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Introduction: Besides dyspnoea and cough, patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) or sarcoidosis may experience distressing non-respiratory symptoms, such as fatigue or muscle weakness. However, whether and to what extent symptom burden differs between patients with IPF or sarcoidosis and individuals without respiratory disease remains currently unknown. Objectives: To study the respiratory and non-respiratory burden of multiple symptoms in patients with IPF or sarcoidosis and to compare the symptom burden with individuals without impaired spirometric values, FVC and FEV1 (controls). Methods: Demographics and symptoms were assessed in 59 patients with IPF, 60 patients with sarcoidosis and 118 controls (age ≥18 years). Patients with either condition were matched to controls by sex and age. Severity of 14 symptoms was assessed using a Visual Analogue Scale. Results: 44 patients with IPF (77.3% male; age 70.6±5.5 years) and 44 matched controls, and 45 patients with sarcoidosis (48.9% male; age 58.1±8.6 year) and 45 matched controls were analyzed. Patients with IPF scored higher on 11 symptoms compared to controls (p<0.05), with the largest differences for dyspnoea, cough, fatigue, muscle weakness and insomnia. Patients with sarcoidosis scored higher on all 14 symptoms (p<0.05), with the largest differences for dyspnoea, fatigue, cough, muscle weakness, insomnia, pain, itch, thirst, micturition (night, day). Conclusions: Generally, respiratory and non-respiratory symptom burden is significantly higher in patients with IPF or sarcoidosis compared to controls. This emphasizes the importance of awareness for respiratory and non-respiratory symptom burden in IPF or sarcoidosis and the need for additional research to study the underlying mechanisms and subsequent interventions.
Background: Previous studies found that 40-60% of the sarcoidosis patients suffer from small fiber neuropathy (SFN), substantially affecting quality of life. SFN is difficult to diagnose, as a gold standard is still lacking. The need for an easily administered screening instrument to identify sarcoidosis-associated SFN symptoms led to the development of the SFN Screening List (SFNSL). The usefulness of any questionnaire in clinical management and research trials depends on its interpretability. Obtaining a clinically relevant change score on a questionnaire requires that the smallest detectable change (SDC) and minimal important difference (MID) are known. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the SDC and MID for the SFNSL in patients with sarcoidosis. Methods: Patients with neurosarcoidosis and/or sarcoidosis-associated SFN symptoms (N=138) included in the online Dutch Neurosarcoidosis Registry participated in a prospective, longitudinal study. Anchor-based and distribution-based methods were used to estimate the MID and SDC, respectively. Results: The SFNSL was completed both at baseline and at 6-months’ follow-up by 89/138 patients. A marginal ROC curve (0.6) indicated cut-off values of 3.5 points, with 73% sensitivity and 49% specificity for change. The SDC was 11.8 points. Conclusions: The MID on the SFNSL is 3.5 points for a clinically relevant change over a 6-month period. The MID can be used in the follow-up and management of SFN-associated symptoms in patients with sarcoidosis, though with some caution as the SDC was found to be higher.
Achtergrond: De Two-Minute Step Test (TMST) is een meetinstrument gericht op het beoordelen van uithoudingsvermogen. Verscheidene psychometrische eigenschappen van de TMST-NL (Nederlands vertaalde versie) zijn onderzocht bij intramuraal wonende ouderen. De gevoeligheid voor verandering en de responsiviteit is bij deze patiëntenpopulatie nog niet vastgesteld. Doel: Het vaststellen van de gevoeligheid voor verandering en de responsiviteit (Minimal Clinical Important Difference) van de TMST-NL bij intramuraal wonende ouderen. Design: Prospectief responsiviteitsonderzoek.Methode: De onderzoekspopulatie bestond uit intramuraal wonende ouderen. Deelnemers hebben twee meetmomenten (T0 en T1) ondergaan waartussen ze drie maanden fysiotherapie gericht op uithoudingsvermogen ontvingen. Om de gevoeligheid van verandering te meten werd de distributie methode gebruikt waarbij de correlatie met de 6-minuten wandeltest (6MWT) werd getoetst. Via de anker methode met de Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve werd de MCID bepaald.Metingen voor het aerobe uithoudingsvermogen werden verricht met de TMST-NL en de 6-minuten wandeltest (6MWT). De Global Rating of Change (GRC) en de Borg Category-Ratio10 (BORG-CR10) werden gebruikt als subjectieve vragenlijsten om verandering van de gezondheidssituatie en vermoeidheid te meten.Resultaten: Intramurale ouderen (N=50) met een gemiddelde (SD) leeftijd van 83,96 jaar (6,96) zijn geïncludeerd. De correlatie tussen de verschilscores van de TMST-NL en de 6MWT over de deelnemerspopulatie die T1 ook hebben afgerond (N= 36) kwam uit op r=0.51 (P <0.05). Vanuit de ROC curve werd een MCID van 8,50 stappen berekend. De AUC-waarde was 0,74 (95% CI 0,54-0,94; P =0.02). Conclusie: De TMST-NL is gevoelig voor verandering en responsief bij intramuraal wonende ouderen. Echter doordat de MCID binnen de minimale meetfout (MDC) valt moeten de resultaten voor individuele evaluatie bij deze doelgroep met voorzichtigheid worden geïnterpreteerd.