The Center of Nursing Excellence (CNE) in Kazakhstan is developed within the ProInCa project. The CNE focuses on the transfer of research outcomes into nursing practice and the research ideas to the universities for research and educational purposes. It includes mechanisms for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Centre of Nursing Excellence between the academic national and international nursing community (universities and other educational institutions) and society. These mechanisms involve the creation of an e-platform and formalized national and international networks and working groups.
The Center of Nursing Excellence (CNE) in Kazakhstan is developed within the ProInCa project. The CNE focuses on the transfer of research outcomes into nursing practice and the research ideas to the universities for research and educational purposes. It includes mechanisms for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the Centre of Nursing Excellence between the academic national and international nursing community (universities and other educational institutions) and society. These mechanisms involve the creation of an e-platform and formalized national and international networks and working groups.
Patients with poststroke aphasia have higher mortality rates and worse functional outcome than patients without aphasia. Nurses are well aware of aphasia and the associated problems for patients with stroke because they have daily contact with them. The challenge is to provide evidence-based care directed at the aphasia. Although rehabilitation stroke guidelines are available, they do not address the caregiving of nurses to patients with aphasia. The aim of this study was to explore the evidence on rehabilitation of stroke patients with aphasia in relation to nursing care, focusing on the following themes: (1) the identification of aphasia, (2) the effectiveness of speech-language interventions.The findings of this study can be used to develop nursing rehabilitation guidelines for stroke patients with aphasia. Further research is necessary to explore the feasibility of using such guidelines in clinical nursing practice and to examine the experiences of patients with nursing interventions directed at aphasia.