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Professional playground werpt een blik in de keuken van verschillende spelers in de game-industrie. Verschillende professionals uit deze industrie zijn aan het woord, waardoor een beeld ontstaat van het krachtenveld waar zij mee te maken hebben. Welke kennis van theorieën, concepten, procedures en processen zijn er nodig om het werk in de dagelijkse praktijk goed te kunnen doen?
The (pre)school environment is an important setting to improve children’s health. Especially, the (pre)school playground provides a major opportunity to intervene. This review presents an overview of the existing evidence on the value of both school and preschool playgrounds on children’s health in terms of physical activity, cognitive and social outcomes. In addition, we aimed to identify which playground characteristics are the strongest correlates of beneficial effects and for which subgroups of children effects are most distinct. In total, 13 experimental and 17 observational studies have been summarized of which 10 (77%) and 16 (94%) demonstrated moderate to high methodological quality, respectively. Nearly all experimental studies (n = 11) evaluated intervention effects on time spent in different levels of physical activity during recess. Research on the effects of (pre)school playgrounds on cognitive and social outcomes is scarce (n = 2). The experimental studies generated moderate evidence for an effect of the provision of play equipment, inconclusive evidence for an effect of the use of playground markings, allocating play space and for multi-component interventions, and no evidence for an effect of decreasing playground density, the promotion of physical activity by staff and increasing recess duration on children’s health. In line with this, observational studies showed positive associations between play equipment and children’s physical activity level. In contrast to experimental studies, significant associations were also found between children’s physical activity and a decreased playground density and increased recess duration. To confirm the findings of this review, researchers are advised to conduct more experimental studies with a randomized controlled design and to incorporate the assessment of implementation strategies and process evaluations to reveal which intervention strategies and playground characteristics are most effective. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
This study aimed to evaluate the children's usage and their physical activity levels at playgrounds with (N = 4) and without (N = 4) organized sports activities, following a quasi-experimental study design. Direct observations were used to assess the playground usage and estimate the playground users' age category, sex, and physical activity intensity level. The results indicated that playgrounds with sports activities were associated with 53% more users at the time of the activities. However, this increase was only seen in boys. Furthermore, playgrounds with sport activities were not associated with different physical activity levels in children as compared to children on regular playgrounds.
Fashion has become inextricably linked with digital culture. Digital media have opened up new spaces of fashion consumption that are unprecedented in their levels of ubiquity, immersion, fluidity, and interactivity. The virtual realm continuously needs us to design and communicate our identity online. Unfortunately, the current landscape of digitised fashion practices seems to lack the type of self-governing attitude and urgency that is needed to move beyond commercially mandated platforms and systems that effectively diminish our digital agency. As transformative power seems to be the promise of the virtual, there is an inherent need to critically assess how digital representation of fashion manifests online, especially when these representations become key mediators within our collective and individual public construction of self. A number of collectives and practitioners that actively shape a counter movement, organized bottom up rather than through capital, are questioning this interdependence, applying inverted thinking and experimenting with alternative modes of engagement. Starting from the research question ‘How can critical fashion practitioners introduce and amplify digital agency within fashion’s virtual landscape through new strategies of aesthetic engagement?’, this project investigates the implications of fashion’s increasing shift towards the virtual realm and the ramifications created for digital agency. It centers on how identity is understood in the digital era, whether subjects have full agency while expected to construct multiple selves, and how online environments that enact as playgrounds for our identities might attribute to a distorted sense of self. By using the field of critical fashion as its site, and the rapidly expanding frontier of digital counter practices as a lens, the aim of this project is to contribute to larger changes within an increasingly global and digital society, such as new modes of consumerism, capital and cultural value.
In de voorschool worden pedagogisch medewerkers (PMers) steeds vaker geconfronteerd met overgewicht bij kinderen van 2,5 tot 4 jaar. De PMer is getraind in het ondersteunen van de ontwikkeling en opvoeding van het kind. PMers zijn niet opgeleid voor leefstijladvisering. Ongezonde voeding en inactiviteit zijn de belangrijkste oorzaken van overgewicht. Overgewicht komt op jonge leeftijd al meer voor bij lagere sociaaleconomische en etnische groepen. De gezondheidsverschillen nemen hierdoor toe. PMers geven aan dat zij zich niet bekwaam voelen om verantwoordelijk te zijn voor de gezonde keuzes op de voorschool als ook in de advisering naar ouders toe. De centrale vragen in dit project zijn: Wat heeft de PMer in de voorschool nodig in kennis, vaardigheden en attitude om het handelingsrepertoire tav leefstijladvisering aan alle kinderen van 2,5 tot 4 jaar en ouders met diverse sociaaleconomische en cultureel-etnische achtergronden te professionaliseren. Wat is het effect van het handelen van de PMer op de gezonde (gewichts)ontwikkeling van het kind? Het onderzoek is een gerichte interventiestudie met voor- en nametingen bij PMers, kinderen en ouders. De interventie wordt bij een deel van de PMers uitgevoerd en vergeleken met een controlegroep. Bij kinderen worden fysieke- en gedragsmetingen uitgevoerd. Eindpunten zijn het vertrouwen in leefstijladvisering door PMers en ontwikkelingstrends in gewicht bij kinderen. Fases van het projectplan: I. nulmeting en interventie bij PMers; II. nulmeting bij kinderen en interventie door PMers; III. effectmeting interventie bij PMers en kinderen; IV. ontwikkeling competentieprofiel leefstijladvisering voor PMers. Het PS@HW consortium olv de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Impuls Kinderopvang, Brancheorganisatie Kinderopvang Amsterdam, Nederlands Jeugdinstituut, RIVM Centrum voor Gezond Leven, VU medisch centrum, HvA-Speerpunt Urban Vitality en Sarphati Amsterdam pakt dit op. Dit project beoogt het ontwikkelen van de HBO competentie leefstijladvisering voor PMers van de voorscholen die kinderen bereiken met een achterstand, voor een gezonde (gewichts)ontwikkeling en het terugdringen van gezondheidsverschillen.