Malnutrition is a serious and widespread health problem in community-dwelling older adults who receive care in hospital and at home. Hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants have a key role in the delivery of high-quality multidisciplinary nutritional care. Nursing nutritional care in current practice, however, is still suboptimal, which impacts its quality and continuity. There appear to be at least two reasons for this. First, there is a lack of evidence for nutritional care interventions to be carried out by nurses. Second, there are several factors, that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour, such as lack of knowledge, moderate awareness of the importance and neutral attitudes. This results in a lack of attention towards nutritional care. Therefore, there is a need to generate more evidence and to focus on targeting the factors that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour to eventually promote behaviour change. To increase the likelihood of successfully changing their behaviour, an evidence-based educational intervention is appropriate. This might lead to enhancing nutritional care and positively impact nutritional status, health and well-being of community-dwelling older adults. The general objectives of this thesis are: 1) To understand the current state of evidence regarding nutrition-related interventions and factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults provided by hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to prevent and treat malnutrition. 2) To develop an educational intervention for hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to promote behaviour change by affecting factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults and to describe the intervention development and feasibility.
Malnutrition is a serious and widespread health problem in community-dwelling older adults who receive care in hospital and at home. Hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants have a key role in the delivery of high-quality multidisciplinary nutritional care. Nursing nutritional care in current practice, however, is still suboptimal, which impacts its quality and continuity. There appear to be at least two reasons for this. First, there is a lack of evidence for nutritional care interventions to be carried out by nurses. Second, there are several factors, that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour, such as lack of knowledge, moderate awareness of the importance and neutral attitudes. This results in a lack of attention towards nutritional care. Therefore, there is a need to generate more evidence and to focus on targeting the factors that influence nurses’ and nursing assistants’ current behaviour to eventually promote behaviour change. To increase the likelihood of successfully changing their behaviour, an evidence-based educational intervention is appropriate. This might lead to enhancing nutritional care and positively impact nutritional status, health and well-being of community-dwelling older adults. The general objectives of this thesis are: 1) To understand the current state of evidence regarding nutrition-related interventions and factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults provided by hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to prevent and treat malnutrition. 2) To develop an educational intervention for hospital and home care nurses and nursing assistants to promote behaviour change by affecting factors that influence current behaviour in nutritional care for older adults and to describe the intervention development and feasibility.
Under- and overfeeding in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are linked to prolonged hospitalisation, increased morbidity, and elevated mortality. This study investigates whether ICU patients were optimally nourished according to the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines. Methods: A cohort of 158 COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care for severe respiratory failure, necessitating a nuanced approach to nutritional support, was analysed. Nutritional status was determined regarding kilocalories and protein using the Energy Expenditure derived from ventilator-measured VCO2 and the adjusted Weir equation, and data on intake through enteral feeding was used. The study included ventilated patients hospitalised for over five days without Extra Corporeal Life Support (ECLS) and receiving enteral nutrition. Associations between mortality and (i) calorie intake and (ii) protein intake were examined using Chi-Square statistics. Results: Conforming to the ESPEN guidelines, 45% of patients were malnourished, and 21% were over-nourished in kilocalories. Additionally, 61% were malnourished, and 16% were over-nourished in protein. The distribution between the groups of survivors and deceased relative to each of the groups well nourished, malnourished, and over-nourished was not statistically different (p = 0.21). The protein distribution among survivors and deceased groups was not statistically different (p = 0.67) regarding correct, insufficient, or excessive protein intake. Conclusions: Based on ESPEN guidelines, most ICU patients were inadequately nourished in kilocalories and protein. However, no significant survival differences were observed across groups with varying nutritional adequacy. Further research is recommended to explore the implications of nutritional interventions in critically ill patients.