There is an increasing call in society for the improvement of well-being for nursing home residents and the support of care professionals through a wide array of architectural and technological solutions that are available in modern nursing homes. This study investigated which of these solutions are considered essential by stakeholders from healthcare and technology. Data were gathered via 22 simultaneously held multidisciplinary mind map sessions with 97 stakeholders, resulting in 43 mind maps. These, in turn, were grouped into a single mind map of the nursing home in general, the private rooms for residents with somatic or psychogeriatric health problems, and the group living room. A prioritization of solutions was added. The contents of the mind maps reflect a Dutch consensus on the necessary architectural and technological features for the design of nursing homes.
There is an increasing call in society for the improvement of well-being for nursing home residents and the support of care professionals through a wide array of architectural and technological solutions that are available in modern nursing homes. This study investigated which of these solutions are considered essential by stakeholders from healthcare and technology. Data were gathered via 22 simultaneously held multidisciplinary mind map sessions with 97 stakeholders, resulting in 43 mind maps. These, in turn, were grouped into a single mind map of the nursing home in general, the private rooms for residents with somatic or psychogeriatric health problems, and the group living room. A prioritization of solutions was added. The contents of the mind maps reflect a Dutch consensus on the necessary architectural and technological features for the design of nursing homes.
BACKGROUND: Although the importance of evaluating implementation fidelity is acknowledged, little is known about heterogeneity in fidelity over time. This study aims to generate insight into the heterogeneity in implementation fidelity trajectories of a health promotion program in multidisciplinary settings and the relationship with changes in patients' health behavior.METHODS: This study used longitudinal data from the nationwide implementation of an evidence-informed physical activity promotion program in Dutch rehabilitation care. Fidelity scores were calculated based on annual surveys filled in by involved professionals (n = ± 70). Higher fidelity scores indicate a more complete implementation of the program's core components. A hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted on the implementation fidelity scores of 17 organizations at three different time points. Quantitative and qualitative data were used to explore organizational and professional differences between identified trajectories. Regression analyses were conducted to determine differences in patient outcomes.RESULTS: Three trajectories were identified as the following: 'stable high fidelity' (n = 9), 'moderate and improving fidelity' (n = 6), and 'unstable fidelity' (n = 2). The stable high fidelity organizations were generally smaller, started earlier, and implemented the program in a more structured way compared to moderate and improving fidelity organizations. At the implementation period's start and end, support from physicians and physiotherapists, professionals' appreciation, and program compatibility were rated more positively by professionals working in stable high fidelity organizations as compared to the moderate and improving fidelity organizations (p < .05). Qualitative data showed that the stable high fidelity organizations had often an explicit vision and strategy about the implementation of the program. Intriguingly, the trajectories were not associated with patients' self-reported physical activity outcomes (adjusted model β = - 651.6, t(613) = - 1032, p = .303).CONCLUSIONS: Differences in organizational-level implementation fidelity trajectories did not result in outcome differences at patient-level. This suggests that an effective implementation fidelity trajectory is contingent on the local organization's conditions. More specifically, achieving stable high implementation fidelity required the management of tensions: realizing a localized change vision, while safeguarding the program's standardized core components and engaging the scarce physicians throughout the process. When scaling up evidence-informed health promotion programs, we propose to tailor the management of implementation tensions to local organizations' starting position, size, and circumstances.TRIAL REGISTRATION: The Netherlands National Trial Register NTR3961 . Registered 18 April 2013.
Dutch society faces major future challenges putting populations’ health and wellbeing at risk. An ageing population, increase of chronic diseases, multimorbidity and loneliness lead to more complex healthcare demands and needs and costs are increasing rapidly. Urban areas like Amsterdam have to meet specific challenges of a growing and super divers population often with a migration background. The bachelor programs and the relating research groups of social work and occupational therapy at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences innovate their curricula and practice-oriented research by multidisciplinary and cross-domain approaches. Their Centres of Expertise foster interprofessional research and educational innovation on the topics of healthy ageing, participation, daily occupations, positive health, proximity, community connectedness and urban innovation in a social context. By focusing on senior citizens’ lives and by organizing care in peoples own living environment. Together with their networks, this project aims to develop an innovative health promotion program and contribute to the government missions to promote a healthy and inclusive society. Collaboration with stakeholders in practice based on their urgent needs has priority in the context of increasing responsibilities of local governments and communities. Moreover, the government has recently defined social base as being the combination of citizen initiatives, volunteer organizations , caregivers support, professional organizations and support of vulnerable groups. Kraktie Foundations is a community based ethno-cultural organization in south east Amsterdam that seeks to research and expand their informal services to connect with and build with professional care organizations. Their aim coincides with this project proposal: promoting health and wellbeing of senior citizens by combining intervention, participatory research and educational perspectives from social work, occupational therapy and hidden voluntary social work. With a boundary crossing innovation of participatory health research, education and Kraktie’s work in the community we co-create, change and innovate towards sustainable interventions with impact.
The GeNEdu project aims to renew nursing curricula through building capacities of the Chinese partner institutions to develop gerontological nursing education for future health care professionals to meet the needs of the ageing society in China. It is financed from the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2, Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2019.
The project proposal focuses on Virtual Humans (VHs) emerging as a Key Enabling Technology (KET) for societal prosperity. VHs (or embodied, digital, intelligent agents) are highly realistic and highly interactive digital representations of humans in entertainment of serious applications. Most known examples – beyond video games and virtual media productions – are virtual influencers, virtual instructors, virtual news readers, and virtual doctors/patients in health care or therapy. It is increasingly difficult for academic and applied researchers, let alone for users and policymakers, to keep up with the technological developments, societal uses, and risks of VHs. Due to its expertise in game technology, immersive media, and applied AI, BUas is one of the leading partners of the regional Virtual Human Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) agenda. MindLabs coordinates this agenda with BUas, Fontys Uas, and Tilburg University as principal partners. The multidisciplinary RDI agenda integrates design and engineering research, use case applications and evaluation as well as ethics and critical societal reflection. This regional Virtual Humans agenda, however, is not (yet) linked to the EU RDI agenda. Collaboration on Virtual Humans RDI is not yet well established in EU institutions and networks. The aim of this project is to 1) strengthen (our) European-knowledge position on VHs by joining and building networks to find out what the research and innovation agenda on VHs looks like; 2) Conduct one or more experimental studies on empathic interaction between real- and virtual humans to develop a multidisciplinary R&D agenda (pilot title: 'Virtual Humans – Real Emotions'); 3) Develop the ideas, content and partnerships for strong EU-funded RDI proposals In the VESPER project, we partner up with researchers and knowledge institutes the Humbolt University and the University of Bremen in Germany and Howest in Belgium.