This year, OPTIMAX was warmly welcomed by University College Dublin. For the sixth time students and teachers from Europe, South Africa, South America and Canada have come together enthusiastically to do research in the Radiography domain. As in previous years, there were several research groups consisting of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students and tutors from the OPTIMAX partner Universities or on invitation by partner Universities. OPTIMAX 2018 was partly funded by the partner Universities and partly by the participants.
This year, OPTIMAX was warmly welcomed by University College Dublin. For the sixth time students and teachers from Europe, South Africa, South America and Canada have come together enthusiastically to do research in the Radiography domain. As in previous years, there were several research groups consisting of PhD-, MSc- and BSc students and tutors from the OPTIMAX partner Universities or on invitation by partner Universities. OPTIMAX 2018 was partly funded by the partner Universities and partly by the participants.
Dit artikel is een vertaling van het artikel “Digital Radiography Reject Analysis: Results of a Survey Among Dutch Hospitals” dat in de mei/juni 2020 editie van het blad Radiologic Technology is gepubliceerd. Korte samenvatting: In opdracht van de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg is aan een steekproef van Nederlandse ziekenhuizen gevraagd hoe zij omgaan met medische beelden die worden afgekeurd. De resultaten laten zien dat de meeste ziekenhuizen deze opnames niet bewaren voor analyse.