Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
ABSTRACT This study investigates how perceptions of radicalisation and co-occurring mental health issues differ between mental health care and the security domain, and how these perceptions affect intersectoral collaboration. It is generally thought that intersectoral collaboration is a useful strategy for preventing radicalisation and terrorism, especially when it concerns radicalised persons with mental health issues. It is not clear, however, what perceptions professionals have of radicalisation and collaboration with other disciplines. Data was obtained from focus groups and individual interviews with practitioners and trainers from mental health care and the security domain in the Netherlands. The results show a lack of knowledge about radicalisation in mental health care, whereas in the security domain, there is little understanding of mental health issues. This leads to a mad-bad dichotomy which has a negative effect on collaboration and risk management. Improvement of the intersectoral collaboration by cross-domain familiarization, and strengthening of trust and mutual understanding, should begin with the basic training of professionals in both domains. The Care and Safety Houses in the Netherlands offer a sound base for intersectoral collaboration. Future professionals from different domains ought to be familiarized with each other’s possibilities, limitations, tasks, and roles.
Since the introduction of Family Group Conferences (FGCs) in the Netherlands, there has been a steady growth in conferences being organised each year. Government policy emphasises the importance of empowering families to strengthen their ability to take responsibility for their own well-being. A recently adopted amendment in the Dutch Civil Code reflects this commitment and designates FGC as good practice. However, there is little knowledge on the application of FGCs in mental health care, let alone in a setting even more specific, such as public mental health care (PMHC). Clients in PMHC often have a limited network. The starting point of this study is the assumption that conferences promote involvement, expand and restore relationships and generate support. Over the next two years, we will research the applicability of FGCs in PMHC by evaluating forty case studies. The aim of our study is to provide an answer to the question of whether Family Group Conferencing is an effective tool to generate social support, to prevent coercion and to promote social integration in PMHC. Although making contact and gaining trust is a goal of PMHC, it is an aim to study whether FGCs can elevate or replace the work of professionals.
Jongeren met chronische aandoeningen worden vaak geconfronteerd met problemen in het dagelijks functioneren, waarbij vermoeidheid wordt genoemd als het meest invaliderend. De prevalentie van vermoeidheid onder jongeren met chronische aandoeningen varieert tussen de 51-75%. Vermoeidheid kan onafhankelijk ontstaan van het onderliggende pathologisch mechanisme; uit literatuur blijkt dat ziekte-specifieke benaderingen weinig of nauwelijks effect hebben op vermoeidheid. Vermoeidheid wordt bovendien te laat opgemerkt of blijft onbehandeld. Inzicht in de ziekte-overstijgende mechanismen van vermoeidheid is van belang om vroegtijdig opsporen en de ontwikkeling van passende interventies te faciliteren. Dit postdoc onderzoek richt zich op het ontrafelen van ziekte-overstijgende mechanismen van vermoeidheid vanuit het perspectief van jongeren, het gezin en de fysieke en sociale leefomgeving. Binnen een longitudinale cohortstudie gedurende 12 maanden worden 208 jongeren met verschillende chronische aandoeningen gemonitord. Naast traditionele onderzoeksmethodieken zoals vragenlijsten en fysieke testen, wordt gebruik gemaakt van remote sensoring, linked data en context mapping (=kwalitatieve methode). Studenten die participeren in het onderzoek zullen de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van zulke methoden ervaren. Dit kan o.a. bijdragen aan het integreren van zorgtechnologie in het dagelijks (kinder)fysiotherapeutisch handelen. We ontwikkelen een theoretisch raamwerk dat de basis legt voor betere vroegdetectie (op afstand en non-invasief) van vermoeidheid en voor het identificeren van mogelijke aangrijpingspunten voor behandeling (doelstelling 1 en 2). Verder draagt het postdoc onderzoek bij aan een beter inzicht in de rol van de sociale en fysieke leefomgeving bij de maatschappelijke participatie van jongeren met chronische aandoeningen (doelstelling 3). Studenten zullen in veldwerk ter plaatse metingen doen, de leefsituatie verkennen en samen met zorgprofessionals en docenten hun klinische blik verrijken. Doordat zij daadwerkelijk in de leefomgeving van jongeren zelf aanwezig zijn kan dit bijdragen aan bewustzijn over de rol van verschillende sociale en fysieke factoren op vermoeidheid en op de maatschappelijke participatie van jongeren met uiteenlopende chronische aandoeningen.
To optimize patient care, it is vital to prevent infections in healthcare facilities. In this respect, the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains threatens public healthcare. Current gold standard techniques are based on classical microbiological assays that are time consuming and need complex expensive lab environments. This limits their use for high throughput bacterial screening to perform optimal hygiene control. The infection prevention workers in hospitals and elderly nursing homes underline the urgency of a point-of-care tool that is able to detect bacterial loads on-site in a fast, precise and reliable manner while remaining with the available budgets. The aim of this proposal titled SURFSCAN is to develop a novel point-of-care tool for bacterial load screening on various surfaces throughout the daily routine of professionals in healthcare facilities. Given the expertise of the consortium partners, the point-of-care tool will be based on a biomimetic sensor combining surface imprinted polymers (SIPs), that act as synthetic bacterial receptors, with a thermal read-out strategy for detection. The functionality and performance of this biomimetic sensor has been shown in lab conditions and published in peer reviewed journals. Within this proposal, key elements will be optimized to translate the proof of principle concept into a complete clinical prototype for on-site application. These elements are essential for final implementation of the device as a screening and assessment tool for scanning bacterial loads on surfaces by hospital professionals. The research project offers a unique collaboration among different end-users (hospitals and SMEs), and knowledge institutions (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht Science Programme, IDEE-Maastricht University), which guarantees transfer of fundamental knowledge to the market and end-user needs.
Since the COVID-19-pandemic, the enormous societal, medical and financial impact associated with the transfer of infectious pathogens from wild animals to humans and other animals urged for further follow-up in early signalling management of zoonotic diseases. Consequently, the Raad-voor-Dierenaangelegenheden and the Dutch government currently recommend to set up a surveillance system and cooperation with (applied-)scientists to detect zoonotic diseases using data and samples from animals entering wildlife rehabilitation centres. Each year approximately 100,000 wild animals are submitted to ±78 Dutch wildlife rehabilitation centres. This would potentially generate an enormous amount of currently unutilized information, which could reduce disease incidence and avoid the problems of scaling-up disease control if early detection can be improved. The current wild animal health surveillance system could be much enhanced if wild animals taken into care by wildlife rehabilitation centres would be consistently registered, processed and shared. However the processes, technology and biological knowhow to do this are currently not up to standards. Besides for this to work, wildlife rehabilitation centres need to be more strongly aligned and strongly embedded in the current health networks. Therefore, our objective is to develop a sustainable participatory collaboration system in the current health networks, on which first the focus is on valid and reliable data bundling of animals and their diseases from wildlife rehabilitation centres. These data can be made applicable to scientific research and the professional field to be able to signal the risks of (inter)national zoonotic diseases. We will focus our methodology on the societal, technical and biological elements involved. Van Hall Larenstein Hogeschool, Wageningen University, the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre, the National-Institute-for-Public-Health-and-the-Environment, Falcon together with Dutch wildlife rehabilitation centres will develop the fundaments of the surveillance system. The Foundation DierenLot, the Ministry-of-Agriculture-Nature-and-Food-quality, Flemish wildlife rehabilitation centres, vets, and governmental organisations are partners, among others.