Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
In order to guarantee structural integrity of marine structures in an effective way, operators of these structures seek an affordable, simple and robust system for monitoring detected cracks. Such systems are not yet available and the authors took a challenge to research a possibility of developing such a system. The paper describes the initial research steps made. In the first place, this includes reviewing conventional and recent methods for sensing and monitoring fatigue cracks and discussing their applicability for marine structures. A special attention is given to the promising but still developing new sensing techniques. In the second place, wireless network systems are reviewed because they form an attractive component of the desired system. The authors conclude that it is feasible to develop the monitoring system for detected cracks in marine structures and elaborate on implications of availability of such a system on risk based inspections and structural health monitoring systems
The NDT methods currently used in aviation MRO are predominantly labour-intensive and time-consuming processes performed by human operators throughout the lifespan of an aircraft. These techniques are time-consuming, require perpetual training and are highly dependent on the operator's skills. Thus, there is a growing need for more efficient, automated, and accurate NDT tools that will be able to provide faster and less labour-intensive assessments. This study presents a novel, non-contact, automated NDT scanning system under development, which aims to reduce the inspection time significantly. The proposed technique uses a non-contact, Lamb wave-based approach. A further essential step during the process is to use an automated positioning system. Thickness mapping and defect detection in metal and composite structures have been performed. A local thickness map in the order of 1 mm has been obtained through a fast-scanning process with comparable resolution to conventional inspection techniques. Overall, it is currently concluded that the proposed NDT scanner is a promising tool that potentially can reduce the inspection time while also having the potential to automate the damage assessment resulting in more efficient MRO inspection processes.
Een van de instrumenten voor de bepaling van de kwaliteit en van de aanwezigheid van opgetreden schade vormt het niet-destructief onderzoek (NDO), waarvan vele uitvoeringsvormen zijn ontwikkeld en waaraan binnen de kaders van de wetgeving en de in gebruik zijnde Codes zowel aan de apparatuur als aan de bediening eisen worden gesteld. Zo moeten ook de uitvoerders van NDO in de praktijk gecertificeerd zijn.