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To benefit from the social capabilities of a robot math tutor, instead of being distracted by them, a novel approach is needed where the math task and the robot's social behaviors are better intertwined. We present concrete design specifications of how children can practice math via a personal conversation with a social robot and how the robot can scaffold instructions. We evaluated the designs with a three-session experimental user study (n = 130, 8-11 y.o.). Participants got better at math over time when the robot scaffolded instructions. Furthermore, the robot felt more as a friend when it personalized the conversation.
To benefit from the social capabilities of a robot math tutor, instead of being distracted by them, a novel approach is needed where the math task and the robot's social behaviors are better intertwined. We present concrete design specifications of how children can practice math via a personal conversation with a social robot and how the robot can scaffold instructions. We evaluated the designs with a three-session experimental user study (n = 130, 8-11 y.o.). Participants got better at math over time when the robot scaffolded instructions. Furthermore, the robot felt more as a friend when it personalized the conversation.
The challenges facing primary education are significant: a growing teacher shortage, relatively high administrative burdens that contribute to work-related stress and an increasing diversity of children in the classroom. A promising new technology that can help teachers and children meet these challenges is the social robot. These physical robots often use artificial intelligence and can communicate with children by taking on social roles, such as that of a fellow classmate or teaching assistant. Previous research shows that the use of social robots can lead to better results in several ways than when traditional educational technologies are applied. However, social robots not only bring opportunities but also lead to new ethical questions. In my PhD research, I investigated the moral considerations of different stakeholders, such as parents and teachers, to create the first guideline for the responsible design and use of social robots for primary education. Various research methods were used for this study. First of all, a large, international literature study was carried out on the advantages and disadvantages of social robots, in which 256 studies were ultimately analysed. Focus group sessions were then held with stakeholders: a total of 118 parents of primary school children, representatives of the robotics industry, educational policymakers, government education advisors, teachers and primary school children contributed. Based on the insights from the literature review and the focus group sessions, a questionnaire was drawn up and distributed to all stakeholders. Based on 515 responses, we then classified stakeholder moral considerations. In the last study, based on in-depth interviews with teachers who used robots in their daily teaching and who supervised the child-robot interaction of >2500 unique children, we studied the influence of social robots on children's social-emotional development. Our research shows that social robots can have advantages and disadvantages for primary education. The diversity of disadvantages makes the responsible implementation of robots complex. However, overall, despite their concerns, all stakeholder groups viewed social robots as a potentially valuable tool. Many stakeholders are concerned about the possible negative effect of robots on children's social-emotional development. Our research shows that social robots currently do not seem to harm children's social-emotional development when used responsibly. However, some children seem to be more sensitive to excessive attachment to robots. Our research also shows that how people think about robots is influenced by several factors. For example, low-income stakeholders have a more sceptical attitude towards social robots in education. Other factors, such as age and level of education, were also strong predictors of the moral considerations of stakeholders. This research has resulted in a guideline for the responsible use of social robots as teaching assistants, which can be used by primary schools and robot builders. The guideline provides schools with tools, such as involving parents in advance and using robots to encourage human contact. School administrators are also given insight into possible reactions from parents and other parties involved. The guideline also offers guidelines for safeguarding privacy, such as data minimization and improving the technical infrastructure of schools and robots; which still often leaves much to be desired. In short, the findings from this thesis provide a solid stepping stone for schools, robot designers, programmers and engineers to develop and use social robots in education in a morally responsible manner. This research has thus paved the way for more research into robots as assistive technology in primary education.
Flying insects like dragonflies, flies, bumblebees are able to couple hovering ability with the ability for a quick transition to forward flight. Therefore, they inspire us to investigate the application of swarms of flapping-wing mini-drones in horticulture. The production and trading of agricultural/horticultural goods account for the 9% of the Dutch gross domestic product. A significant part of the horticultural products are grown in greenhouses whose extension is becoming larger year by year. Swarms of bio-inspired mini-drones can be used in applications such as monitoring and control: the analysis of the data collected enables the greenhouse growers to achieve the optimal conditions for the plants health and thus a high productivity. Moreover, the bio-inspired mini-drones can detect eventual pest onset at plant level that leads to a strong reduction of chemicals utilization and an improvement of the food quality. The realization of these mini-drones is a multidisciplinary challenge as it requires a cross-domain collaboration between biologists, entomologists and engineers with expertise in robotics, mechanics, aerodynamics, electronics, etc. Moreover a co-creation based collaboration will be established with all the stakeholders involved. With this approach we can integrate technical and social-economic aspects and facilitate the adoption of this new technology that will make the Dutch horticulture industry more resilient and sustainable.
Motivatie Het versterken van de samenwerking tussen relevante lectoraten door het ontwikkelen van een multidisciplinaire onderzoeksagenda op het terrein van Arbeid in de brede zin van het woord. Hierdoor kan de thematiek rondom toegang tot en behoud van arbeid vanuit meerdere kanten worden aangevlogen én kan focus en massa worden gecreëerd voor onderzoeksprogrammering en –funding. Daardoor kunnen we als lectoraten een belangrijke rol te spelen bij vraagstukken die betrekking hebben op het duurzaam (weer) aan het werk gaan én duurzaam aan het werk blijven. Achtergrond Om als individu zelfstandig en volwaardig te kunnen deelnemen aan onze participatiemaatschappij, is het hebben van werk cruciaal. Werk is echter voor mensen met minder of onvoldoende arbeids-, persoonlijk-, sociaal-, en cultureel kapitaal en/of toegang tot hulpbronnen steeds minder vanzelfsprekend. Naast traditioneel kwetsbare groepen – zoals laagopgeleiden, mensen met een chronische aandoening en migranten - zijn er nieuwe categorieën, waaronder veel middelbaar en hoog opgeleiden, voor wie het lastig is/wordt structureel betaald werk te vinden. De oorzaak ligt voornamelijk bij de toenemende digitalisering en robotisering in combinatie met de flexibilisering van de arbeidsmarkt. Ook werk op academisch niveau, dat gebaseerd is op regels, bijvoorbeeld accountancy en rechtspraak, zal steeds vaker (deels) geautomatiseerd kunnen worden (Est et al. 2015, Went et al. 2015). Anderzijds zijn er sectoren, zoals techniek en ICT, die een steeds grotere behoefte hebben aan hoogopgeleid personeel en waar het lastig is om voldoende gekwalificeerde mensen te krijgen. Tot slot zien we in alle sectoren een toename van stress- en burn-out klachten, die deels gerelateerd zijn aan traditionele, functioneel ingerichte organisaties. Het bovenstaande biedt geen rooskleurig beeld voor grote groepen in de samenleving en vanuit een breed Platform Arbeid willen we de thema’s op het terrein van arbeid vanuit meerdere perspectieven benaderen en in samenhang beschouwen.
In Amsterdam's neighbourhoods, much of the waste that is disposed has the potential of becoming something else by means of recycling or upcycling. Zero Waste lab –which is part of the organization De Gezonde Stad- is a place where inhabitants can bring their own separated waste in exchange for value coins. Now, Zero Waste Lab now wants to take this a step forward and further develop their own project: from recycling to upcycling waste. In this endeavour, HvA will collaborate by researching the possibilities for upcycling a local waste stream by means of digital production pro-cesses, as well as ways of involving the neighbourhood. Because it is of vital importance for the project not only to be technically possible, but also scalable and economically feasible, Zero Waste Lab and HvA have asked for partnership to the company Verdraaid Goed. This partnership and specific case study, presented here as ‘Wood for the neighborhood’ can be summa-rized in four main goals: • (Production) Explore the design and manufacturing possibilities of using digital production to upcycle a local wood waste stream (with an industrial robotic arm) • (Design) Show how explorative research, when carried on from the beginning of the de-sign process, can bring great added value to the development of project concepts. • (Social) Demonstrate that involving stakeholders early in the process of reusing and de-signing with waste materials can shape the future in new directions • (All three) Highlight how this case study is relevant and fits the principles of the circular economy