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In the field of ‘renewable energy resources’ formation of biogas is an important option. Biogas can be produced from biomass in a multistep process called anaerobic digestion (AD) and is usually performed in large digesters. Anaerobic digestion of biomass is mediated by various groups of microorganisms, which live in complex community structures. However, there is still limited knowledge on the relationships between the type of biomass and operational process parameters. This relates to the changes within the microbial community structure and the resulting overall biogas production efficiency. Opening this microbial black box could lead to an better understanding of on-going microbial processes, resulting in higher biogas yields and overall process efficiencies.
In the field of ‘renewable energy resources’ formation of biogas is an important option. Biogas can be produced from biomass in a multistep process called anaerobic digestion (AD) and is usually performed in large digesters. Anaerobic digestion of biomass is mediated by various groups of microorganisms, which live in complex community structures. However, there is still limited knowledge on the relationships between the type of biomass and operational process parameters. This relates to the changes within the microbial community structure and the resulting overall biogas production efficiency. Opening this microbial black box could lead to an better understanding of on-going microbial processes, resulting in higher biogas yields and overall process efficiencies.
Learning communities worden gezien als een effectieve manier om gezamenlijk te leren en ontwikkelen, werken, innoveren en te onderzoeken. Een manier die mensen verbindt die graag willen leren, ontwikkelen en werken over grenzen van hun organisatie en discipline, en aan een gezamenlijk doel. Het is meer dan af en toe samen komen en met elkaar en van gedachten wisselen, en kan bijdragen aan duurzame inzetbaarheid, persoonlijke ontwikkeling en groei. Maar hoe ziet dat er dan uit? In deze publicatie worden de belangrijkste bouwstenen en handvatten voor een krachtige learning community besproken, en verder toegelicht aan de hand van vier praktijkvoorbeelden: 1) Gas Erop! Learning communities in organisaties, 2) H2Hub Twente - Een learning community tussen meerdere organisaties, 3) Smart Solutions Semester - Een learning community in het onderwijs, en 4) Learning Communities bij HealthTech in Society. Over hoe deze learning communities zijn ontstaan en vormgegeven, hoe zijn gegroeid en wat ze hebben opgeleverd.
Growth conditions have been frequently studied in optimizing polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production, while few studies were performed to unravel the dynamic mixed microbial consortia (MMCs) in the process. In this study, the relationship between growth conditions (C/N ratios and pH) and the corresponding key-microbes were identified and monitored during PHB accumulation. The highest PHB level (70 wt% of dry cell mass) was obtained at pH 9, C/N 40, and acetic acid 10 g/L. Linking the dominant genera with the highest point of PHB accumulation, Thauera was the most prevalent species in all MMCs of pH 9, except when a C/N ratio of 1 was applied. Notably, dominant bacteria shifted at pH 7 (C/N 10) from Thauera (0 h) to Paracoccus, and subsequently to Alcaligenes following the process of PHB accumulation and consumption. Further understanding of the relationship between the structure of the microbial community and the performance will be beneficial for regulating and obtaining high PHB accumulation within an MMC. Our study illustrates the impact of C/N ratios and pH on microbial prevalence and PHB production levels using a mixed microbial starter culture. This knowledge will broaden industrial perspectives for regulating high PHB production and timely harvesting.
Growth conditions have been frequently studied in optimizing polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) production, while few studies were performed to unravel the dynamic mixed microbial consortia (MMCs) in the process. In this study, the relationship between growth conditions (C/N ratios and pH) and the corresponding key-microbes were identified and monitored during PHB accumulation. The highest PHB level (70 wt% of dry cell mass) was obtained at pH 9, C/N 40, and acetic acid 10 g/L. Linking the dominant genera with the highest point of PHB accumulation, Thauera was the most prevalent species in all MMCs of pH 9, except when a C/N ratio of 1 was applied. Notably, dominant bacteria shifted at pH 7 (C/N 10) from Thauera (0 h) to Paracoccus, and subsequently to Alcaligenes following the process of PHB accumulation and consumption. Further understanding of the relationship between the structure of the microbial community and the performance will be beneficial for regulating and obtaining high PHB accumulation within an MMC. Our study illustrates the impact of C/N ratios and pH on microbial prevalence and PHB production levels using a mixed microbial starter culture. This knowledge will broaden industrial perspectives for regulating high PHB production and timely harvesting.