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Accessible Summary What is known on the subject? • Mentalizing is the capacity to understand both one‘s own and other people‘s behaviour in terms of mental states, such as, for example, desires, feelings and beliefs. • The mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals help to establish effective therapeutic relationships and, in turn, lead to better patient outcomes. What this paper adds to existing knowledge? • The personal factors positively associated with the mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals are being female, greater work experience and having a more secure attachment style. Psychosocial factors are having personal experience with psychotherapy, burnout, and in the case of female students, being able to identify with the female psychotherapist role model during training. There is limited evidence that training programmes can improve mentalizing capacities. • Although the mentalization field is gaining importance and research is expanding, the implications for mental health nursing have not been previously reviewed. Mental health nurses are underrepresented in research on the mentalizing capacities of healthcare professionals. This is significant given that mental health nurses work closest to patients and thus are more often confronted with patients‘ behaviour compared to other health care professionals, and constitute a large part of the workforce in mental healthcare for patients with mental illness. What are the implications for practice? • Given the importance of mentalizing capacity of both the patient and the nurse for a constructive working relationship, it is important that mental health nurses are trained in the basic principles of mentalization. Mental health nurses should be able to recognize situations where patients‘ lack of ability to mentalize creates difficulties in the interaction. They should also be able to recognize their own difficulties with mentalizing and be sensitive to the communicative implications this may have.
In many European cities, urban experimentation is increasingly preferred as a method for testing and disseminating innovations that might ignite a transformation toward more sustainable cities. By both academics and practitioners, these experiments tend to be approached as relatively neutral initiatives through which plural urban stakeholders willfully collaborate, while their success is seen as above all dependent on effective management. For this reason, the political nature of urban experiments, in the sense that they entangle different and often contending stakeholders in their innovation processes, remains relatively unarticulated in both practice and the academic literature. Building on the urban experimentation literature and political theory, this conceptual paper argues that the depoliticization of experimental initiatives is especially problematic for unleashing their transformative potential, which requires revealing the existing power-relations and biases keeping the status-quo in place and negotiability of radical alternatives. From this perspective, the paper sketches out four ideal-typical trajectories for experiments as related to their (de)politicization; optimization, blind leap, antagonistic conflict and transformation. Bringing insights from political theory to bear on the urban experimentation literature, we proceed to hypothesize the implications of our ideal-types for urban experiments’ transformative capacities. The paper closes by presenting a future research and policy agenda.
Zorgcapaciteit kan een belangrijke schakel zijn tussen multi-probleem omstandigheden en ongunstige ontwikkeling van kinderen. Deze studie heeft als doel om de zorgcapaciteit en de correlaties daartussen te onderzoeken in zeer kwetsbare multiprobleemgezinnen in Rotterdam, Nederland. Zorgcapaciteit (algemeen, emotioneel en instrumenteel) werd prospectief beoordeeld bij 83 zeer kwetsbare vrouwen met behulp van video-observaties van dagelijkse zorgtaken, zes weken postpartum. Ondersteunende gegevens werden verzameld op drie tijdstippen: bij inclusie, zes weken na inclusie en zes weken postpartum, en deze omvatten psychologische symptomen, zelfredzaamheid, problematische levensdomeinen, thuisomgeving, inkomen, depressie, angst en stress. Zwangerschaps- en bevallingsgerelateerde informatie werd verzameld bij verloskundigen. De scores voor zorgverlening door de moeder waren gemiddeld van onvoldoende kwaliteit. Moeders die in een onveilige thuisomgeving leefden (B = 0,62) en moeders met meer problematische levensdomeinen (≤3 domeinen, B = 0,32) vertoonden significant hogere instrumentele zorgcapaciteiten. Andere variabelen waren niet gerelateerd aan zorgcapaciteit. De zorgcapaciteit in deze zeer kwetsbare populatie was van onvoldoende kwaliteit. In de meeste gevallen was er echter geen significant verband tussen zorgzaamheid en de variabelen die gerelateerd zijn aan kwetsbaarheid. Dit betekent dat een mogelijk verband tussen kwetsbaarheid en zorgcapaciteit kan worden veroorzaakt door de interactie tussen verschillende problemen, in plaats van door het type of de omvang van de zorg.