In this contribution we report about a project about Professional Learning Communities.This project combines development and research. In this contribution we pay attention to the effect of the organisational capacity of a school on the personal and interpersonal capacity and to the impact of a professional learning community on the self and collective efficacy of teachers and on the innovative attitude in the school. In order to answer these questions, we obtained data from a survey of 67 schools in the Netherlands. On the base of the results we can conclude that a school as a professional learning community influences in a positive way the collective efficacy and the innovative attitude. These attitude and feelings of efficacy can be regarded as a sustainable source for teaching and school improvement.
In this contribution we report about a project about Professional Learning Communities.This project combines development and research. In this contribution we pay attention to the effect of the organisational capacity of a school on the personal and interpersonal capacity and to the impact of a professional learning community on the self and collective efficacy of teachers and on the innovative attitude in the school. In order to answer these questions, we obtained data from a survey of 67 schools in the Netherlands. On the base of the results we can conclude that a school as a professional learning community influences in a positive way the collective efficacy and the innovative attitude. These attitude and feelings of efficacy can be regarded as a sustainable source for teaching and school improvement.
Het onderwijsbeleid is erop gericht te bevorderen dat scholen kunnen omgaan met verschillen tussen leerlingen en dat meer leerlingen met gedragsproblemen, opvoedingsmoeilijkheden, ontwikkelings-problemen en beperkingen kunnen profiteren van goede onderwijsondersteuning in het regulier onderwijs. Scholen, samenwerkingsverbanden en hun besturen richten zich, ook vanuit dit streven, op verdere professionalisering van leerkrachten, goede leergerichte voorzieningen en passende ondersteuning voor leerlingen en leerkrachten.