OBJECTIVES: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by its heterogeneity, with large differences in clinical characteristics between patients. Therefore, a stratified approach to exercise therapy, whereby patients are allocated to homogeneous subgroups and receive a stratified, subgroup-specific intervention, can be expected to optimize current clinical effects. Recently, we developed and pilot tested a model of stratified exercise therapy based on clinically relevant subgroups of knee OA patients that we previously identified. Based on the promising results, it is timely to evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of stratified exercise therapy compared with usual, "nonstratified" exercise therapy.METHODS: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial including economic and process evaluation, comparing stratified exercise therapy with usual care by physical therapists (PTs) in primary care, in a total of 408 patients with clinically diagnosed knee OA. Eligible physical therapy practices are randomized in a 1:2 ratio to provide the experimental (in 204 patients) or control intervention (in 204 patients), respectively. The experimental intervention is a model of stratified exercise therapy consisting of (a) a stratification algorithm that allocates patients to a "high muscle strength subgroup," "low muscle strength subgroup," or "obesity subgroup" and (b) subgroup-specific, protocolized exercise therapy (with an additional dietary intervention from a dietician for the obesity subgroup only). The control intervention will be usual best practice by PTs (i.e., nonstratified exercise therapy). Our primary outcome measures are knee pain severity (Numeric Rating Scale) and physical functioning (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score subscale daily living). Measurements will be performed at baseline, 3-month (primary endpoint), 6-month (questionnaires only), and 12-month follow-up, with an additional cost questionnaire at 9 months. Intention-to-treat, multilevel, regression analysis comparing stratified versus usual care will be performed.CONCLUSION: This study will demonstrate whether stratified care provided by primary care PTs is effective and cost-effective compared with usual best practice from PTs.
OBJECTIVES: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by its heterogeneity, with large differences in clinical characteristics between patients. Therefore, a stratified approach to exercise therapy, whereby patients are allocated to homogeneous subgroups and receive a stratified, subgroup-specific intervention, can be expected to optimize current clinical effects. Recently, we developed and pilot tested a model of stratified exercise therapy based on clinically relevant subgroups of knee OA patients that we previously identified. Based on the promising results, it is timely to evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of stratified exercise therapy compared with usual, "nonstratified" exercise therapy.METHODS: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial including economic and process evaluation, comparing stratified exercise therapy with usual care by physical therapists (PTs) in primary care, in a total of 408 patients with clinically diagnosed knee OA. Eligible physical therapy practices are randomized in a 1:2 ratio to provide the experimental (in 204 patients) or control intervention (in 204 patients), respectively. The experimental intervention is a model of stratified exercise therapy consisting of (a) a stratification algorithm that allocates patients to a "high muscle strength subgroup," "low muscle strength subgroup," or "obesity subgroup" and (b) subgroup-specific, protocolized exercise therapy (with an additional dietary intervention from a dietician for the obesity subgroup only). The control intervention will be usual best practice by PTs (i.e., nonstratified exercise therapy). Our primary outcome measures are knee pain severity (Numeric Rating Scale) and physical functioning (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score subscale daily living). Measurements will be performed at baseline, 3-month (primary endpoint), 6-month (questionnaires only), and 12-month follow-up, with an additional cost questionnaire at 9 months. Intention-to-treat, multilevel, regression analysis comparing stratified versus usual care will be performed.CONCLUSION: This study will demonstrate whether stratified care provided by primary care PTs is effective and cost-effective compared with usual best practice from PTs.
Background: People with severe mental illnesses (SMIs) have difficulty participating in society through work or other daily activities. Aims: To establish the effectiveness with which the Boston University Approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation (BPR) improves the level of social participation in people with SMIs, in the Netherlands. Method: In a randomized controlled trial involving 188 people with SMIs, we compared BPR (n = 98) with an Active Control Condition (ACC, n = 90) (Trial registration ISRCTN88987322). Multilevel modeling was used to study intervention effects over two six-month periods. The primary outcome measure was level of social participation, expressed as having participated in paid or unpaid employment over the past six months, as the total hours spent in paid or unpaid employment, and as the current level of social participation. Secondary outcome measures were clients’ views on rehabilitation goal attainment, Quality of Life (QOL), personal recovery, self-efficacy, and psychosocial functioning. Results: During the study, social participation, QOL, and psychosocial functioning improved in patients in both groups. However, BPR was not more effective than ACC on any of the outcomes. Better social participation was predicted by previous work experience and a lower intensity of psychiatric symptoms. Conclusions: While ACC was as effective as BPR in improving the social participation of individuals with SMIs, much higher percentages of participants in our sample found (paid) work or other meaningful activities than in observational studies without specific support for social participation. This suggests that focused rehabilitation efforts are beneficial, irrespective of the specific methodology used.
Een goede voorbereiding is het halve werk, ook voor patiënten op de wachtlijst voor een chirurgische ingreep. We onderzoeken hoe de e-health-applicatie 'Beter Voorbereid' mensen helpt om sterker aan de start van een operatie te staan en zo sneller te herstellen.Doel De e-health-applicatie Beter Voorbereid helpt patiënten om zich voor te bereiden op hun operatie. Ons onderzoek richt zich op de effectiviteit, verbetering en implementatie van de app met vier werkpakketten: Het optimaliseren van de app op basis van ervaringen van patiënten en zorgverleners. Het vormen van een netwerk van eerste- en tweedelijns zorgverleners die zorg voorafgaande aan een operatie bieden. Het onderzoeken van de effectiviteit van de app. Het opstellen van een implementatieplan, inclusief businessmodellen, van de app Beter Voorbereid. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt momenteel. Na afronding vind je hier een samenvatting van de resultaten. Lees meer over dit project op beter-voorbereid.nl. Looptijd 01 november 2018 - 01 januari 2023 Aanpak Binnen het Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc en het UMC Utrecht is een pilot gehouden naar de studieprocedures en bruikbaarheid van de applicatie. Naar aanleiding van deze resultaten worden verbeteringen doorgevoerd in de procedures van het onderzoek en de inhoud van de applicatie. Vervolgens zal in vier ziekenhuizen een groot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) starten naar de effectiviteit van de applicatie. Naast het Amsterdam UMC en UMC Utrecht zal dit ook plaatsvinden bij het Dijklander ziekenhuis in Hoorn. In deze periode zal ook het onderzoek naar de bredere implementatie van de app 'Beter Voorbereid' worden uitgevoerd.
Een goede voorbereiding is het halve werk, ook voor patiënten op de wachtlijst voor een chirurgische ingreep. We onderzoeken hoe de e-health-applicatie 'Beter Voorbereid' mensen helpt om sterker aan de start van een operatie te staan en zo sneller te herstellen.Doel De e-health-applicatie Beter Voorbereid helpt patiënten om zich voor te bereiden op hun operatie. Ons onderzoek richt zich op de effectiviteit, verbetering en implementatie van de app met vier werkpakketten: Het optimaliseren van de app op basis van ervaringen van patiënten en zorgverleners. Het vormen van een netwerk van eerste- en tweedelijns zorgverleners die zorg voorafgaande aan een operatie bieden. Het onderzoeken van de effectiviteit van de app. Het opstellen van een implementatieplan, inclusief businessmodellen, van de app Beter Voorbereid. Resultaten Dit onderzoek loopt momenteel. Na afronding vind je hier een samenvatting van de resultaten. Lees meer over dit project op beter-voorbereid.nl. Looptijd 01 november 2018 - 01 januari 2023 Aanpak Binnen het Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc en het UMC Utrecht is een pilot gehouden naar de studieprocedures en bruikbaarheid van de applicatie. Naar aanleiding van deze resultaten worden verbeteringen doorgevoerd in de procedures van het onderzoek en de inhoud van de applicatie. Vervolgens zal in vier ziekenhuizen een groot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) starten naar de effectiviteit van de applicatie. Naast het Amsterdam UMC en UMC Utrecht zal dit ook plaatsvinden bij het Dijklander ziekenhuis in Hoorn. In deze periode zal ook het onderzoek naar de bredere implementatie van de app 'Beter Voorbereid' worden uitgevoerd.
Effectiveness of Supported Education for students with mental health problems, an experimental study.The onset of mental health problems generally occurs between the ages of 16 and 23 – the years in which young people follow postsecondary education, which is a major channel in ourso ciety to prepare for a career and enhance life goals. Several studies have shown that students with mental health problems have a higher chance of early school leaving. Supported Education services have been developed to support students with mental health to remain at school. The current project aims to study the effect of an individually tailored Supported Education intervention on educational and mental health outcomes of students with mental health problems at a university of applied sciences and a community college. To that end, a mixed methods design will be used. This design combines quantitative research (Randomized Controlled Trial) with qualitative research (focus groups, monitoring, interviews). 100 students recruited from the two educational institutes will be randomly allocated to either the intervention or control group.