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.27.3.379.[4] Stoyanov SR, Hides L, Kavanagh DJ, Zelenko O, Tjondronegoro D, Mani M. Mobile app rating scale: a new tool for assessing the quality of health mobile apps. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2015 Mar 11;3(1):e27. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.3422
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
Kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis (ASS) komen te vaak in de problemen in het onderwijs, waarbij een deel van de kinderen zelfs uit het onderwijs valt. Dit heeft mogelijkerwijs te maken met twee duidelijke knelpunten van het beleid van passend onderwijs. Ten eerste is passend onderwijs nog te veel een bestuurlijk construct en nauwelijks op het handelingsniveau van professionals gericht. Ten tweede vormen de grenzen van onderwijs en de jeugdhulpverlening nog te veel een belemmering om met vereende kracht leerlingen op maat te ondersteunen. Het op maat ondersteunen vraagt om een versteviging van vaardigheden van leerkrachten en jeugdhulpverleners om het welbevinden en leergedrag van ASS-leerlingen te stimuleren. Daarbij kunnen professionals elkaars expertise beter benutten om op deze manier samen in de klas op een talentgerichte wijze het welbevinden en leergedrag van leerlingen met ASS te ondersteunen. Het doel van deze aanvraag is het ontwikkelen van een bruikbaar prototype van een professionaliseringsaanbod voor leerkrachten en jeugdhulpverleners dat de vaardigheden die deze professionals in de klas nodig hebben versterkt, zodat leerlingen met ASS op een passende wijze ondersteund worden in hun leergedrag en welbevinden. Het consortium –bestaande uit leerkrachten uit het (speciaal) primair onderwijs, jeugdhulpverleners, gedragsdeskundigen – managers en onderzoekers, brengt via een ontwerponderzoek de behoeftes en benodigde vaardigheden in kaart en ontwikkelt ontwerpprincipes en een concept professionaliseringsaanbod. Dit concept is de basis van een professionaliseringsaanbod waarmee een bredere groep leerkrachten en jeugdhulpverleners tools krijgt om leerlingen met ASS effectief te ondersteunen. Het doel van deze aanvraag is in lijn met het landelijk beleid rondom passend onderwijs en de nationale wetenschapsagenda bij het thema ‘Jeugd in ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs’. Verbetering van het handelen van leerkrachten en jeugdhulpverleners in een integrale aanpak zorgt voor betere schoolresultaten, minder schooluitval en een betere communicatie tussen leerkrachten en hulpverleners en draagt bij aan een inclusieve maatschappij.
Beweegrichtlijnen geven aan hoeveel beweging nodig is voor een goede gezondheid van jong tot oud. Voor een gezonde leefstijl van kinderen zijn bewegen, samen spelen, samen leren en samen werken van groot belang, maar dat geldt ook voor ouderen. Picoo brengt het belang van bewegen en samenzijn bij elkaar. Dat zorgt voor een goede ontwikkeling van het kind, het welzijn van ouderen en het verstevigen van het bewegen en samenzijn in de maatschappij. Project: Actief Plezier met Picoo: Jong en Oud in Beweging! Vraag: Draagt Picoo bij aan meer beweging en verbinding tussen kinderen en ouderen door samen te bewegen? Doel: Het inzetten van Picoo leidt tot meer samen beweging, waardoor welzijn van ouderen en ontwikkeling van het kind en meer beweging wordt vergroot. Methode: Mixed method observatieonderzoek /survey/kort gesprek Kinderen tot 18 jaar en senioren 65 plus met een zorgvraag T0: kinderen en ouderen krijgen uitleg over het gebruik van Picoo Interventie: Picoo is een controller en spelcomputer ineen, ontwikkeld om kinderen (maar ook volwassen) interactief buiten te laten spelen.6 Tijdens de actieve games heeft elke deelnemer een eigen controller. De controllers staan met elkaar in verbinding. T1 Tijdens het spel wordt d.m.v. een observatielijst gekeken hoe jong en oud reageren op het samen spelen met Picoo. T2 Na het spel geven kinderen en ouderen door middel van Visual Analogue Scale (smileys) wat hun ervaringen zijn. T3 Na het spel gaan kinderen en ouderen kort met elkaar in gesprek over hun ervaringen Uitvoering: Interdisciplinaire mix van studenten Verpleegkunde, Fysiotherapie, Mens en Techniek en Social Work Eindproduct: Nieuwe testcase en input voor doorontwikkeling Picoo richting verbinding jong en oud. Kennis over mogelijkheden/ervaringen over verbinding door beweging wordt gedissemineerd naar de praktijk en onderwijs. Resultaten worden gerapporteerd en gepubliceerd op relevante sites zoals bijvoorbeeld kenniscentrum sport en bewegen, zorginstellingen en scholen.