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More than 25!years after Moore’s first introduction of the public value concept in 995, the concept is now widely used, but its operationalization is still considered difficult. This paper presents the empirical results of a study analyzing the application of the public value concept in Higher Education Institutions, thereby focusing on how to account for public value. The paper shows how Dutch universities of applied sciences operationalize the concept ‘public value’, and how they report on the outcome achievements. The official strategy plans and annual reports for FY2016 through FY2018 of the ten largest institutions were used. While we find that all the institutions selected aim to deliver public value, they still use performance indicators that have a more narrow orientation, and are primarily focused on processes, outputs, and service delivery quality. However, we also observe that they use narratives to show the public value they created. In this way this paper contributes to the literature on public value accounting.
The growing prevalence of AI systems in society, has also prompted a growth of AI systems in the public sector. There are however ethical concerns over the impact of AI on society and how this technology can impact public values. Previous works do not connect public values and the development of AI. To address this, a method is required to ensure that developers and public servants can signal possible ethical implications of an AI system and are assisted in creating systems that adhere to public values. Using the Research pathway model and Value Sensitive Design, we will develop a toolbox to assist in these challenges and gain insight into how public values can be embedded throughout the development of AI systems.
The flexible deployment of drones in the public domain, is in this article assessed from a legal philosophical perspective. On the basis of theories of Dworkin and Moore the distinction between individual rights and collective security policy goals is discussed. Mobile cameras in the public domain reflect how innovative technological tools challenge public authorities in new ways to balance between privacy and security. Furthermore, the different dimensions of privacy and the distinction between the three types of the value of privacy are reviewed. On the basis of the case study of the Dutch Drones Act, the article concludes that the flexible deployment of mobile cameras in the public domain is not legitimate from a normative perspective. The legal safeguards in the Netherlands are insufficient to protect the value of privacy. Therefore, further restrictions such as prior judicial review should be considered.
Aanleiding Sinds kort nemen zorgprofessionals en onderzoekers in Nederland initiatieven om mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB) zo lang mogelijk te laten functioneren in de eigen thuissituatie. Een manier om dit te doen is de inzet van zogenoemde Functional Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams. Deze teams gebruiken voornamelijk verbale interventies. Maar mensen met een LVB hebben moeite met het verwerken van verbale informatie. Vaktherapie kan juist met non-verbale en ervaringsgerichte methodieken goed aansluiten bij deze groep. Dit innovatieprogramma richt zich op de vraag van vaktherapeuten hoe en in welke vorm zij, in of rondom FACT LVB-teams, mensen met een LVB kunnen helpen. Doelstelling Het doel van de deelnemers aan het project is de zorg en ondersteuning van mensen met een LVB in de eigen thuissituatie (buurt/wijk) te verbeteren. Liefst zodanig dat deze mensen minder vaak hoeven te worden (her)opgenomen in een behandelcentrum. Het doel van het project is om de meerwaarde vast te stellen van de inzet van vaktherapie in of rondom FACT LVB teams bij het realiseren van deze ambitie. Het project is gefaseerd opgebouwd. In de eerste fase worden de vaktherapeutische behandelvormen bepaald. Vervolgens worden efficiënte interprofessionele werkwijzen en een vaktherapeutische behandel- & ondersteuningsroute vastgesteld, en ten slotte wordt het project geëvalueerd. Beoogde resultaten Het project biedt resulteert in een handreiking voor professionals om interprofessioneel samen te werken in de wijk voor mensen met LVB. Binnen het onderwijs levert het project een bijdrage aan een minor 'Wijkgerichte zorg & ondersteuning'. Het biedt een leerwerkplaats LVB voor studenten vaktherapie en aanpalende gebieden. De handreiking wordt geïmplementeerd in de opleidingen die opleiden tot vaktherapeut. Zogenaamde 'battles', waarin interprofessioneel samenwerken aan problemen vanuit de praktijk en het beste idee bekroond wordt met een stimuleringsprijs, zorgen voor verdere ontwikkeling. Publicaties in vakliteratuur zorgen voor verspreiding van de projectresultaten. De deelnemers aan het project zullen aansluiting zoeken bij symposia - regionaal, nationaal en internationaal - en bijeenkomsten buiten en binnen het netwerk om de resultaten aan een breed publiek te presenteren.
Designing cities that are socially sustainable has been a significant challenge until today. Lately, European Commission’s research agenda of Industy 5.0 has prioritised a sustainable, human-centric and resilient development over merely pursuing efficiency and productivity in societal transitions. The focus has been on searching for sustainable solutions to societal challenges, engaging part of the design industry. In architecture and urban design, whose common goal is to create a condition for human life, much effort was put into elevating the engineering process of physical space, making it more efficient. However, the natural process of social evolution has not been given priority in urban and architectural research on sustainable design. STEPS stems from the common interest of the project partners in accessible, diverse, and progressive public spaces, which is vital to socially sustainable urban development. The primary challenge lies in how to synthesise the standardised sustainable design techniques with unique social values of public space, propelling a transition from technical sustainability to social sustainability. Although a large number of social-oriented studies in urban design have been published in the academic domain, principles and guidelines that can be applied to practice are large missing. How can we generate operative principles guiding public space analysis and design to explore and achieve the social condition of sustainability, developing transferable ways of utilising research knowledge in design? STEPS will develop a design catalogue with operative principles guiding public space analysis and design. This will help designers apply cross-domain knowledge of social sustainability in practice.
Digital transformation has been recognized for its potential to contribute to sustainability goals. It requires companies to develop their Data Analytic Capability (DAC), defined as their ability to collect, manage and analyze data effectively. Despite the governmental efforts to promote digitalization, there seems to be a knowledge gap on how to proceed, with 37% of Dutch SMEs reporting a lack of knowledge, and 33% reporting a lack of support in developing DAC. Participants in the interviews that we organized preparing this proposal indicated a need for guidance on how to develop DAC within their organization given their unique context (e.g. age and experience of the workforce, presence of legacy systems, high daily workload, lack of knowledge of digitalization). While a lot of attention has been given to the technological aspects of DAC, the people, process, and organizational culture aspects are as important, requiring a comprehensive approach and thus a bundling of knowledge from different expertise. Therefore, the objective of this KIEM proposal is to identify organizational enablers and inhibitors of DAC through a series of interviews and case studies, and use these to formulate a preliminary roadmap to DAC. From a structure perspective, the objective of the KIEM proposal will be to explore and solidify the partnership between Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas), Avans University of Applied Sciences (Avans), Logistics Community Brabant (LCB), van Berkel Logistics BV, Smink Group BV, and iValueImprovement BV. This partnership will be used to develop the preliminary roadmap and pre-test it using action methodology. The action research protocol and preliminary roadmap thereby developed in this KIEM project will form the basis for a subsequent RAAK proposal.