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Chronic itching is a serious and uncomfortable condition. The scratch response might result in a vicious cycle of alternating itching and scratching. To develop psychological interventions for people suffering from chronic itching and to break the vicious itch-scratching-itch cycle, it is important to elucidate which environmental factors trigger itch sensations. Virtual reality (VR) techniques provide a useful tool to examine specific content characteristics in a three-dimensional (3D VR) environment and their influences on itch sensations and scratching behaviour. This article describes two experiments in which we focused on the effects of environmental information on itching and scratching behaviour. Additionally, in the second experiment, we examined the influence of having a chronic skin condition on sensitivity to itch induction. We found evidence for the importance of the content of audio–visual materials for the effectiveness in inducing feelings of itch in the observers. In both experiments, we observed significantly higher levels of perceived itch in the itch-inducing conditions than in the control condition. Moreover, the results showed that elevated levels of perceived itch were associated with an increase in scratching behaviours, which was especially salient in the contagious itch condition, in which perceived itch was accompanied by a significant increase in the number of scratches. Experiment 2 additionally showed increased perceived itch levels in participants who reported having a chronic skin condition, reflecting higher sensitivity to itch-inducing audio–visual stimuli in this group than in participants without a chronic skin condition. Based on the results we concluded that directing attention towards itch- or scratch aspects of related information in the environment and to the consequences for one’s own skin are effective tools to induce itch sensations and scratching behaviour. This knowledge provides tools for developing novel strategies in advising and treating people suffering from chronic itching and breaking the vicious itch-scratching-itch cycle.
Crustumerium was an Iron Age settlement north of Rome, inhabited between 850 and 500 BC. On the basis of archaeological field surveys in the 1970’s a scenario for the development of the city and its countryside was proposed, which matches traditional models of city-state formation. However, little attention was paid to the fact that the local archaeology has been substantially disturbed by nearly a century of mechanized agricultural exploitation. A new analysis of existing and new data, in which the effects of erosion are also considered, now shows that alternative interpretations, which do not assume the maximum urbanisation of the ancient settlement area, are feasible. For the rural area directly surrounding Crustumerium, new analyses of data similarly open up new avenues of interpretation. Here, recent research indicates that a major increase of rural activity (ruralisation) can be placed in the Roman period, long after the abandonment of Crustumerium. The prevailing idea based on legacy data, however, is that intensive ruralisation already took place during the reign of Crustumerium, and that the countryside fell in disuse afterwards.This new study shows that the search for pre-Roman remains in a Roman landscape is very problematic and that new angles of interpretation are needed to review the development of the city and country of Crustumerium. By doing so, the study also questions existing ideas of the urbanisation and ruralisation of ancient city-states in a broader sense.
Het zoeken naar gemeenschappelijke grondslagen is een hachelijke onderneming. Paradoxaal genoeg verkeert een zoektocht naar ‘wat ons bindt’ vaak in haar tegendeel; het slaan van piketpaaltjes, het markeren van grenzen, van wat ons verdeelt. Met onze aanzet tot een discussie over de grondslagen van social work richten we ons nadrukkelijk niet op de indeling van werkvelden, beroepsprofielen en opleidingsprofielen en onderwijsstructuren, maar op de vraag die daar aan voorafgaat: de vraag naar wat ons in het professionele handelen gezamenlijk uitdaagt. Antwoorden op die vraag zoeken we in de maatschappelijke transities waaraan we momenteel gezamenlijk onderworpen zijn, en waarin het lot van sociaal-agogische beroepsgroepen in sterke mate met elkaar verbonden zijn. Daarbij richten we onze blik van buiten naar binnen: welke ontwikkelingen doen zich op dit moment in de samenleving voor en wat betekenen deze ontwikkelingen voor de sociale professionals die we opleiden?