New social actors have emerged with the social media. Among them, we highlightedthe digital influencers, people who have millions of online followers, andinduce them in favor or against products and brands to be consumed. Therefore,we aimed to analyze this endorsement process carried out by digital influencers intheir online profiles, having as research field the fitness market that encouragespeople to evaluate and work tirelessly in their bodies. We used the Semiotic ImageAnalysis to investigate the postings of three Brazilian digital fitness influencersand identified four categories that configure the post format: body exposure, bodyextension, interaction between influencer and brand/product, and interaction betweeninfluencer and followers. By means of these categories, we identified thatthese influencers act as brand avatars, creating an intense link with these products,exposing their bodies in advertisements and extending the meanings of theirgood shape to endorsed goods and services.
New social actors have emerged with the social media. Among them, we highlightedthe digital influencers, people who have millions of online followers, andinduce them in favor or against products and brands to be consumed. Therefore,we aimed to analyze this endorsement process carried out by digital influencers intheir online profiles, having as research field the fitness market that encouragespeople to evaluate and work tirelessly in their bodies. We used the Semiotic ImageAnalysis to investigate the postings of three Brazilian digital fitness influencersand identified four categories that configure the post format: body exposure, bodyextension, interaction between influencer and brand/product, and interaction betweeninfluencer and followers. By means of these categories, we identified thatthese influencers act as brand avatars, creating an intense link with these products,exposing their bodies in advertisements and extending the meanings of theirgood shape to endorsed goods and services.
The article highlights the limitations of speed as a framework for discussing and tackling the environmental challenges of growing clothing volumes or quantities. This argument builds on a series of wardrobe studies mapping the number of clothing items owned, purchased, and disposed of by 25 people during six months, and the reasons behind purchase and disposal. The results indicate that clothing consumption is rarely driven by replacement and that opportunity plays a main role. These characteristics of clothing consumption explain why it takes more than producing long-lasting garments to reduce clothing demand. Rather than delaying the disposal of garments, a more straight-forward focus on reducing production is needed, that is the contribution of a volume-centric approach.