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From the article: "Whilst the importance of online peer feedback and writing argumentative essays for students in higher education is unquestionable, there is a need for further research into whether and the extent to which female and male students differ with regard to their argumentative feedback, essay writing, and content learning in online settings. The current study used a pre-test, post-test design to explore the extent to which female and male students differ regarding their argumentative feedback quality, essay writing and content learning in an online environment. Participants were 201 BSc biotechnology students who wrote an argumentative essay, engaged in argumentative peer feedback with learning partners in the form of triads and finally revised their original argumentative essay. The findings revealed differences between females and males in terms of the quality of their argumentative feedback. Female students provided higher-quality argumentative feedback than male students. Although all students improved their argumentative essay quality and also knowledge content from pre-test to post-test, these improvements were not significantly different between females and males. Explanations for these findings and recommendations are provided"
Providing high-quality feedback is essential for improving preservice teacher performance. Rather than post-lesson feedback, immediate performance feedback while teaching is considered effective. This article reports on developing and piloting a standardised tool for synchronous feedback. Eight teacher educators from a Dutch higher education institution were trained to use the tool (based on accepted models of teacher roles, observation criteria and feedback levels) with pre-recorded lessons. Interobserver reliability was good for teacher roles and sufficient for feedback levels. Positive evaluations of the tool and educators’ interest in its application, warrant further research into scalability and effectiveness of synchronous feedback delivery.
De Hogeschool Utrecht heeft een experiment uitgevoerd om het curriculum van de Pabo te flexibiliseren, zodat het beter aansluit op de leerbehoeften van studenten. Dit project richtte zich op het verbeteren van zelfregulatie door middel van ontwikkelingsgerichte feedback. In twee nieuw ontworpen cursussen werd programmatisch toetsen toegepast, waarbij feedback centraal stond dat werd vastgelegd in het digitale portfolio Scorion. Studenten verzamelden bewijsmateriaal in dit systeem, waarop verschillende feedbackgevers feedback gaven. Daarnaast werden studenten in kleinere leerteams begeleid en getraind in feedbackgeletterdheid, wat hen hielp om feedback beter te begrijpen, te gebruiken en erop te reageren. De resultaten van het project toonden aan dat het mogelijk is om onderwijs en toetsing zodanig te ontwerpen dat studenten meer regie krijgen over hun leerproces. Het project biedt een solide basis voor verdere ontwikkeling en verbetering van het onderwijsprogramma.