Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
We aim to set up a continuous low cost monitoring system for electromagnetic fields in the Netherlands, so that a trend in exposure to 5G signals can be observed. A number of options will be explored for this, such as software-defined radio and measurement nodes for specific 5G frequencies. We developed and tested low cost dedicated measurement nodes for four 5G bands: the 800, 1400, 2100 and 3500 MHz bands. Generally, the error is less than 1 dB and close to dynamic range limits (-65 to 5 dBm) the error increases to 3 dB.
Patients with non-specific low back pain (LBP) may use postural control strategies that differ from healthy subjects. To study these possible differences, we measured the amount and structure of postural sway, and the response to muscle vibration in a working cohort of 215 subjects. Subjects were standing on a force plate in bipedal stance. In the first trial the eyes were open, no perturbation applied. In the following 6 trials, vision was occluded and subjects stood under various conditions of vibration/no vibration of the lumbar spine or m. Triceps Surae (TSM) on firm surface and on foam surface. We performed a factor analysis to reduce the large amount of variables that are available to quantify all effects. Subjects with LBP showed the same amount of sway as subjects without LBP, but the structure of their sway pattern was less regular with higher frequency content. Subjects with LBP also showed a smaller response to TSM vibration, and a slower balance recovery after cessation of vibration when standing on a solid surface. There was a weak but significant association between smaller responses to TSM vibration and an irregular, high frequency sway pattern, independent from LBP. A model for control of postural sway is proposed. This model suggests that subjects with LBP use more co-contraction and less cognitive control, to maintain a standing balance when compared to subjects without LBP. In addition, a reduced weighting of proprioceptive signals in subjects with LBP is suggested as an explanation for the findings in this study.
The transmission of constant-envelope orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CE-OFDM) signals, based on electrical phase modulation, was shown to improve the tolerance to noise and the nonlinearity introduced by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in visible light communication (VLC) systems. This allows the application of larger signal amplitudes despite the LED-nonlinearities and, thus, data transmission over larger distances. The performance of a 9.51 Mb/s CE-OFDM based system, with 16-QAM subcarrier mapping in a bandwidth of 5 MHz, was compared to the efficiency of a conventional OFDM system. The error vector magnitude (EVM) was reduced from 17.5% to 10% (which is below the FEC limit), an improvement around 43%, when the CE-OFDM scheme was applied in the VLC link of 6 m. A good performance was achieved by the CE-OFDM based VLC system in a link of 8 m, when 4-QAM was used as subcarrier mapping.
Carboxylated cellulose is an important product on the market, and one of the most well-known examples is carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). However, CMC is prepared by modification of cellulose with the extremely hazardous compound monochloracetic acid. In this project, we want to make a carboxylated cellulose that is a functional equivalent for CMC using a greener process with renewable raw materials derived from levulinic acid. Processes to achieve cellulose with a low and a high carboxylation degree will be designed.
Digital innovations in the field of immersive Augmented Reality (AR) can be a solution to offer adults who are mentally, physically or financially unable to attend sporting events such as premier league football a stadium and match experience. This allows them to continue to connect with their social networks. In the intended project, AR content will be further developed with the aim of evoking the stadium experience of home matches as much as possible. The extent to which AR enriches the experience is then tested in an experiment, in which the experience of a football match with and without AR enrichment is measured in a stadium setting and in a home setting. The experience is measured with physiological signals. In addition, a subjective experience measure is also being developed and benchmarked (the experience impact score). Societal issueInclusion and health: The joint experience of (top) sports competitions forms a platform for vulnerable adults, with a limited social capital, to build up and maintain the social networks that are so necessary for them. AR to fight against social isolation and loneliness.
The maximum capacity of the road infrastructure is being reached due to the number of vehicles that are being introduced on Dutch roads each day. One of the plausible solutions to tackle congestion could be efficient and effective use of road infrastructure using modern technologies such as cooperative mobility. Cooperative mobility relies majorly on big data that is generated potentially by millions of vehicles that are travelling on the road. But how can this data be generated? Modern vehicles already contain a host of sensors that are required for its operation. This data is typically circulated within an automobile via the CAN bus and can in-principle be shared with the outside world considering the privacy aspects of data sharing. The main problem is, however, the difficulty in interpreting this data. This is mainly because the configuration of this data varies between manufacturers and vehicle models and have not been standardized by the manufacturers. Signals from the CAN bus could be manually reverse engineered, but this process is extremely labour-intensive and time-consuming. In this project we investigate if an intelligent tool or specific test procedures could be developed to extract CAN messages and their composition efficiently irrespective of vehicle brand and type. This would lay the foundations that are required to generate big data-sets from in-vehicle data efficiently.