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This research evaluates how Project-Based Learning (PBL) is implemented in the Innovative Design program that is taught at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. This paper offers insights about the way students and teachers experience PBL within this program, and how the implementation can be improved according to previous research in this field. By studying relevant literature, a list of important (organizational and didactical) factors regarding the implementation of PBL is created. Questionnaires investigating these factors are then circulated among the teachers and students of the program. The results of the questionnaires are analyzed against guidelines provided in the literature. Based on this comparison, recommendations for the improvement of the PBL approach within the program are provided. The analysis shows that the program offers meaningful projects, and the students are properly prepared to collaborate. Nevertheless, the analysis also shows that the program still has room for improvement. The assessment methods are still unrefined, the students experience time-pressure while working on their projects, and the teachers can benefit from additional training to be better prepared for teaching in a PBL environment. Fortunately, the teachers indicate willingness to learn new PBL specific teaching skills.
To promote student writing development, integrated approaches such as genre-based writing instruction (GBWI) are advocated in tertiary education. However, most subject lecturers are not used to centralise writing in their subjects as they focus on content teaching. Capitalising on teacher learning within GBWI is therefore necessary. Design-based research can offer a fruitful learning environment for such innovative type of content and language integrated instruction. In a multiple case study (n=2) in Dutch higher professional education, we aimed to explore what subject lecturers can learn in a design-based research project in terms of scaffolding students’ writing. Qualitative data on teacher learning were collected through logs and interviews before, during and after three GBWI interventions. These data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using transcription software. Results showed the subject lecturers reported multifaceted learning outcomes, particularly concerning changed knowledge and beliefs. Some of these were directly related to GBWI (e.g., metalanguage, deconstruction, text features) whereas others were related to scaffolding language in subject learning more generally, and to the lecturers’ teaching roles. Both lecturers also reported learning outcomes in terms of changed practices, but to a lesser extent. This may be related to the challenging character of enacting GBWI in the subjects. On a more general level, this study has yielded valuable insights into what factors are at stake when subject lecturers learn to enact GBWI. Further, it has shown the potential of a design-based research learning environment which we view as part of a causal field instigating subject lecturers’ professional development.
Dit paper is het eindproduct van leerarrangement 1 (Zin in Leren) van de HBO masteropleiding Leren en Innoveren. Het is een literatuurstudie naar blended learning en hoe blended learning kan bijdragen aan een beter leerresultaat van de student.