Service of SURF
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The aim of this study, is to assess changes in prevalence and frailty score during pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in patients with COPD.
Abstract Objective: To describe changes in the health service delivery process experienced by professionals, patients and informal caregivers during implementation of a national programme to improve quality of care of geriatric rehabilitation by improving integration of health service delivery processes. Study setting: Sixteen skilled nursing facilities. Study design: Prospective study, comparing three consecutive cohorts. Data collection: Professionals (elderly care physicians, physiotherapists and nursing staff) rated four domains of health service delivery at admission and at discharge of 1075 patients. In addition, these patients [median age 79 (Interquartile range 71–85) years, 63% females] and their informal caregivers rated their experiences on these domains 4 weeks after discharge. Principal findings: During the three consecutive cohorts, professionals reported improvement on the domain team cooperation, including assessment for intensive treatment and information transfer among professionals. Fewer improvements were reported within the domains alignment with patients’ needs, care coordination and care quality. Between the cohorts, according to patients (n = 521) and informal caregivers (n = 319) there were no changes in the four domains of health service delivery. Conclusion: This national programme resulted in small improvements in team cooperation as reported by the professionals. No effects were found on patients’ and informal caregivers’ perceptions of health service delivery.
Abstract: Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma have a high prevalence and disease burden. Blended self-management interventions, which combine eHealth with face-to-face interventions, can help reduce the disease burden. Objective: This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to examine the effectiveness of blended self-management interventions on health-related effectiveness and process outcomes for people with COPD or asthma. Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, COCHRANE Library, Emcare, and Embase were searched in December 2018 and updated in November 2020. Study quality was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias (ROB) 2 tool and the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation. Results: A total of 15 COPD and 7 asthma randomized controlled trials were included in this study. The meta-analysis of COPD studies found that the blended intervention showed a small improvement in exercise capacity (standardized mean difference [SMD] 0.48; 95% CI 0.10-0.85) and a significant improvement in the quality of life (QoL; SMD 0.81; 95% CI 0.11-1.51). Blended intervention also reduced the admission rate (relative ratio [RR] 0.61; 95% CI 0.38-0.97). In the COPD systematic review, regarding the exacerbation frequency, both studies found that the intervention reduced exacerbation frequency (RR 0.38; 95% CI 0.26-0.56). A large effect was found on BMI (d=0.81; 95% CI 0.25-1.34); however, the effect was inconclusive because only 1 study was included. Regarding medication adherence, 2 of 3 studies found a moderate effect (d=0.73; 95% CI 0.50-0.96), and 1 study reported a mixed effect. Regarding self-management ability, 1 study reported a large effect (d=1.15; 95% CI 0.66-1.62), and no effect was reported in that study. No effect was found on other process outcomes. The meta-analysis of asthma studies found that blended intervention had a small improvement in lung function (SMD 0.40; 95% CI 0.18-0.62) and QoL (SMD 0.36; 95% CI 0.21-0.50) and a moderate improvement in asthma control (SMD 0.67; 95% CI 0.40-0.93). A large effect was found on BMI (d=1.42; 95% CI 0.28-2.42) and exercise capacity (d=1.50; 95% CI 0.35-2.50); however, 1 study was included per outcome. There was no effect on other outcomes. Furthermore, the majority of the 22 studies showed some concerns about the ROB, and the quality of evidence varied. Conclusions: In patients with COPD, the blended self-management interventions had mixed effects on health-related outcomes, with the strongest evidence found for exercise capacity, QoL, and admission rate. Furthermore, the review suggested that the interventions resulted in small effects on lung function and QoL and a moderate effect on asthma control in patients with asthma. There is some evidence for the effectiveness of blended self-management interventions for patients with COPD and asthma; however, more research is needed. Trial Registration: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42019119894;
Longaandoeningen, zoals COPD, veroorzaken problemen in het dagelijks functioneren door een afgenomen uithoudingsvermogen, benauwdheid en (bewegings-) angst. Tijdens longrevalidatie vormen inspanningstraining en het leren omgaan met dagelijkse fysieke beperkingen (zoals benauwdheid bij inspanning) de hoeksteen van de behandeling. Het is voor patiënten moeilijk om een actieve leefstijl te behouden. Na deelname aan revalidatie gaan trainingseffecten verloren door een verminderd aanbod van trainingsprikkels (reversibiliteit). Daarnaast wordt, een jaar na de revalidatie, maar liefst 20% van de patiënten opnieuw opgenomen in het ziekenhuis met een longaanval (exacerbatie). Door de verschuiving van (dure) derdelijns naar eerstelijns zorg, hebben meer patiënten toegang tot de zorg die ze nodig hebben. Hierdoor kan verergering van klachten voorkomen worden. Naast fysieke inspanning is het voor oefen- en fysiotherapeuten belangrijk om patiënten een duurzame actieve leefstijl aan te leren en het zelfmanagement van patiënten te vergroten. Een blended beweeginterventie, om het zelfmanagement (omtrent beweging, benauwdheid en beweginsgangst) van COPD patiënten te stimuleren, zowel in de praktijk als in de thuissituatie middels een eHealth toepassing, biedt mogelijk uitkomst. Echter, missen therapeuten kennis en handvatten om blended care toe te passen in de praktijk. Het doel van dit project is om samen met fysiotherapeuten en oefentherapeuten een blended care programma in te richten voor patiënten met COPD. In werkpakket 1 inventariseren we de behoeften en belemmerende factoren van een blended beweeginterventie bij therapeuten en patiënten. Op basis van deze bevindingen worden de belangrijkste elementen van de interventie geselecteerd en wordt, in co-creatie met eindgebruikers de eerste versie van de interventie ontwikkeld (WP2). Om te bepalen wat de toegevoegde waarde van de interventie is, worden de voorlopige effectiviteit en haalbaarheid onderzocht waarbij 25 eerstelijns therapeuten de blended interventie gaan gebruiken (WP3). In WP4 worden scholingsmodules ontwikkeld voor studenten en therapeuten om kennis over zelfmanagement en technologie bij COPD te vergroten.