Increasing students’ motivation in higher education by designing a specific curriculum has always been a challenging but very complex process. The Department of Business, Finance and Marketing (BFM) of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) initiated a redesign of the curricula with the major goals of increasing flexibility of learning opportunities and offering students a more motivating, inspiring and richer diversity of learning experiences. In the literature of learning in higher education this has often been labeled as ‘offering extracurricular learning opportunities’. The redesign of the curriculum implies that the new one will result in an enhancement of the flexibility of the curriculum, by offering learning opportunities beyond the borders of specific programs like marketing, finance or entrepreneurship and retail management. The richness and diversity should create flexible platforms, offering students the possibility to enrich their career choices to design their own personalised career path, hopefully maximizing the possibilities for their talent development. However, very little is known about the relationship between the students’ satisfaction with extracurricular learning opportunities, aiming at the personalisation of students’ career choices, and their motivation. In this chapter we describe our research into this relationship between student motivation and learning environments. Designing a network curriculum by increasing the possibility of extracurricular learning opportunities in higher education could have a positive impact on students’ motivation when it is combined with activities to increase goal students’ commitment. This depends on teachers’ qualities to communicate the valence and instrumentality of the learning possibilities offered for the prospective work environment. This is a complex issue however. Teachers from different educational programs, even in the same domain, have a different orientation on existing learning opportunities within one specific program. Excellent coaching skills by tutors are important. These coaching skills are necessary to support students in the process of envisioning extracurricular learning opportunities when important career choices have to be made.
Increasing students’ motivation in higher education by designing a specific curriculum has always been a challenging but very complex process. The Department of Business, Finance and Marketing (BFM) of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) initiated a redesign of the curricula with the major goals of increasing flexibility of learning opportunities and offering students a more motivating, inspiring and richer diversity of learning experiences. In the literature of learning in higher education this has often been labeled as ‘offering extracurricular learning opportunities’. The redesign of the curriculum implies that the new one will result in an enhancement of the flexibility of the curriculum, by offering learning opportunities beyond the borders of specific programs like marketing, finance or entrepreneurship and retail management. The richness and diversity should create flexible platforms, offering students the possibility to enrich their career choices to design their own personalised career path, hopefully maximizing the possibilities for their talent development. However, very little is known about the relationship between the students’ satisfaction with extracurricular learning opportunities, aiming at the personalisation of students’ career choices, and their motivation. In this chapter we describe our research into this relationship between student motivation and learning environments. Designing a network curriculum by increasing the possibility of extracurricular learning opportunities in higher education could have a positive impact on students’ motivation when it is combined with activities to increase goal students’ commitment. This depends on teachers’ qualities to communicate the valence and instrumentality of the learning possibilities offered for the prospective work environment. This is a complex issue however. Teachers from different educational programs, even in the same domain, have a different orientation on existing learning opportunities within one specific program. Excellent coaching skills by tutors are important. These coaching skills are necessary to support students in the process of envisioning extracurricular learning opportunities when important career choices have to be made.
A-footprint is een internationaal gezamenlijk onderzoeks- en innovatie initiatief van 13 kennisinstellingen en orthopedische bedrijven. Het doel is om nieuwe voetorthesen (VO) en enkel-voetorthese (EVO) te ontwikkelen voor veel voorkomende aandoeningen. Het gehele proces van digitaal aanmeten, het digitaal verwerken, maar ook simuleren, tot en met het met behulp van snelle productietechnieken vervaardigen van EVO’s, wordt hierbij meegenomen. Het doel is om een systeem te ontwikkelen dat het mogelijk maakt om een individueel naar maat, op vorm (geometrie voor de pasvorm, comfort en esthetiek) en functie (vanuit biomechanisch oogpunt) orthopedische schoen of enkel-voetorthese te kunnen leveren. Een snelle beschikbaarheid voor cliënt op een kosten- efficiënte basis is het uitgangspunt.
Creating and testing a Virtual Reality Therapy Application to reduce alcohol addiction. Develop and test a Virtual Reality application to be used in therapy, within Novadic Kentron, that helps people deal with alcohol addiction. By recreating real contexts in VR that either stimulate craving or elicit positive feelings, the VR application should increase, for example, self-confidence to deal with these situations and reduce relapse risks. In addition, together with students from BUas and other universities, we study the effects of different forms of realism and resemblance within virtual reality worlds. We are testing, among other things, differences between CGI-created and 360-recorded worlds that differ in level of personalisation.Partner:Novadic-Kentron