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Battery energy storage (BES) can provide many grid services, such as power flow management to reduce distribution grid overloading. It is desirable to minimise BES storage capacities to reduce investment costs. However, it is not always clear how battery sizing is affected by battery siting and power flow simultaneity (PFS). This paper describes a method to compare the battery capacity required to provide grid services for different battery siting configurations and variable PFSs. The method was implemented by modelling a standard test grid with artificial power flow patterns and different battery siting configurations. The storage capacity of each configuration was minimised to determine how these variables affect the minimum storage capacity required to maintain power flows below a given threshold. In this case, a battery located at the transformer required 10–20% more capacity than a battery located centrally on the grid, or several batteries distributed throughout the grid, depending on PFS. The differences in capacity requirements were largely attributed to the ability of a BES configuration to mitigate network losses. The method presented in this paper can be used to compare BES capacity requirements for different battery siting configurations, power flow patterns, grid services, and grid characteristics.
Wind and solar power generation will continue to grow in the energy supply of the future, but its inherent variability (intermittency) requires appropriate energy systems for storing and using power. Storage of possibly temporary excess of power as methane from hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide is a promising option. With electrolysis hydrogen gas can be generated from (renewable) power. The combination of such hydrogen with carbon dioxide results in the energy carrier methane that can be handled well and may may serve as carbon feedstock of the future. Biogas from biomass delivers both methane and carbon dioxide. Anaerobic microorganisms can make additional methane from hydrogen and carbon dioxide in a biomethanation process that compares favourably with its chemical counterpart. Biomethanation for renewable power storage and use makes appropriate use of the existing infrastructure and knowledge base for natural gas. Addition of hydrogen to a dedicated biogas reactor after fermentation optimizes the biomethanation conditions and gives maximum flexibility. The low water solubility of hydrogen gas limits the methane production rate. The use of hollow fibers, nano-bubbles or better-tailored methane-forming microorganisms may overcome this bottleneck. Analyses of patent applications on biomethanation suggest a lot of freedom to operate. Assessment of biomethanation for economic feasibility and environmental value is extremely challenging and will require future data and experiences. Currently biomethanation is not yet economically feasible, but this may be different in the energy systems of the near future.
A major challenge for disaster scholars and policymakers is to understand the power dimension in response networks, particularly relating to collaboration and coordination. We propose a conceptual framework to study interests and negotiations in and between various civic and professional, response networks drawing on the concepts of “programming” and “switching” proposed by Manuel Castells in his work on the network society. Programming in disaster response refers to the ability to constitute response networks and to program/reprogram them in terms of the goals assigned to the network. Switching is the ability to connect different net-works by sharing common goals and combining resources. We employ these concepts to understand how the US Federal Emergency Management Agency organized its response in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Our conceptual framework can be used both by disaster scholars and policymakers to understand how networked power is constructed and utilized.
Climate change adaptation has influenced river management through an anticipatory governance paradigm. As such, futures and the power of knowing the future has become increasingly influential in water management. Yet, multiple future imaginaries co-exist, where some are more dominant that others. In this PhD research, I focus on deconstructing the future making process in climate change adaptation by asking ‘What river imaginaries exist and what future imaginaries dominate climate change adaptation in riverine infrastructure projects of the Meuse and Magdalena river?’. I firstly explore existing river imaginaries in a case study of the river Meuse. Secondly, I explore imaginaries as materialised in numerical models for the Meuse and Magdalena river. Thirdly, I explore the integration and negotiation of imaginaries in participatory modelling practices in the Magdalena river. Fourthly, I explore contesting and alternative imaginaries and look at how these are mobilised in climate change adaptation for the Magdalena and Meuse river. Multiple concepts stemming from Science and Technology Studies and Political Ecology will guide me to theorise the case study findings. Finally, I reflect on my own positionality in action-research which will be an iterative process of learning and unlearning while navigating between the natural and social sciences.
The latest IPCC Report (2022) provided by the UN shows us that, to guarantee a safe future for upcoming generations, we must change how we lead our lives on several levels. However, the increasing urgency to act and behave in a way that is not damaging the climate is bringing many psychological concerns to young generations. Worldwide reports are demonstrating how the issue of eco-anxiety is increasing daily, and how young people are feeling more hopeless than ever. Climate change has become a climate crisis, and individuals are experiencing pressure and fear incessantly (Marks et al., 2021). We, as Climate Streamers, have often found ourselves in this situation as well, but rather than freezing, we decided to take this challenge and think of solutions. Therefore, with the support of Breda University of Applied Sciences, the Performatory community, the BUas Startup Support Team, and outside mentors, we created Climate Streamers Foundation: a new youth-led non-profit organisation and a movement working towards a more inclusive and less polarised climate action. By working with leisure elements and a positive and appreciative approach, we want to give back hope, voice and power to the youth and inspire each other genuinely and sustainably. The purpose of this application is to allow us to elaborate a feasibility study concerning our MVP (minimum viable product), the card game, and boost the overall concept. We intend to implement the researched data to improve the design and sales management. The card game aims to stimulate appreciative conversations by giving space to players to express their opinions and personal stories and it is designed so everyone can play it, regardless of background and knowledge. After giving 200 games in production, we launched the card game in July 2022.
AANLEIDING In het RAAK-MKB project ‘Gelijkspanning breng(t) je verder’ heeft De Haagse Hogeschool, specifiek de opleiding Elektrotechniek, ervaren dat de opkomst van het onderwerp ‘Gelijkspanning’ (ook wel DC) in het beroepenveld sterk samenhangt met ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied van ‘Vermogenselektronica’ of ‘Power Eletronics’. Het beroepenveld vraagt steeds vaker om steeds meer kennis op dit vakgebied, in het kader van bijvoorbeeld de energietransitie, Smart Grids, Internet-of-Things etc. Om deze kennis op een goed gestructureerde wijze over te dragen aan studenten, moeten er een aantal belemmeringen worden weggewerkt. Een van deze belemmeringen is de beperkte beschikbaarheid van kennis; het vakgebied is relatief nieuw en nog sterk in ontwikkeling. Binnen De Haagse Hogeschool is door de opleiding Elektrotechniek (met kennis van de nog weg te werken belemmeringen) de bewuste keuze gemaakt om zich binnen Nederland te willen profileren met het onderwerp ‘Gelijkspanning’. Vanuit het eerdere RAAK-MKB project ‘Gelijkspanning breng(t) je verder’ werden hiertoe een eerste vak en practicum ontwikkeld: Vermogenselektronica 1. Hierin worden beginselen van DC-DC omvormers behandeld. DC-DC omvormers zorgen voor het transformeren van DC-spanningen, om energie bij hoge spanningen en dus lage verliezen te kunnen transporteren. Vanaf het huidige collegejaar (2015-2016) is ook een tweede vak op dit gebied toegevoegd aan het curriculum: Vermogenselektronica 2: hierin worden DC-AC omvormers op hoofdlijnen behandeld. Deze omvormers zorgen ervoor dat veel gebruikte types motoren aangedreven kunnen worden met gelijkspanning. Deze hoofdlijnen staan in de ogen van het beroepenveld nog (te) ver af van toepassingen waarmee zij werken. Daarbij moet gedacht worden aan bijvoorbeeld elektrische mobiliteit (specifieke types motoren), verlichting (DC-DC), distributietechnieken (DC-DC op hogere vermogens) of slimme netten (integratie van energietechniek, communicatietechnologie en regeltechniek / embedded systems). DOELSTELLING Het doel van het project is het opstellen van een implementatiewijze ter verdere invulling van de onderwerpen ‘Gelijkspanning’ en ‘Vermogenselektronica’ in het curriculum van de opleiding Elektrotechniek voor de teamleider van Elektrotechniek van De Haagse Hogeschool om de gewenste profilering te kunnen realiseren. ACTIVITEITEN Vanuit de curriculum commissie van de opleiding Elektrotechniek wordt opdracht gegeven aan een apart team om het implementatievoorstel voor te bereiden. Hierin werken twee docent/onderzoekers samen met de teamleider en enkele extern specialisten. In vijf opeenvolgende stappen wordt op een top-down manier gewerkt aan 1. Formuleren competenties voor DC 2. Hoofdstromen curriculum inrichten 3. Uitwerken vakinhoudelijke gebieden Elektrotechniek (‘leeg vel papier’) 4. Koppelen opzet aan bezetting en kennis in het team en bij partners 5. Voorbereiden besluitvorming RESULTAAT Op deze wijze wordt een heldere visie ontwikkeld op het benodigde onderwijs om het onderwerp gelijkspanning gestructureerd aan te kunnen bieden. Daarbij gaat het om vakinhoudelijke kennis in vakken, met bijbehorende practica en projecten. Om deze kennis goed aan te bieden wordt nadrukkelijk ook de samenwerking met andere kennisinstellingen (zoals Zuyd Hogeschool en de TU-Delft) gezocht.