Purpose – In the domain of healthcare, both process efficiency and the quality of care can be improved through the use of dedicated pervasive technologies. Among these applications are so-called real-time location systems (RTLS). Such systems are designed to determine and monitor the location of assets and people in real time through the use of wireless sensor networks. Numerous commercially available RTLS are used in hospital settings. The nursing home is a relatively unexplored context for the application of RTLS and offers opportunities and challenges for future applications. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – This paper sets out to provide an overview of general applications and technologies of RTLS. Thereafter, it describes the specific healthcare applications of RTLS, including asset tracking, patient tracking and personnel tracking. These overviews are followed by a forecast of the implementation of RTLS in nursing homes in terms of opportunities and challenges. Findings – By comparing the nursing home to the hospital, the RTLS applications for the nursing home context that are most promising are asset tracking of expensive goods owned by the nursing home in orderto facilitate workflow and maximise financial resources, and asset tracking of personal belongings that may get lost due to dementia. Originality/value – This paper is the first to provide an overview of potential application of RTLS technologies for nursing homes. The paper described a number of potential problem areas that can be addressed by RTLS. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited Original article: https://doi.org/10.1108/JET-11-2017-0046 For this paper Joost van Hoof received the Highly Recommended Award from Emerald Publishing Ltd. in October 2019: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/awards.htm?year=2019
Purpose – In the domain of healthcare, both process efficiency and the quality of care can be improved through the use of dedicated pervasive technologies. Among these applications are so-called real-time location systems (RTLS). Such systems are designed to determine and monitor the location of assets and people in real time through the use of wireless sensor networks. Numerous commercially available RTLS are used in hospital settings. The nursing home is a relatively unexplored context for the application of RTLS and offers opportunities and challenges for future applications. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – This paper sets out to provide an overview of general applications and technologies of RTLS. Thereafter, it describes the specific healthcare applications of RTLS, including asset tracking, patient tracking and personnel tracking. These overviews are followed by a forecast of the implementation of RTLS in nursing homes in terms of opportunities and challenges. Findings – By comparing the nursing home to the hospital, the RTLS applications for the nursing home context that are most promising are asset tracking of expensive goods owned by the nursing home in orderto facilitate workflow and maximise financial resources, and asset tracking of personal belongings that may get lost due to dementia. Originality/value – This paper is the first to provide an overview of potential application of RTLS technologies for nursing homes. The paper described a number of potential problem areas that can be addressed by RTLS. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited Original article: https://doi.org/10.1108/JET-11-2017-0046 For this paper Joost van Hoof received the Highly Recommended Award from Emerald Publishing Ltd. in October 2019: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/authors/literati/awards.htm?year=2019
Smart speakers are heralded to make everyday life more convenient in households around the world. These voice-activated devices have become part of intimate domestic contexts in which users interact with platforms.This chapter presents a dualstudy investigating the privacy perceptions of smart speaker users and non-users. Data collected in in-depth interviews and focus groups with Dutch users and non-users show that they make sense of privacy risks through imagined sociotechnical affordances. Imagined affordances emerge with the interplay between user expectations, technologies, and designer intentions. Affordances like controllability, assistance, conversation, linkability, recordability, and locatability are associated with privacy considerations. Viewing this observation in the light of privacy calculus theory, we provide insights into how users’ positive experiences of the control over and assistance in the home offered by smart speakers outweighs privacy concerns. On the contrary, non-users reject the devices because of fears that recordability and locatability would breach the privacy of their homes by tapping data to platform companies. Our findings emphasize the dynamic nature of privacy calculus considerations and how these interact with imagined affordances; establishing a contrast between rational and emotional responses relating to smart speaker use.Emotions play a pivotal role in adoption considerations whereby respondents balance fears of unknown malicious actors against trust in platform companies.This study paves the way for further research that examines how surveillance in the home is becoming increasingly normalized by smart technologies.
Due to societal developments, like the introduction of the ‘civil society’, policy stimulating longer living at home and the separation of housing and care, the housing situation of older citizens is a relevant and pressing issue for housing-, governance- and care organizations. The current situation of living with care already benefits from technological advancement. The wide application of technology especially in care homes brings the emergence of a new source of information that becomes invaluable in order to understand how the smart urban environment affects the health of older people. The goal of this proposal is to develop an approach for designing smart neighborhoods, in order to assist and engage older adults living there. This approach will be applied to a neighborhood in Aalst-Waalre which will be developed into a living lab. The research will involve: (1) Insight into social-spatial factors underlying a smart neighborhood; (2) Identifying governance and organizational context; (3) Identifying needs and preferences of the (future) inhabitant; (4) Matching needs & preferences to potential socio-techno-spatial solutions. A mixed methods approach fusing quantitative and qualitative methods towards understanding the impacts of smart environment will be investigated. After 12 months, employing several concepts of urban computing, such as pattern recognition and predictive modelling , using the focus groups from the different organizations as well as primary end-users, and exploring how physiological data can be embedded in data-driven strategies for the enhancement of active ageing in this neighborhood will result in design solutions and strategies for a more care-friendly neighborhood.
"Zoekt en gij zult vinden", luidt de bekende uitdrukking. Het Nederlandse MKB heeft veel technieken beschikbaar die voor een bekend probleem in Nederlandse verpleeghuizen een oplossing kan bieden: er raken in verpleeghuizen veel zaken zoek, van hulpmiddelen tot meubilair, wat leidt tot vele uren zoektijd voor zorgprofessionals en bewoners (met dementie) en hun naasten, en wat een negatieve invloed heeft op kwaliteit van zorg en onderhoud. Het doel van dit projectvoorstel is om een oplossing te ontwikkelen voor het zoekraken, niet in kaart hebben en het onbekend zijn met het gebruik, van hulpmiddelen in verpleeghuizen. Er bestaat zogenaamde track & trace technologie om locatie en gebruik van zaken te monitoren. Hoewel deze technologie op terreinen bouw, logistiek en ziekenhuiszorg in opkomst is, wordt deze in verpleeghuizen nog niet grootschalig ingezet. Er is bij bedrijven onvoldoende kennis over hoe deze technologie succesvol kan worden ingezet in verpleeghuizen waarbij de behoeften van zorgprofessionals en bewoners aan de basis van het ontwerp liggen. De maatschappelijke relevantie iets aan de problematiek te doen is niet alleen ingegeven door een behoefte de kwaliteit van zorg te ondersteunen, maar ook om geld te besparen door zoektijd te verminderen, en om beheer- en onderhoud van hulpmiddelen beter te kunnen stroomlijnen (logistiek en financieel) doordat bedrijven en verpleeghuizen een beter inzicht hebben in het gebruik. In dit project wordt met MKB-partners met een achtergrond in elektrotechnische installaties, ICT, bouw en inrichting en hulpmiddelen samengewerkt aan het ontwerpen en evalueren van een ?demonstrator?: een start van een field lab track & trace van hulpmiddelen voor zorginstellingen met twee testlocaties in verpleeghuizen. Dit doen deze partijen samen met twee verpleeghuisorganisaties en hun professionals teneinde een systeem te ontwikkelen dat aansluit bij de behoeften van de werkvloer en derhalve de grootste meerwaarde heeft voor de stakeholders. Hierbij zullen verschillende werkvormen worden gebruikt waarbij de nadruk ligt op de inbreng van alle betrokkenen. Door middel van focusgroep- en ontwerpsessies zullen stakeholders de behoeften op het gebied van track & trace van roerende goederen kunnen definiëren en omzetten in een concreet ontwerp. Het eindresultaat van het project zal naast concrete kennis vooral bestaan uit een tweetal demonstrators die met aanpassing ook in andere zorgsettings ingezet kunnen worden om kwaliteit van zorg en werkprocessen te ondersteunen. Deze demonstrators zullen tevens dienen als platform voor vervolgexperimenten.