Research shows that victimization rates in forensic mental health care are high for both female and male patients. However, gender differences have been found in types and patterns of victimization (more sexual abuse and more complex trauma for women), cognitive appraisal, and response to traumatic events. Gender-responsive treatments focusing on trauma have been designed to adhere to these gender differences; however, despite promising research results, these interventions are yet to be introduced in many settings. This study examined how trauma is addressed in current clinical practice in Dutch forensic mental health care, whether professionals are knowledgeable of gender differences in trauma, and how gender-responsive factors such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, social relations, and coping skills are considered in treatment for female patients. We used a mixed-method design consisting of an online survey and 33 semi-structured interviews with professionals and patients. The results suggested that Dutch forensic mental health care could address trauma more structurally, and professionals could be more aware of gender differences and gender-responsive factors. Early start of trauma treatment was deemed important but was not current practice according to patients. Based on this study, guidelines were developed for gender-responsive, trauma-informed work in forensic mental health care.
Objectives: Promoting unstructured outside play is a promising vehicle to increase children’s physical activity (PA). This study investigates if factors of the social environment moderate the relationship between the perceived physical environment and outside play. Study design: 1875 parents from the KOALA Birth Cohort Study reported on their child’s outside play around age five years, and 1516 parents around age seven years. Linear mixed model analyses were performed to evaluate (moderating) relationships among factors of the social environment (parenting influences and social capital), the perceived physical environment, and outside play at age five and seven. Season was entered as a random factor in these analyses. Results: Accessibility of PA facilities, positive parental attitude towards PA and social capital were associated with more outside play, while parental concern and restriction of screen time were related with less outside play. We found two significant interactions; both involving parent perceived responsibility towards child PA participation. Conclusion: Although we found a limited number of interactions, this study demonstrated that the impact of the perceived physical environment may differ across levels of parent responsibility.
Objectives: Promoting unstructured outside play is a promising vehicle to increase children’s physical activity (PA). This study investigates if factors of the social environment moderate the relationship between the perceived physical environment and outside play. Study design: 1875 parents from the KOALA Birth Cohort Study reported on their child’s outside play around age five years, and 1516 parents around age seven years. Linear mixed model analyses were performed to evaluate (moderating) relationships among factors of the social environment (parenting influences and social capital), the perceived physical environment, and outside play at age five and seven. Season was entered as a random factor in these analyses. Results: Accessibility of PA facilities, positive parental attitude towards PA and social capital were associated with more outside play, while parental concern and restriction of screen time were related with less outside play. We found two significant interactions; both involving parent perceived responsibility towards child PA participation. Conclusion: Although we found a limited number of interactions, this study demonstrated that the impact of the perceived physical environment may differ across levels of parent responsibility.
Vanuit het werkveld bereiken Fontys Sporthogeschool (FSH) regelmatig vragen voor effectievere ondersteuning bij docentprofessionalisering van docenten Lichamelijke Opvoeding (LO). Deze zijn geconcretiseerd naar enkele breed gedeelde praktijk-vraagstellingen. Een innovatieve en veelbelovende methode voor docentprofessionalisering is Lesson Study (LS). Bij LS werken docenten samen aan het ontwerpen, uitvoeren en onderzoeken van een les. Deze aanpak voldoet aan kenmerken voor effectieve docentprofessionalisering zoals omschreven in de wetenschappelijke literatuur. Het is echter nog niet bekend of LS daadwerkelijk effectief is. Het consortium bestaande uit FSH, Universiteit Gent, Universiteit Utrecht, en de Academische Opleidingsscholen West-Brabant, Brabant Noord-Oost, Tilburg en Den Bosch, is daarom gekomen tot de volgende onderzoeksvragen: 1) Wat zijn de effecten van een workshop ‘motivationeel klimaat’ gevolgd door een begeleide lesson study op de vijf niveaus van doorwerking van Guskey (2000), in vergelijking met alleen een workshop? 2) Welke belemmeringen en succesfactoren kunnen er geïdentificeerd worden met betrekking tot het zelfstandig toepassen van de methode lesson study door docenten LO? 3) Hoe waarderen docenten LO en hun leidinggevenden de opbrengsten van de methode lesson study ten opzichte van de tijdsinvestering die deze vergt? In het onderzoek is sprake van een mixed-methods aanpak. De effecten (vraag 1) worden kwantitatief gemeten aan de hand van de niveaus van Guskey (2000) en vergeleken met een controlegroep van scholen die alleen een workshop krijgen. Vraag 2 en 3 worden kwalitatief onderzocht via focusgroepgesprekken (docenten) en semi-gestructureerde interviews (leidinggevenden). De opbrengsten van dit project zijn kennis met betrekking tot de effectiviteit en bruikbaarheid van LS voor docentprofessionalisering bij LO. Deze kennis wordt verspreid met nationale en internationale publicaties en presentaties. Voor het werkveld wordt tevens een symposium georganiseerd. De kennis zal niet alleen indalen in de lerarenopleiding LO van Fontys Sporthogeschool, maar LS zal bij gebleken effectiviteit ook in worden gezet als werkvorm voor LO-studenten die stagelopen.