The “Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: States of the Art and Future Perspectives”publication presents contemporary, innovative, and insightful narratives, debates, and frameworks based on an international collection of papers from scholars spanning the fields of gerontology, social sciences, architecture, computer science, and gerontechnology. This extensive collection of papers aims to move the narrative and debates forward in this interdisciplinary field of age-friendly cities and communities. CC BY-NC-ND Book CC BY Chapters © 2021 by the authors Original book at: (This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Feature Papers "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives" that was published in IJERPH)
The “Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: States of the Art and Future Perspectives”publication presents contemporary, innovative, and insightful narratives, debates, and frameworks based on an international collection of papers from scholars spanning the fields of gerontology, social sciences, architecture, computer science, and gerontechnology. This extensive collection of papers aims to move the narrative and debates forward in this interdisciplinary field of age-friendly cities and communities. CC BY-NC-ND Book CC BY Chapters © 2021 by the authors Original book at: (This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Feature Papers "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives" that was published in IJERPH)
Met de uitvoering van het onderzoek ‘Het stedenbouwkundig bureau van de toekomst’ (zie eerste rapportage van het RAAK-project) aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam is een kennisplatform tot stand gekomen over de inhoud en onderlinge positionering van stedelijke theorieën, methoden en casussen. Het platform stelt de stedelijk professional (al werkend en lerend) in staat, in samenspraak met collega’s, de beschikbare interdisciplinaire kennis over ruimtelijke analyses in stedelijke gebieden te ontsluiten, te delen en te vergroten.