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Dit artikel is een vertaling van het artikel “Digital Radiography Reject Analysis: Results of a Survey Among Dutch Hospitals” dat in de mei/juni 2020 editie van het blad Radiologic Technology is gepubliceerd. Korte samenvatting: In opdracht van de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg is aan een steekproef van Nederlandse ziekenhuizen gevraagd hoe zij omgaan met medische beelden die worden afgekeurd. De resultaten laten zien dat de meeste ziekenhuizen deze opnames niet bewaren voor analyse.
Purpose: The aims of this study were to investigate how a variety of research methods is commonly employed to study technology and practitioner cognition. User-interface issues with infusion pumps were selected as a case because of its relevance to patient safety. Methods: Starting from a Cognitive Systems Engineering perspective, we developed an Impact Flow Diagram showing the relationship of computer technology, cognition, practitioner behavior, and system failure in the area of medical infusion devices. We subsequently conducted a systematic literature review on user-interface issues with infusion pumps, categorized the studies in terms of methods employed, and noted the usability problems found with particular methods. Next, we assigned usability problems and related methods to the levels in the Impact Flow Diagram. Results: Most study methods used to find user interface issues with infusion pumps focused on observable behavior rather than on how artifacts shape cognition and collaboration. A concerted and theorydriven application of these methods when testing infusion pumps is lacking in the literature. Detailed analysis of one case study provided an illustration of how to apply the Impact Flow Diagram, as well as how the scope of analysis may be broadened to include organizational and regulatory factors. Conclusion: Research methods to uncover use problems with technology may be used in many ways, with many different foci. We advocate the adoption of an Impact Flow Diagram perspective rather than merely focusing on usability issues in isolation. Truly advancing patient safety requires the systematic adoption of a systems perspective viewing people and technology as an ensemble, also in the design of medical device technology.
Purpose Worldwide, there are 30 million people with dementia (PWD) in 2009 and 100 million in 2050, respectively.These numbers show the need for a change in care for PWD. Leisure is one of these care aspects. Leisure activities can support PWD in several ways: meeting basic needs, providing comfort and social interaction, and reducing boredom, agitation, and isolation. An exemplary activity targeted at meeting these needs is ‘De Klessebessers (KB)’ (The Chitchatters), which aims to stimulate social interaction among PWD and provide comfort with supporting technology. This is innovative since technology for PWD generally concentrates on safety and monitoring activities. The activity comprises a radio, television, telephone, and treasure box. Method This study’s focus follows from the original aim of the KB-designers; to stimulate social interaction. In a nursing home and day care centre, the KB game was played with different groups of PWD (n=21: 12 females, 9 males, mean MMSE=17, range 3-28). In the morning KB (with technology), and in the afternoon an activity called ‘Questiongame’ (without technology) were played for 45 minutes. These activities were played twice in a two-month period, and outcomes were compared in terms of impact on social interaction. Group sizes ranged from 3 to 8 PWD assisted by 1 or 2 activity therapists. Two researchers observed the players during the activity with the Oshkosh Social Behavior Coding (OSBC) scale, which encompasses both verbal and nonverbal social and nonsocial behaviour. These behaviours can have a person-initiated and otherinitiated character (quantitative study). A total of 6 activity therapists were interviewed on the KB afterwards (qualitative study). Results & Discussion The quantitative results showed significantly higher scores for KB for the total of social interaction compared to Questiongame. Most of the behaviour is other-initiated (activity therapist). PWD with a lower MMSE score showed more non-verbal behaviour. For PWD with a MMSE score below 7, there was no difference in social interaction between the two activities. According to the qualitative research, KB triggered more social interaction, since the movies and music were stimulating the players to initiate a conversation, to which other players responded. The results of this research correspond with earlier research, which concludes that leisure activities with technology can show positive results on well-being.
In de loop van het leven wordt muziek voor de meeste mensen een drager van herinneringen en emoties. In de jeugd en vroege volwassenheid ontwikkelen we onze persoonlijke muzieksmaak. De muziek uit die tijd blijft ons het beste bij. Voor mensen met dementie, meestal 80 plussers, is dat ruim zestig jaar geleden. Daarom maakten de lectoraten Psychogeriatrie en Informatie, Technologie en Samenleving, in samenwerking met muziektherapeut Machgiel Bakker, een online muziekstation dat muziek uit die periode draait: Radio Remember. Een station om naar te luisteren, maar ook om in te zetten als psychosociale interventie om de kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie te verbeteren. In dit artikel wordt verslag gedaan van de eerste ervaringen en worden de volgende stappen van het project beschreven.
Deze casestudie geeft inzicht in verschillende soorten kennis die kenmerkend zijn voor applied design research. Er wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen kennis over de huidige situatie, over wenselijke alternatieven en over effectieve oplossingen om daar te komen. Ofwel, kennis hoe het is, kennis over hoe het kan zijn en kennis over hoe het zal zijn als we effectieve oplossingen toepassen. Elk van deze soorten kennis heeft andere kwaliteitscriteria.
Dit artikel is een vertaling van Steyaert, J. (2005). Web based higher education, the inclusion/exclusion paradox. Journal of technology in human services, 23(1/2), 67-78. Het beschrijft de relatie tussen e-learning en toegankelijkheid voor studenten met een functionele beperking.