Sustainable Open Solutions Climate Waterfront is an interdisciplinary project that aims to explore waterfronts in Europe facing extreme situations under the threat of climate change, eg. heat, too much absent rain and sea level rise with all its consequences. The central goal is to exchange adaptive strategies for sustainable solutions for infrastructure and urban planning. The multidisciplinary perspective in cooperation with all possible partners, stakeholders and citizens, leads to a better understanding of the challenges and adaptation strategies.The participating parties are six coastal cities: Lisbon, Rome, Thessaloniki, Gdansk, Stockholm and the Amsterdam region. All these cities, except ‘Amsterdam’, are represented by a university. The Amsterdam area is represented by a multidisciplinary, educated but not necessarily academically employed delegation.
Sustainable Open Solutions Climate Waterfront is an interdisciplinary project that aims to explore waterfronts in Europe facing extreme situations under the threat of climate change, eg. heat, too much absent rain and sea level rise with all its consequences. The central goal is to exchange adaptive strategies for sustainable solutions for infrastructure and urban planning. The multidisciplinary perspective in cooperation with all possible partners, stakeholders and citizens, leads to a better understanding of the challenges and adaptation strategies.The participating parties are six coastal cities: Lisbon, Rome, Thessaloniki, Gdansk, Stockholm and the Amsterdam region. All these cities, except ‘Amsterdam’, are represented by a university. The Amsterdam area is represented by a multidisciplinary, educated but not necessarily academically employed delegation.
Light enables us to see and perceive our environment but it also initiates effects beyond vision, such as alertness. Literature describes that at least six factors are relevant for initiating effects beyond vision. The exact relationship between these factors and alertness is not yet fully understood. In the current field study, personal lighting conditions of 62 Dutch office workers (aged 49.7 ± 11.4 years) were continuously measured and simultaneously self-reported activities and locations during the day were gathered via diaries. Each office worker participated 10 working days in spring 2017. Personal lighting conditions were interpreted based on four of the six factors (light quantity, spectrum, timing, and duration of light exposure). Large individual differences were found for the daily luminous exposures, illuminances, correlated colour temperatures, and irradiances measured with the blue sensor area of the dosimeter. The average illuminance (over all participants and all days) over the course of the day peaked three times. The analysis of the duration of light exposure demonstrated that the participants were on average only exposed to an illuminance above 1000 lx for 72 minutes per day. The interpretation of personal lighting conditions based on the four factors provides essential information since all of these factors may be relevant for initiating effects beyond vision. The findings in the current paper give first in-depth insight in the possibilities to interpret personal lighting conditions of office workers.