Introduction: Bruxism is a repetitive masticatory muscle activity that may cause substantial morbidity and reduce the quality of life in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Assessment methods most commonly used were caregiver reporting and dental examination, This systematic review with meta-analysis aims to determine the prevalence of bruxism in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and to describe the currently used assessment methods for bruxism in this population. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis using a multi-component search strategy. We used a random effects model to calculate the prevalence and 95 % confidence intervals for each study, for all studies combined, and specifically for Rett syndrome (RS), cerebral palsy (CP), Down syndrome (DS), and “other disorders (primarily Angelman syndrome and Prader–Willi syndrome).” Results: The prevalence for the entire group based on a random effects model was found to be 49 % (95 %CI 41–57 %) with high heterogeneity (I2 = 93 %, p < 0.01), for RS 74 % (95 %CI 53–88 %, I2 = 84 %, p < 0.01), CP 48 % (95 %CI 38–57 %, I2 = 86 %, p < 0.01), DS 40 % (95 %CI 33–47 %, I2 = 60 %, p < 0.01) and “other disorders” 40 % (95 %CI 18–67 %, I2 = 98 %, p < 0.01). The group prevalences were not equal, indicating a significant difference (P-value = 0.03), with a notably higher likelihood of RS. Conclusion: We observed a five-fold increased likelihood of bruxism in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. The disorder with the highest prevalence was Rett syndrome, with a seven-fold increased likelihood of bruxism. The increased likelihood of bruxism in this vulnerable group of children demands clinicians pay heed to this substantial morbidity.
Introduction: Bruxism is a repetitive masticatory muscle activity that may cause substantial morbidity and reduce the quality of life in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Assessment methods most commonly used were caregiver reporting and dental examination, This systematic review with meta-analysis aims to determine the prevalence of bruxism in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and to describe the currently used assessment methods for bruxism in this population. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis using a multi-component search strategy. We used a random effects model to calculate the prevalence and 95 % confidence intervals for each study, for all studies combined, and specifically for Rett syndrome (RS), cerebral palsy (CP), Down syndrome (DS), and “other disorders (primarily Angelman syndrome and Prader–Willi syndrome).” Results: The prevalence for the entire group based on a random effects model was found to be 49 % (95 %CI 41–57 %) with high heterogeneity (I2 = 93 %, p < 0.01), for RS 74 % (95 %CI 53–88 %, I2 = 84 %, p < 0.01), CP 48 % (95 %CI 38–57 %, I2 = 86 %, p < 0.01), DS 40 % (95 %CI 33–47 %, I2 = 60 %, p < 0.01) and “other disorders” 40 % (95 %CI 18–67 %, I2 = 98 %, p < 0.01). The group prevalences were not equal, indicating a significant difference (P-value = 0.03), with a notably higher likelihood of RS. Conclusion: We observed a five-fold increased likelihood of bruxism in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. The disorder with the highest prevalence was Rett syndrome, with a seven-fold increased likelihood of bruxism. The increased likelihood of bruxism in this vulnerable group of children demands clinicians pay heed to this substantial morbidity.
This study explores variables that predict physical violence in 614 (forensic) psychiatric inpatients. All violent incidents that occurred in a Dutch forensic psychiatric hospital between 2014 and 2019 (N = 3,713) were coded with the Modified Overt Aggression Scale+ based on daily hospital reports and patients’ medical records. Binary logistic regression analyses examined which patient variables could differentiate between patients with and without physical violence during treatment and between patients with single and multiple incidents of physical violence. Variables included in the analyses were gender, legal status, borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder, psychopathy (Psychopathy Checklist–Revised [PCL-R] score), self-harm during treatment, impulsivity, intellectual disability, and length of stay. A clear association was found between self-harm and inpatient physical violence on all outcome measures and in all analyses. Adequate monitoring of self-harm is advised as a strategy to early identify patients with a high risk to threaten ward safety.
Electronic Sports (esports) is a form of digital entertainment, referred to as "an organised and competitive approach to playing computer games". Its popularity is growing rapidly as a result of an increased prevalence of online gaming, accessibility to technology and access to elite competition.Esports teams are always looking to improve their performance, but with fast-paced interaction, it can be difficult to establish where and how performance can be improved. While qualitative methods are commonly employed and effective, their widespread use provides little differentiation among competitors and struggles with pinpointing specific issues during fast interactions. This is where recent developments in both wearable sensor technology and machine learning can offer a solution. They enable a deep dive into player reactions and strategies, offering insights that surpass traditional qualitative coaching techniquesBy combining insights from gameplay data, team communication data, physiological measurements, and visual tracking, this project aims to develop comprehensive tools that coaches and players can use to gain insight into the performance of individual players and teams, thereby aiming to improve competitive outcomes. Societal IssueAt a societal level, the project aims to revolutionize esports coaching and performance analysis, providing teams with a multi-faceted view of their gameplay. The success of this project could lead to widespread adoption of similar technologies in other competitive fields. At a scientific level, the project could be the starting point for establishing and maintaining further collaboration within the Dutch esports research domain. It will enhance the contribution from Dutch universities to esports research and foster discussions on optimizing coaching and performance analytics. In addition, the study into capturing and analysing gameplay and player data can help deepen our understanding into the intricacies and complexities of teamwork and team performance in high-paced situations/environments. Collaborating partnersTilburg University, Breda Guardians.
Since the 1970s, Caribbean reefs have transitioned from coral-dominated to algal-dominated ecosystems. The prevalence of algae reduces coral recruitment, rendering the reefs unable to recover from additional disturbances and jeopardizing crucial ecosystem services, including coastal protection, fisheries, and tourism. One of the main factors to the proliferation of algae is the scarcity of grazers, which is a result of overfishing and disease outbreaks. While fishing supports livelihoods, enhances local food security, and is an integral part of the Caribbean communities' culture, it remains a significant threat to coral reefs. Consequently, the Nature and Environmental Policy Plan (NEPP) 2020-2030, outlining conservation and restoration priorities in the Caribbean Netherlands, underscores the necessity of an integrated approach to tackle the complex challenges of coral reef restoration and fisheries development. The Saba government, and nature management organizations of Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba are implementing the NEPP. Together with University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein, Wageningen University and WWF, they aim to identify novel species of native invertebrate grazers with the dual purpose of reef restoration and fisheries diversification. The Caribbean king crab (Maguimithrax spinosissimus), the West Indian sea egg (Tripneustes ventricosus), and the West Indian top shell (Cittarium pica) have been identified as potential candidates. Despite their preference to graze on macroalgae, their current densities are inadequate. Population enhancement of these species holds promise for reducing algae, promoting biodiversity, and simultaneously supporting small-scale fisheries. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the ecological effects and socio-economic potential of these grazers. The ReefGrazers project aims to assess the current densities of these herbivores around the BES islands, analyze their impacts on the reef, and evaluate their retention post-restocking. Socio-economic research will quantify current small-scale fishing practices, while market analysis will help assess the potential for the development of these novel resources as sustainable fisheries.
To optimize patient care, it is vital to prevent infections in healthcare facilities. In this respect, the increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains threatens public healthcare. Current gold standard techniques are based on classical microbiological assays that are time consuming and need complex expensive lab environments. This limits their use for high throughput bacterial screening to perform optimal hygiene control. The infection prevention workers in hospitals and elderly nursing homes underline the urgency of a point-of-care tool that is able to detect bacterial loads on-site in a fast, precise and reliable manner while remaining with the available budgets. The aim of this proposal titled SURFSCAN is to develop a novel point-of-care tool for bacterial load screening on various surfaces throughout the daily routine of professionals in healthcare facilities. Given the expertise of the consortium partners, the point-of-care tool will be based on a biomimetic sensor combining surface imprinted polymers (SIPs), that act as synthetic bacterial receptors, with a thermal read-out strategy for detection. The functionality and performance of this biomimetic sensor has been shown in lab conditions and published in peer reviewed journals. Within this proposal, key elements will be optimized to translate the proof of principle concept into a complete clinical prototype for on-site application. These elements are essential for final implementation of the device as a screening and assessment tool for scanning bacterial loads on surfaces by hospital professionals. The research project offers a unique collaboration among different end-users (hospitals and SMEs), and knowledge institutions (Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Maastricht Science Programme, IDEE-Maastricht University), which guarantees transfer of fundamental knowledge to the market and end-user needs.