Aims and objectives: To explore how excellent nurses in hospitals take into account patient preferences in nursing decision-making in the evidence-based practice towards personalized care. Background: In evidence-based practice, nursing decision-making is based on scientific evidence, evidence of best practice, and individual patient preferences. Little is known about how nurses in hospitals take into account patient preferences in nursing decision-making. Design: Qualitative grounded theory. Methods: Data collection entailed 27 semi-structured interviews with nurses designated by their colleagues as excellent caregivers, followed by 57 hours of participant observation. Data-analysis was conducted using three level coding with constant comparison and theoretical sampling. The COREQ checklist for qualitative research was followed. Results: A main finding was that participants used three implicit tools to discover patient preferences: establishing a connection, using antennae and asking empathic questions, thus instantly reassuring patients from the very first contact. Their starting point in care was the patient's perception of quality of life wherein they shifted towards their patient's perspective: “Teach me to provide the best care for you in this situation”. During the observations it was confirmed that the excellent nurses behaved as they had described before. Conclusion: Excellent nurses actively turn towards patients’ expectations and experienced quality of life by carefully blending individual sensitive and situation specific patient preferences with scientific evidence and evidence of best practice. In doing so they are able to balancing more equally patient preferences in to the equation called evidence-based practice, thus leading to wise decision-making in personalized nursing care. Relevance to clinical practice: Patient preferences become a fully-fledged part of nursing decision-making in EBP when in education and practice the implicit knowledge of excellent nurses about how to take into account patient preferences to provide personalized care is more valued and taught.
Background: Non-technical errors, such as insufficient communication or leadership, are a major cause of medical failures during trauma resuscitation. Research on staffing variation among trauma teams on teamwork is still in their infancy. In this study, the extent of variation in trauma team staffing was assessed. Our hypothesis was that there would be a high variation in trauma team staffing. Methods: Trauma team composition of consecutive resuscitations of injured patients were evaluated using videos. All trauma team members that where part of a trauma team during a trauma resuscitation were identified and classified during a one-week period. Other outcomes were number of unique team members, number of new team members following the previous resuscitation and new team members following the previous resuscitation in the same shift (Day, Evening, Night). Results: All thirty-two analyzed resuscitations had a unique trauma team composition and 101 unique members were involved. A mean of 5.71 (SD 2.57) new members in teams of consecutive trauma resuscitations was found, which was two-third of the trauma team. Mean team members present during trauma resuscitation was 8.38 (SD 1.43). Most variation in staffing was among nurses (32 unique members), radiology technicians (22 unique members) and anesthetists (19 unique members). The least variation was among trauma surgeons (3 unique members) and ER physicians (3 unique members). Conclusion: We found an extremely high variation in trauma team staffing during thirty-two consecutive resuscitations at our level one trauma center which is incorporated in an academic teaching hospital. Further research is required to explore and prevent potential negative effects of staffing variation in trauma teams on teamwork, processes and patient related outcomes.
Background: Non-technical errors, such as insufficient communication or leadership, are a major cause of medical failures during trauma resuscitation. Research on staffing variation among trauma teams on teamwork is still in their infancy. In this study, the extent of variation in trauma team staffing was assessed. Our hypothesis was that there would be a high variation in trauma team staffing. Methods: Trauma team composition of consecutive resuscitations of injured patients were evaluated using videos. All trauma team members that where part of a trauma team during a trauma resuscitation were identified and classified during a one-week period. Other outcomes were number of unique team members, number of new team members following the previous resuscitation and new team members following the previous resuscitation in the same shift (Day, Evening, Night). Results: All thirty-two analyzed resuscitations had a unique trauma team composition and 101 unique members were involved. A mean of 5.71 (SD 2.57) new members in teams of consecutive trauma resuscitations was found, which was two-third of the trauma team. Mean team members present during trauma resuscitation was 8.38 (SD 1.43). Most variation in staffing was among nurses (32 unique members), radiology technicians (22 unique members) and anesthetists (19 unique members). The least variation was among trauma surgeons (3 unique members) and ER physicians (3 unique members). Conclusion: We found an extremely high variation in trauma team staffing during thirty-two consecutive resuscitations at our level one trauma center which is incorporated in an academic teaching hospital. Further research is required to explore and prevent potential negative effects of staffing variation in trauma teams on teamwork, processes and patient related outcomes.
Mattresses for the healthcare sector are designed for robust use with a core foam layer and a polyurethane-coated polyester textile cover. Nurses and surgeons indicate that these mattresses are highly uncomfortable to patients because of poor microclimatic management (air, moisture, temperature, friction, pressure regulation, etc) across the mattress, which can cause pressure ulcers (in less than a day). The problem is severe (e.g., extra recovery time, medication, increased risk, and costs) for patients with wounds, infection, pressure-sensitive decubitus. There are around 180,000 waterproof mattresses in the healthcare sector in the Netherlands, of which yearly 40,000 mattresses are discarded. Owing to the rapidly aging population it is expected to increase the demand for these functional mattresses from 180,000 to 400,000 in the next 10 years in the healthcare sector. To achieve a circular economy, Dutch Government aims for a 50% reduction in the use of primary raw materials by 2030. As of January 1, 2022, mattress manufacturers and importers are obliged to pay a waste management contribution. Within the scope of this project, we will design, develop, and test a circular & functional mattress for the healthcare (cure & care) sector. The team of experts from knowledge institutes, SMEs, hospital(s), branch-organization joins hands to design and develop a functional (microclimate management, including ease of use for nurses and patients) mattress that deals with uncomfortable sleeping and addresses the issue of pressure ulcers thereby overall accelerating the healing process. Such development addresses the core issue of circularity. The systematic research with proper demand articulation leads to V-shape verification and validation research methodology. With design focus and applied R&D at TRL-level (4-6) is expected to deliver the validated prototype(s) offering SMEs an opportunity to innovate and expand their market. The knowledge will be used for dissemination and education at Saxion.
In de palliatieve terminale zorg is men nog erg terughoudend in de toepassing van telehealth technologie, terwijl voorgaande studies wel de potentiele meerwaarde ervan hebben aangetoond. In deze postdoc aanvraag zal daarom nader onderzoek worden gedaan naar de acceptatie van telehealth in de palliatieve terminale zorg. Het doel van het onderzoek is inzichtelijk maken hoe telehealth ingezet zou moeten worden in de palliatieve terminale zorg opdat het van meerwaarde is in het ondersteunen van; 1) de uitwisseling van informatie tussen zorgvragers en zorgverleners, en 2) de sociale interactie van zorgvragers met familie en naasten. De thematiek van het onderzoek sluit aan bij de onderzoekslijn Technology in Society van het lectoraat Technology, Health & Care. Het lectoraat opereert vanuit de pijler Health & Wellbeing dat onderdeel vormt van de corporate onderzoeksagenda van Saxion getiteld Living Technology'. De postdoc zal onder supervisie van de lector het onderzoek nader gaan uitwerken en uitvoeren. Daarbij zal ook nauwe samenwerking worden gezocht met studenten en de praktijk. Tevens zal de postdoc onderdeel uitmaken van een onderwijsteam opdat vervlechting van onderzoek en onderwijs goed tot stand gaat komen. In grote lijnen zal het onderzoek bestaan uit een literatuurstudie en een studie in de praktijk naar het gebruik en ervaringen van telehealth in de palliatieve terminale zorg. Vervolgens zal nader onderzoek zich richten op het ontwerp van een testopstelling voor de toepassing van telehealth in de praktijk van palliatieve terminale zorg. De postdoc zal zorgdragen dat studentopdrachten worden uitgezet bij diverse opleidingen opdat studenten kennis maken met het doen van onderzoek, en dat inspirerende colleges worden ontwikkeld, ingebed en verzorgd in diverse curricula. Daar waar mogelijk gaan studenten en docenten van verschillende opleidingen samenwerken om de gewenste interdisciplinariteit vorm te geven. Tot slot zal de postdoc in het kader van professionalisering zorgdragen voor kennisoverdracht naar docenten.