Phantom limb pain following amputation is highly prevalent as it affects up to 80% of amputees. Many amputees suffer from phantom limb pain for many years and experience major limitations in daily routines and quality of life. Conventional pharmacological interventions often have negative side-effects and evidence regarding their long-term efficacy is low. Central malplasticity such as the invasion of areas neighbouring the cortical representation of the amputated limb contributes to the occurrence and maintenance of phantom limb pain. In this context, alternative, non-pharmacological interventions such as mirror therapy that are thought to target these central mechanisms have gained increasing attention in the treatment of phantom limb pain. However, a standardized evidence-based treatment protocol for mirror therapy in patients with phantom limb pain is lacking, and evidence for its effectiveness is still low. Furthermore, given the chronic nature of phantom limb pain and suggested central malplasticity, published studies proposed that patients should self-deliver mirror therapy over several weeks to months to achieve sustainable effects. To achieve this training intensity, patients need to perform self-delivered exercises on a regular basis, which could be facilitated though the use of information and communication technology such as telerehabilitation. However, little is known about potential benefits of using telerehabilitation in patients with phantom limb pain, and controlled clinical trials investigating effects are lacking. The present thesis presents the findings from the ‘PAtient Centered Telerehabilitation’ (PACT) project, which was conducted in three consecutive phases: 1) creating a theoretical foundation; 2) modelling the intervention; and 3) evaluating the intervention in clinical practice. The objectives formulated for the three phases of the PACT project were: 1) to conduct a systematic review of the literature regarding important clinical aspects of mirror therapy. It focused on the evidence of applying mirror therapy in patients with stroke, complex regional pain syndrome and phantom limb pain. 2) to design and develop a clinical framework and a user-centred telerehabilitation for mirror therapy in patients with phantom limb pain following lower limb amputation. 3) to evaluate the effects of the clinical framework for mirror therapy and the additional effects of the teletreatment in patients with phantom limb pain. It also investigated whether the interventions were delivered by patients and therapists as intended.
Phantom limb pain following amputation is highly prevalent as it affects up to 80% of amputees. Many amputees suffer from phantom limb pain for many years and experience major limitations in daily routines and quality of life. Conventional pharmacological interventions often have negative side-effects and evidence regarding their long-term efficacy is low. Central malplasticity such as the invasion of areas neighbouring the cortical representation of the amputated limb contributes to the occurrence and maintenance of phantom limb pain. In this context, alternative, non-pharmacological interventions such as mirror therapy that are thought to target these central mechanisms have gained increasing attention in the treatment of phantom limb pain. However, a standardized evidence-based treatment protocol for mirror therapy in patients with phantom limb pain is lacking, and evidence for its effectiveness is still low. Furthermore, given the chronic nature of phantom limb pain and suggested central malplasticity, published studies proposed that patients should self-deliver mirror therapy over several weeks to months to achieve sustainable effects. To achieve this training intensity, patients need to perform self-delivered exercises on a regular basis, which could be facilitated though the use of information and communication technology such as telerehabilitation. However, little is known about potential benefits of using telerehabilitation in patients with phantom limb pain, and controlled clinical trials investigating effects are lacking. The present thesis presents the findings from the ‘PAtient Centered Telerehabilitation’ (PACT) project, which was conducted in three consecutive phases: 1) creating a theoretical foundation; 2) modelling the intervention; and 3) evaluating the intervention in clinical practice. The objectives formulated for the three phases of the PACT project were: 1) to conduct a systematic review of the literature regarding important clinical aspects of mirror therapy. It focused on the evidence of applying mirror therapy in patients with stroke, complex regional pain syndrome and phantom limb pain. 2) to design and develop a clinical framework and a user-centred telerehabilitation for mirror therapy in patients with phantom limb pain following lower limb amputation. 3) to evaluate the effects of the clinical framework for mirror therapy and the additional effects of the teletreatment in patients with phantom limb pain. It also investigated whether the interventions were delivered by patients and therapists as intended.
Ältere Menschen mit Demenz brauchen Wohnungen, die sowohl altersgemäß ausgestattet sind als auch die erforderliche Pflege im Haus anbieten. Traditionelle Änderungen und entsprechende Technologien bieten in erster Linie Lösungen für Personen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität. Dies bedeutet, dass die Häuser, bei denen entsprechende Veränderungen vorgenommen oder die nach den Bedürfnissen älterer Menschen geplant und ausgestattet wurden, wie z.B. behindertengerechte Erdgeschoss-Wohnungen, für Menschen mit Demenz und ihren pflegenden Familienangehörigen nicht in ausreichender Weise geeignet sind. Unterstützende Wohneinrichtungen für Menschen mit Demenz gibt es praktisch nicht; darüber hinaus gibt es auch nur sehr wenige Studien und Unterlagen, die nachweisen, wie diese Wohnungseinrichtungen für Menschen mit Demenz geplant und gebaut werden sollten (Ministry of Community and Social Services of Ontario, Kanada, 1990; Rommel et al., 1998, Blom et al, 2000, van Hoof et al., 2010a). Außerdem gibt es nur eine geringe Anzahl an Musterwohnungen und diese sind häufig mit Forschungsprogrammen von Universitäten verbunden. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Studie, eine Wohnung für Menschen mit Demenz so zu gestalten, die den Alterungsprozess vor Ort unterstützt. Gleichzeitig kann die Wohnung als Demonstrationsprojekt für Schulungen und Ausbildung genutzt werden. Die vorliegende Studie behandelt den Entwicklungsund Gestaltungsprozess dieses Wohnungskonzeptes. Dabei bezieht es auch die folgenden Aspekte des Wohnumfeldes ein: a. Architektur und Innenraumgestaltung b.Die physische Ausgestaltung der Räume c. Technische Lösungen, die mit dem Haus verbunden sind.