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The central goal of this study is to gain insight into students' study approach, their personal reasons and the relations between them regarding students who continue or withdraw from the educational system within one year. Results of our questionnaire study show that students who continue their educational careers show higher scores on a meaningful integrative study approach when entering Higher Education, than students who withdraw. Our questionnaire on personal reasons for withdraw revealed three scales: (1) perception and experience of educational and organizational aspects, (2) pragmatic and personal circumstances and (3) loss of interest in the future occupations. Personal reasons for continuing also produced three scales: (1) perception and experience of learning environment quality, (2) pragmatic and personal orientation and (3) future occupational identity. Withdrawing students' scores on meaningful integrative study approach are negatively related to perception and experience of educational and organizational aspects, whereas the superficial study approach positively correlates with pragmatic and personal circumstances. With regard to students who continue, high scores on the meaningful integrative study approach relate positively to all three reasons: future occupational identity, perception and experience of learning environment quality and pragmatic and personal orientation.
In deze factsheets worden de resultaten van een verkennend onderzoek onder sportprofessionals getoond. Onder de sportprofessionals vielen (personal) trainers, coaches, leefstijlprofessionals en fysiotherapeuten. Het doel was in kaart brengen wat deze sportprofessionals belangrijke kenmerken vinden in een hardloop-, wandel-, of fietsapp gekoppeld aan verschillende doelen, zoals sport/beweegstimulering, community building en blessurepreventie.
Physical inactivity has become a major public health concern and, consequently, the awareness of striving for a healthy lifestyle has increased. As a result, the popularity of recreational sports, such as running, has increased. Running is known for its low threshold to start and its attractiveness for a heterogeneous group of people. Yet, one can still observe high drop-out rates among (novice) runners. To understand the reasons for drop-out as perceived by runners, we investigate potential reasons to quit running among short distance runners (5 km and 10 km) (n = 898). Data used in this study were drawn from the standardized online Eindhoven Running Survey 2016 (ERS16). Binary logistic regressions were used to investigate the relation between reasons to quit running and different variables like socio-demographic variables, running habits and attitudes, interests, and opinions (AIOs) on running. Our results indicate that, not only people of different gender and age show significant differences in perceived reasons to quit running, also running habits, (e.g., running context and frequency) and AIOs are related to perceived reasons to quit running too. With insights into these related variables, potential drop-out reasons could help health professionals in understanding and lowering drop-out rates among recreational runners