This two-wave complete panel study aims to examine human resource management (HRM) bundles of practices in relation to social support [i.e., leader–member exchange (LMX; Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995), coworker exchange (CWX; Sherony & Green, 2002)] and employee outcomes (i.e., work engagement, employability, and health), within a context of workers aged 65+, the so-called bridge workers (Wang, Adams, Beehr, & Shultz, 2009). Based upon the social exchange theory (Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960), and the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R; Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001) framework, it was hypothesized that HRM bundles at Time 1 would increase bridge workers’ outcomes at Time 2, and that this relationship would be mediated by perceptions of LMX and CWX at Time 2. Hypotheses were tested among a unique sample of Dutch bridge employees (N = 228). Results of several structural equation modeling analyses revealed no significant associations between HRM bundles, and social support, moreover, no significant associations were found in relation to employee outcomes. However, the results of the best-fitting final model revealed the importance of the impact of social support on employee (65+) outcomes over time.
This two-wave complete panel study aims to examine human resource management (HRM) bundles of practices in relation to social support [i.e., leader–member exchange (LMX; Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995), coworker exchange (CWX; Sherony & Green, 2002)] and employee outcomes (i.e., work engagement, employability, and health), within a context of workers aged 65+, the so-called bridge workers (Wang, Adams, Beehr, & Shultz, 2009). Based upon the social exchange theory (Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960), and the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R; Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001) framework, it was hypothesized that HRM bundles at Time 1 would increase bridge workers’ outcomes at Time 2, and that this relationship would be mediated by perceptions of LMX and CWX at Time 2. Hypotheses were tested among a unique sample of Dutch bridge employees (N = 228). Results of several structural equation modeling analyses revealed no significant associations between HRM bundles, and social support, moreover, no significant associations were found in relation to employee outcomes. However, the results of the best-fitting final model revealed the importance of the impact of social support on employee (65+) outcomes over time.
Although the attention for neurodiversity in human resource management (HRM) is growing, neurodivergent individuals are still primarily supported from a deficit-oriented paradigm, which points towards individuals' deviation from neurotypical norms. Following the HRM process model, our study explored to what extent a strengths-based HRM approach to the identification, use, and development of strengths of neurodivergent groups is intended, implemented, and perceived in organizations. Thirty participants were interviewed, including HRM professionals (n=15), supervisors of neurodivergent employees (n=4), and neurodivergent employees (n=11). Our findings show that there is significant potential in embracing the strengths-based approach to promote neurodiversity-inclusion, for instance with the use of job crafting practices or (awareness) training to promote strengths use. Still, the acknowledgement of neurodivergent individuals' strengths in the workplace depends on the integration of the strengths-based approach into a supportive framework of HR practices related to strengths identification, use, and development. Here, particular attention should be dedicated to strengths development for neurodivergent employees (e.g., optimally balancing strengths use). By adopting the strengths-based HRM approach to neurodiversity as a means of challenging the ableist norms of organizations, we add to the HRM literature by contributing to the discussion on how both research and organizations can optimally support an increasingly diverse workforce by focusing on individual strengths
Met de opkomst van digitale diensten en de impact van digitale technologie is het vraagstuk van privacy hoog op de maatschappelijke agenda beland. Burgers gebruiken steeds vaker apps en andere online services, met als keerzijde dat we steeds meer informatie over onszelf moeten delen om optimaal gebruik te kunnen maken van deze faciliteiten. Dit kan leiden tot schending van onze privacy. Ook voor de meeste (mkb-)bedrijven is het lastig om inzicht te krijgen in de privacy implicaties van hun online services en in de privacy-eisen om deze implicaties te verzachten. Het privacyvraagstuk is voor deze doelgroepen grijpbaar te maken door de privacy-eisen waar online diensten aan moeten voldoen op een beknopte, overzichtelijke en duidelijke manier te communiceren. Privacy labels, in navolging van energielabels en voedingslabels, zijn hiervoor een veelbelovende methode. Binnen het, door NWO gefinancierde, SERIOUS project is een prototype ontwikkeld om privacy-eisen te visualiseren middels een multidimensionaal privacy label (Barth, Ionita en Hartel, 2020). Op basis van een vragenlijst met betrekking op datacollectie, dataverwerking en datadisseminatie kan de mate van privacy borging en bescherming worden vastgesteld. Het huidige prototype van dit privacy label is generiek. Echter is het mogelijk dat bepaalde elementen van privacy in de praktijk binnen sommige domeinen veel zwaarder wegen dan binnen anderen. Kenniscentrum Creating 010 onderzoekt, naar aanleiding van de vraag vanuit de samenwerkingspartijen van het SERIOUS project, binnen dit project hoe het SERIOUS prototype kan worden doorontwikkeld naar een volwaardig privacy label. Hierbij wordt nagegaan of en hoe het prototype in en voor verschillende sectoren werkt, deze zijn: retail, media en cultuur. Het doel van dit project is om middels een haalbaarheidsstudie de richtlijnen voor een domein-specifiek label te achterhalen en op te stellen die dienen als uitgangspunt voor een vervolgproject voor een domein-specifieke privacy tool.