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Over the past few decades, education systems, especially in higher education, have been redefined. Such reforms inevitably require reconsideration of operational notions and definitions of quality, along with a number of related concepts. This reconsideration aligns with the core of higher education reforms: improving efficacy and compatibility with emerging social demands while adapting to competitiveness and accountability trends. As primary players in the teaching and learning process, online tutors have a protagonistic role and, therefore, must be equipped with a suitable set of competencies and attributes in addition to content knowledge. This quantitative research aims to analyze the perceptions of 250 online tutors working in European higher education institutions, distributed in 5 knowledge areas: Business, Education, Humanities, Sciences and Health. This descriptive and exploratory nonexperimental study reveals the technological and pedagogical skills and competencies that online tutors consider fundamental for effective online teaching and proposes professional development actions to ensure quality online teaching.
Internet technology offers a lot of new opportunities for the dissemination of information, sharing of support and consultation of professionals. Innovating professionals from multiple disciplines have begun to exploit the new opportunities for parenting support. The studies presented in this book are meant to deepen our insights in the subject of online parenting support and investigate the feasibility to use single session email consultation to empower parents. This publication includes: - A systematic review of 75 studies on online parenting support. - A meta-analytic review of 12 studies on online tools to improve parenting. - A content analysis of 129 parenting questions and responses in single session email consultation. - An analysis and validation study of the newly developed Guiding the Empowerment Process model. - An evaluation study of the effects of single session email consultation on parental empowerment. The results of this research indicate that the Internet is not only a source of information, but it can also be an instrument for support and training, aiming to improve parental competencies.
In this post I give an overview of the theory, tools, frameworks and best practices I have found until now around the testing (and debugging) of machine learning applications. I will start by giving an overview of the specificities of testing machine learning applications.
The ELSA AI lab Northern Netherlands (ELSA-NN) is committed to the promotion of healthy living, working and ageing. By investigating cultural, ethical, legal, socio-political, and psychological aspects of the use of AI in different decision-makingcontexts and integrating this knowledge into an online ELSA tool, ELSA-NN aims to contribute to knowledge about trustworthy human-centric AI and development and implementation of health technology innovations, including AI, in theNorthern region.The research in ELSA-NN will focus on developing and mapping ELSA knowledge around three general concepts of importance for the development, monitoring and implementation of trustworthy and human-centric AI: availability, use,and performance. These concepts will be explored in two lines of research: 1) use case research investigating the use of different AI applications with different types of data in different decision-making contexts at different time periods duringthe life course, and 2) an exploration among stakeholders in the Northern region of needs, knowledge, (digital) health literacy, attitudes and values concerning the use of AI in decision-making for healthy living, working and ageing. Specificfocus will be on investigating low social economic status (SES) perspectives, since health disparities between high and low SES groups are growing world-wide, including in the Northern region and existing health inequalities may increase with theintroduction and use of innovative health technologies such as AI.ELSA-NN will be integrated within the AI hub Northern-Netherlands, the Health Technology Research & Innovation Cluster (HTRIC) and the Data Science Center in Health (DASH). They offer a solid base and infrastructure for the ELSA-NNconsortium, which will be extended with additional partners, especially patient/citizens, private, governmental and researchrepresentatives, to have a quadruple-helix consortium. ELSA-NN will be set-up as a learning health system in which much attention will be paid to dialogue, communication and education.
UNStudio, een in Amsterdam gevestigd, internationaal toonaangevend architectenbureau, wil hun Green Mile-plan1 voor het centrum van Amsterdam uitwerken om een 'post-pandemisch groen stedenbouwkundig ontwerp' voor de stad te onderzoeken - kunnen groene gebieden worden (her) ontworpen om ruimte aan voetgangers te geven, terwijl voorkomen wordt dat mensen zich niet op dezelfde plek ophopen? De Corona-pandemie benadrukte ook de noodzaak om vaart te zetten achter duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen, waaronder de ambitie om groenere stedelijke omgevingen te creëren. In dit voorstel wordt stadsmeubilair voor de Green Mile ontworpen en gerealiseerd met hergebruikte materialen, en met post-pandemische stedenbouwkundige en bouwkundige principes. GPGroot en Schijf, leveranciers van rest- en gebruikte bouwmaterialen2, willen hun kennis over circulaire materiaalverwerking en -levering in de stedelijke context graag verder ontwikkelen. Het initiatief van UNStudio biedt een unieke kans om deze kennis te ontwikkelen, in samenwerking met de HvA en het onderzoek in de Robot Studio, dat zich tot nu toe met name richt op circulair gebruik van hout voor binnen-toepassingen. Het project volgt een iteratief ontwerpproces van parametrisch ontwerp en digitale productie. Bij het ontwerp wordt rekening gehouden met functionele eisen en beschikbare materialen, evenals met de specifieke kenmerken van de stedelijke context waar het prototype zou kunnen worden geplaatst. De productie van het prototype zal worden uitgevoerd met 6-assige robots in de HvA Robot Studio. De resultaten zijn ontwerpen en een prototype, maar ook kennis over het verbinden van parametrisch ontwerp en robotproductie met buitentoepassingen, met bijzondere aandacht voor rest- en gebruikte materialen. Innovatieve aspecten zijn de overstap naar structureel belaste buitentoepassingen en het gebruik van een breder scala aan materialen dan alleen hout. Hiermee kan het project bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van “smart industry” en de circulaire economie, beide relevant voor de maatschappelijke uitdagingen zoals vastgelegd in de nationale Kennis- en Innovatie-Agenda’s voor wetenschap en technologie.
Tango is among the most widespread world music genres nowadays. However, only partial information about the elements and techniques of composing, arranging and performing tango has been documented and made available so far. This research project aims at investigating tango’s main aspects in the oeuvre of relevant tango musicians, promoting its creative practice and expanding its artistic community. By making the implicit knowledge in scores and recordings explicit and ready for creative use by the greater artistic community, tango can be preserved, on one side; and musicians can experiment and reach new artistic horizons, securing its continuation and development as vivid, contemporary music, on the other. The project has two research questions: 1. What are the main features and techniques of tango music composition, arrangement and performance? 2. How can musicians nowadays integrate these features and techniques into their practice to deepen their understanding and enhance their artistic creations and performances? This research uses a mixed method design, including the analysis of scores and recordings, literature review, interviews, observational studies and experimentation. It expands the artistic community on the topic and bridges two top-notch institutions devoted to tango learning: Codarts and UNSAM (Argentina). The research also endeavours improvements in the Codarts curriculum as it complements and expands its educational programme by providing students with research tools to enhance their creative practice. Theoretical and artistic outcomes will be documented and disseminated in concerts, concert-lectures, papers, articles and a tailor-made website containing compositions, arrangements, videos, text, musical examples and annotated scores, so as to record: a) the musical materials and techniques found in the analysed scores and recordings, together with their applications in practice and performance; b) the artistic processes, reflections and production of the participants; c) information on how to create, arrange and perform tangos.