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“If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.”Evert Bisschop Boele challenges this idea and thinks about new audiences for music in changing times. Evert is Professor (‘lector’) of New Audiences at the Prince Claus Conservatoire, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen in the Netherlands.
The European music profession is rapidly changing and suggests more flexible career patterns and a need for transferable skills and lifelong learning strategies. Musicians collaborate increasingly with practitioners in other arts and societal cross-sector settings. This reality holds challenges and implications for higher music education (Smilde 2009). This state of play was point of departure in 2006 for the development of the collaborative European master ‘New Audiences and Innovative Practice’ (NAIP) by five European conservatoires. Five schools, from Iceland, the UK, the Netherlands and Finland, devised an innovative two-year master programme, helping students to develop and lead creative projects in diverse artistic, community and cross-sectoral settings, thereby creating new audiences and developing their leadership skills in varied artistic and social contexts. The programme aims to provide future professional musicians with the skills and knowledge to become artistically flexible practitioners able to adjust to new contexts within a wide range of situations of societal relevance. This particular chapter entails a case study of the first summer school of this programme which took place in Iceland. It details the heart of the programme, the artistic laboratory and reflective practice.
Music can touch people deeply, and lead to wellbeing as an all-encompassing word for everything that makes life worth living, or at least can make it liveable. Musicians can play an important role in these processes, not as pseudo-therapists, but from their own artistic identity, with an approach in which they profoundly understand the social contexts to which they respond. In essence this is about connecting as a musician with those who, due to whatever circumstances, are vulnerable, and/or those who do not easily get into contact with live music.This requires new qualities and skills from such “new audience musicians” who want to engage with people in contexts beyond the concert hall, jazz club or church, like schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, or e.g. the corporate world.Underpinning engagement with those new audiences is first and foremost a set of values that implies that music can work as a catalyst for communication between various groups of people from different cultural and social contexts, and can bring about social change, no matter how small (Smilde 2018: 673). Point of departure is the idea that artistic processes can have transformative potential which can bring about a sense of community, inclusion and collective identity.In this chapter, research into musicians’ engagement with new audiences will be explored through examples in the field of music and healthcare. I will do that from a biographical perspective, where the musicians’ personal and professional development is strongly influenced by their experiences in their artistic practice. Here, biographical learning processes are at the core of what we might term, musicians’ “professional performance” (Lombarts 2010).Two examples are discussed in this light, a research into the project “Music for Life”, on music and dementia, taking place in elderly care homes, and another, termed “Meaningful Music in Healthcare”, which is on music in the hospital. After that the chapter will address what everything learnt means for learning and teaching in higher music education, embracing the idea of engaging with new audiences and the potentials of Musikvermittlung.
The main aim of the project is to provide new research in the arts by focusing on the concept of the inter-sensorial as an essential text for the creation of art and culture. It is designed to foreground the role of the sensorium as an underpinning source for many aspects of thought and cultural heritage. This project will blend visual arts with applied arts and traditional local traditions, revealing new light on the artistic facets and customs which are usually overlooked.The extended residencies will promote transnational mobility for emerging artists, facilitating international relationships between different artistic and cultural contexts within the EU. This will promote transnational interconnectivity between artists and cultures, creating a resourceful intercultural fertilisation, endorsing cultural diversity, social inclusion and most of all, further research on the intercultural facets.Through the various side-activities to take place during the mobilities of the artists, the project aims to strengthen and develop diverse audiences by producing the necessary elements for a dialogue, illustrating interpretations of rich layers of tangible and intangible heritage and legacies of European countries related to the tradition of sensorial experiences and how they evolved around traditional customs. Furthermore, it also aims to rethink and project new and innovative ways for documenting, preserving and communicating data to different audiences.
Craft your own audience: How can a technology-driven company use online gaming communities, like Minecraft, to reach and engage a young audience? This project creates a context in which reality is simulated, by having students work together for a real client in an international context. In this project we explore innovative ways in which Samsung can engage younger audiences through Minecraft, the world's best-selling game with almost 140 million monthly players (2023). This project is focused on on educating, researching and developing playable prototypes within Minecraft that demonstrate how online gaming communities can be used to connect technology companies with a new generation of users. Societal issueInclusion of different ages around technology literacy and education (21st century skills).Benefit to societyGlobal inclusive community around education and R&D, higher cultural awareness.Collaborative partnersManchester Metropolitan University; Samsung Benelux.
Sinds de corona reset wordt in de culturele en creatieve sector volop geïnnoveerd om tijdelijke sluitingen en financiële verliezen te compenseren. Aanbieders van hoogwaardige culturele programma’s, zoals presentatie-instellingen en zelforganiserende collectieven, coördineren in hoog tempo digitale expositieruimtes, livestreams en online debatten, waarmee ze hun bestaande (offline en lokale) en nieuwe (online en mondiale) publiek bedienen. Soms ook tegelijkertijd, in een hybride evenement; met een beperkt live publiek én een onbeperkt aantal online bezoekers. Hoe zorgen zij dat beide groepen bij deze livecastings een gelijkwaardige ervaring hebben? En hoe benutten ze de potentie van dit opgenomen materiaal voor publicatie en blijvende publieksinteractie in hun digitaal (web)archief? Ad hoc coronaoplossingen behoeven nu toekomstbestendige doorontwikkeling. Met MKB’ers ontwikkelen we een langetermijnvisie op off/online kennisdeling van hun culturele aanbod, op voorwaarden van duurzaamheid en technologische onafhankelijkheid in het beheer en de data-opslag van hun gepubliceerde materiaal. Verregaande digitalisering en klimaatoverwegingen geven namelijk naast corona urgentie aan een visie op hybride programmering. In het onderzoek worden werkende principes ontwikkeld voor een langetermijnvisie op een hybride en kwalitatief hoogwaardig programma-aanbod, met het oog op het bedienen van nieuw en bestaand publiek na de corona reset, via participatieve livecasts van evenementen, de samenhangende verslaglegging daarvan middels publicaties die uiteindelijk in levende archieven te komen: Om het knelpunt van ‘schermmoeheid’ bij eindgebruikers van programma-aanbod te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘participatieve livecasting’, om de succespijler ‘gezamenlijke publiekservaring bij online evenementen’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van ‘gefragmenteerde informatievoorziening’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘hybride publicaties’, om de succespijler ‘samenhang in off/online programma-aanbod’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van een ‘reactieve houding’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘levende archieven’, om de succespijler van een ‘anticiperende houding in de werkwijze van programma-aanbieders’ te bewerkstelligen.