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Continuing professional development approaches such as professional learning communities (PLCs) could help schools to sustainably work on school improvement to meet the rapid changes in the world around us. Sustainability is achieved when the core components of the approach become a self-evident and functional part of the school (or: organizational routine), which is flexible and adaptive to ongoing work, and aimed at regular improvement. Achieving sustainability has been found to be a challenge for a lot of schools, however. Leadership is assumed to be crucial for sustainability. We studied leadership through a distributed leadership lens: all activities tied to the core work of the school that are designed by the school’s staff members to influence the motivation, knowledge, or practices of other members of the school organization were considered. As research into sustainability of professional development and leadership was scarce, this dissertation focused on the following question: What is the role of school leadership in schools that work sustainably on school improvement with PLCs? A case study design was used to gain in-depth insight into what leadership and sustainably working on school improvement with PLCs looks like in five Dutch secondary schools. The schools were intensively observed (approximately 160 hours per school), school (policy) documents were collected, social network questionnaires were administered, and the school leadership was interviewed. Based on four studies, that focused on leaders’ practices, knowledge brokerage, and beliefs, the role of school leadership appears to be threefold. They 1) adequately designed the organization for working with the PLC, 2) managed the teaching and learning program while considering the PLC, and 3) helped and supported the staff members’ development for working with the PLC. The way in which leaders carried out the triple role of leadership seemed to be related to different factors. These factors are situated at the personal, interpersonal, and school contextual levels. The dissertation shows what leadership practices were carried out in what way and provides practical implications resulting from that. The insights could inspire schools and school leadership to work sustainably on school improvement with PLCs too.
Leaders play an important role in creating suitable conditions for and leading change, and leadership is most effective when it is needed most, such as during disruptive change. We used the disruption caused by the pandemic as a case to study how school leaders responded, starting from the framework by Leithwood, Harris, and Hopkins (2008. “Seven Strong Claims About Successful School Leadership.” School Leadership & Management 28 (1): 27–42. 89 school leaders in higher education completed an open-ended questionnaire. Additionally, nine of these leaders were interviewed to explore their practices in depth. The leadership practices and paths of influence defined by Leithwood and colleagues (2008. “Seven Strong Claims About Successful School Leadership.” School Leadership & Management 28 (1): 27–42. largely worked to understand leadership in times of disruption. We identified a new path of influence (relational) and refined the framework based on our insights. School leaders focused on setting directions and developing people and mainly influenced the change process through the relational and emotional path. These findings are an important next step in understanding and supporting leadership in times of disruption. This will become more and more important in a world of growing complexity and uncertainty.
Deze publicatie gaat over het leiderschap van leraren, internationaal aangeduid als ‘teacher leadership’. Leraren kunnen veel verschillende vormen van leiderschap uitoefenen. Persoonlijk leiderschap heeft bijvoorbeeldbetrekking op de mate waarin leraren regie over hun eigen werk en eigen ontwikkeling voeren. Pedagogisch leiderschap is de wijze waarop leraren in hun klas leiderschap richting hun leerlingen tonen en invloed uitoefenen op de leerprocessen van leerlingen. In voorliggende publicatie bedoelen we met ‘leiderschap van leraren’ of ‘teacher leadership’ de invloed die leraren uitoefenen op zaken die hun eigen klas of hun eigen vak overstijgen. Met dat leiderschap beïnvloeden ze collega’s, leidinggevenden en anderen binnen de school. Die invloed kan betrekking hebben op het curriculum, het handelen van collega’s, het pedagogisch klimaat binnen de school, het beleid en de organisatie vanzaken binnen en buiten de school, etc. Dat kan door ideeën te opperen, te ontwikkelen, te ondersteunen, te adviseren, te inspireren, rolmodel te zijn en nog op tal van andere manieren.In Nederland wordt in toenemende mate verwacht dat leraren de verantwoordelijkheid en leiding krijgen en nemen ten aanzien van cruciale aspecten van het onderwijs binnen scholen. Leraren moeten dan wel de mogelijkheden hebben om deze rol op zich te kunnen nemen (NRO, 2017). Dit was aanleiding voor het Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek om opdracht te geven tot het schrijven van een overzichtsartikel rond de vraag:Op welke manier(en) kan bereikt worden dat leraren een leidende rol kunnen spelen in individuele scholen (in alle onderwijssectoren), in samenwerkingsverbanden tussen scholen en op landelijk niveau?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag zijn we uitgegaan van vier deelvragen:1. Waarom is er in toenemende mate aandacht voor teacher leadership?2. Wat is teacher leadership precies?3. Wat is er uit onderzoek bekend over de effecten van en condities voor teacherleadership?4. Welke vormen van teacher leadership zijn er in de Nederlandse context reedszichtbaar?Op basis hiervan beantwoorden we de hoofdvraag:Hoe kan het leiderschap van leraren in scholen versterkt worden?Voor het beantwoorden van deze vijf vragen hebben we geput uit nationale en internationale praktijk- en beleidspublicaties, gebruik gemaakt van diverse overzichtsstudies en een systematische analyse gedaan van 44 onderzoekspublicaties over teacher leadership die tussen 2014 en 2017 zijn verschenen.
This book discusses whether, and if so, how facility management (FM) can contribute toeducational achievements at Dutch higher education institutions. Although there is increasingevidence that the quality of the lecturer is decisive for the performance and development ofstudents (Marzano 2007; Mourshed, Chijioke and Barber 2010), and in addition, educationalleadership can shape the necessary boundary conditions for these primary actors to succeed,nowadays this must be considered as a too narrow conception of what good education is allabout. Up to date, in literature there is a lively debate about the effective use of facilitydesign, as a mixture of designed features of physical facilities and services, to contribute toeducation as well. We have seen many examples of the so-called human factor beingnegatively influenced by seemingly fringe events, but that suddenly appears to beprecondition for education. Too warm, too cold, too crowded, too loud, too messy, and noidea why this device doesn’t work are phrases that come to mind. We now know that the builtschool environment and facility services that are offered are among the elements that caninfluence good education. The evidence comes from a multiple disciplines, such asenvironmental-psychology (Durán-Narucki 2008; Hygge and Knez 2001), medicine(Hutchinson 2003), educational research (Blackmore et al. 2011; Oblinger 2006; Schneider2002; Temple 2007), and real estate and facility management (Daisey, Angell and Apte 2003;Duyar 2010; Barrett et al. 2013). Considering all the above, there seems to be a scientificblack box with respect to the relatively new scientific discipline of FM. Deeply rooted inpractice, the abstractions that have existed until now have hardly led to a fundamentalunderstanding of the contribution of FM to education. Therefore, the main objective of thisbook is as follows.
The Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy is a teaching and research position awarded by the European Commission to Dr Beata Kviatek and is hosted by the International Business School at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, the Netherlands. It is the first time that the Jean Monnet Chair is hosted by a university of applied sciences.Project descriptionThe Jean Monnet Chair is awarded to professors with an excellent profile and expertise in European Union studies, following a positive evaluation of the candidate and the proposed actions by independent experts as excellent with regard to the relevance, quality, and impact. The implementation of the proposed actions is supported by a three-year grant, co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union and the hosting organisation.GoalsThe Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy, led by Dr Beata Kviatek, aims to:develop knowledge on EU efforts to develop a low carbon, more resource efficient, strong and resilient economy that supports the development of a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe;enhance, innovate and promote excellence in teaching and research on European integration and sustainable EU economy at universities of applied sciences and, in particular, business schools;foster dialogue and exchanges of ideas between the academic world, policy makers, businesses, and society at large by providing a meeting place for debate, sharing of knowledge and people-to-people dialogue on European integration and sustainable EU economy.ValorisationThe Jean Monnet Chair (JMC) in Sustainable EU Economy is important because it addresses the challenges society faces by linking local and regional actions with national and European goals for sustainability.The JMC generates knowledge and insights for policy-makers, promotes excellence in teaching and research, fosters a dialogue between the academic world and society, and reaches out to the wider public. In that way the Jean Monnet Chair creates value for the hosting organization as well as the region.The Chair brings the knowledge on EU leadership in sustainability worldwide and the EU priorities and policies for sustainable economy to the classroom and provides guidelines for its broader integration into the business curriculum of higher education. This allows to innovate and update the business curriculum in order to meet the growing need for well-educated, competent professionals who are familiar with a European perspective.The Jean Monnet Chair provides a platform for meeting, debate, and knowledge sharing. In that way the Chair strengthens the social engagement of Hanze UAS locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, and contributes to the implementation of the Hanze UAS mission and the Strategic Plan.The Hanze motto “share your talent. move the world.” is leading in the work programme of the Jean Monnet Chair that includes promotion of excellence in teaching and research of sustainable EU economy and sharing the gained experience and knowledge with other international business schools and universities.