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Internationalizing curricula. Needs and wishes of alumni and employers with regard to international competencies. Internationalization has become of great importance for universities acrossthe globe. The labour market is becoming international, with internationalopportunities and international competition. Emerging markets such as India, China and Russia are gaining economic power. Global challenges demand world-wide solutions. Production and marketing networks span the globe and various forms of migration have resulted in a large cultural diversity within nations. As a result, societies and labour markets are changing as well. In order to deal with these societal changes adequately and to succeed in today’s labour market, graduates need to be equipped with international competencies. In a survey among 500 chief executives, ICM Research (on behalf of Think Global and The British Council, 2011) showed that employers strongly value staff members who are able to work in an international and multicultural environment. Similar results were found in Diamond et al. (2011), in which ‘multicultural teamwork’ was considered most important. The Hague University of Applied Sciences seeks to prepare its students adequately for the world of tomorrow. The University’s development plans (e.g. HogeschoolOntwikkelingsPlan, HOP 7, 2009-2013 and HOP 8, 2014-2017) indicate that its vision is to train students to be globally-minded professionals with an international and multicultural perspective, who are world-citizens, interested in global issues and able to deal with diversity in a constructive manner. They are to be professionals, who possess the competencies to function well in an international and intercultural environment. Internationalization is therefore high on the agenda of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) which is illustrated by the fact that, as of 2014, new students in all academies have to fill 12.5% (30 ECTS) of their four-year Bachelor program with international activities. These activities can range from an internship or semester abroad (student mobility) to participating in full programs of study or minors in which English is the medium of instruction, or an internationally themed minor (Internationalization at Home, IaH). And this is only the beginning. Internationalization is a means, not an end. All THUAS courses are looking into ways in which they can internationalize their curriculum. And in doing so, they need to be innovative (Leask, 2009) and keep in mind the specific needs and wishes of alumni and their employers with regard to international competences. The THUAS research group International Cooperation supports these internationalization policy objectives by investigating various aspects, such as: • The acquisition and development of international competencies among students. • The extent to which lecturers possess international competencies and what their needs and wishes are for further development. • The international competencies THUAS graduates have acquired as part of their degree and how THUAS has stimulated this development. • The international competencies that employers and alumni consider important. Although international competencies and employability have received growing attention in internationalization research, existing studies have mainly focused on: • The effects of study abroad on the development of international competence (cf. Hoven & Walenkamp, 2013). • The effects of an experience abroad (study, internship, voluntary work) on employability. • A more general analysis of the skills employers look for in prospective employees.
The Internet and computers increasingly determine our daily lives. This goes for almost everyone in the Netherlands. Still, it is mostly teenagers who are well informed on how to use all the possibilities of new technologies. They are building a digital world of their own that parents usually know very little about. This booklet intends to inform teachers, parents and other interested parties on what teenagers are actually doing online and how important it is to keep abreast of the new developments that the Internet and computers bring into their world. On the basis of research into these issues in the Netherlands and abroad we attempt to indicate what the digital world of teenagers looks like and how it differs from that of grown-ups. What do they do, exactly, and why? We also look into teenagers’ ICT behaviour and into dangers and abuse of the Internet. Moreover we provide tips for parents and teachers on how to handle certain phenomena. This book does not pretend to provide an exhaustive overview of the digital world of teenagers. It is focused on some important characteristics and parts of that world. It reports on research of the INHOLLAND Centre for eLearning into various aspects of ICT behaviour among teenagers. The research was undertaken in the spring of 2006, focusing mainly on texting, networking, gaming, dangers and abuse on the Internet and the digital relation between school and the home. Ultimately we are especially concerned with the question of what teenagers really learn in their digital world, and how education can profit. This book also addresses that issue.
Onderzoeksplatform ‘Connected Learning: ’Al ruim vijftien jaar houdt De Haagse Hogeschool zich bezig met onderzoek als deel van haar missie. Terwijl onderwijs vaak geworteld is in monodisciplinaire vakgebieden, kan met onderzoek wat makkelijker gekeken worden naar domeinen in de samenleving (zorg, veiligheid, ondernemen, etc.) waarin complexe problematiek steeds vaker wél dan niet een multidisciplinaire aanpak vereist. Bijna niemand werkt nog alleen of met alleen vakgenoten aan problemen of uitdagingen. En die veranderende beroepspraktijk is bij uitstek het domein van het hoger beroepsonderwijs. Daar leiden we voor op. Het onderzoeken van en experimenteren met nieuwe uitdagingen in de praktijk verbindt ons sterker met de samenleving, het stelt ons in staat om ons beroepsonderwijs te vernieuwen en geeft docenten, onderzoekers en studenten de kans om zich te ontwikkelen door samen te werken aan vragen en uitdagingen die de toekomst van de beroepspraktijk vorm geven. Veel onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd onder begeleiding van lectoren die samenwerken met docent-onderzoekers, studenten, en professionals in het werkveld aan veelal meerjarige onderzoeksagenda’s die lijn aanbrengen in verschillende deelactiviteiten. Een van de manieren waarop De Haagse Hogeschool onderzoek organiseert is in de vorm van onderzoeksplatforms die zich richten op verschillende domeinen van de samenleving. Wij zijn ‘Connected Learning’, een onderzoeksplatform dat zich richt op leren in de netwerksamenleving - in de samenleving zelf, maar ook in de beroepspraktijk en in ons onderwijs. Aangenaam. Wat wij doen? Daar gaat dit boek over, dus daar verklappen we hier nog niets over. Wat verwacht u als u nadenkt over onze naam? Enig idee? Geen idee? Benieuwd? Lees verder om te ontdekken wat ons inspireert, uitdaagt en nieuwsgierig maakt. Sommige van onze ideeën zijn doordacht en doorleefd omdat we er al jaren onderzoek naar doen, andere zijn nieuw en dagen ons uit om er grip op te krijgen. Wij geven met dit boek een beeld van waar we staan in 2018. Zie het als een eerste kennismaking, met de nadruk op ‘eerste’: we werken graag met veel en verschillende partners. Zie het als visitekaartje van onze onderzoeksagenda. We hopen van harte dat u zich als lezer uitgenodigd voelt om met ons samen op zoek te gaan—misschien wel naar een gezamenlijke toekomst. ‘Connected Learning’ Research Platform: For over fifteen years, The Hague University of Applied Sciences has been carrying out research as part of its mission. While education is often rooted in monodisciplinary subject areas, research allows for a broader look at areas of society (care, security, entrepreneurship etc.), where complex problems more often than not require a multidisciplinary approach. Today, barely anyone works on problems or challenges alone or solely with colleagues from within the same subject area. Universities of applied sciences are uniquely placed to deal with these changes in professional practices; after all, we train the professionals who will one day enter that field. Researching and experimenting with new challenges in professional practice allows us to connect more strongly with society, enables us to be innovative in our professional training and gives lecturers, researchers and students the opportunity to develop themselves by cooperating on the challenges and issues that will shape the future of that professional practice. Most research is carried out under the guidance of professors who cooperate with lecturers/researchers, students and the professional field, mainly on long-term research agendas that provide an outline for various sub-activities. One of the ways in which research is organised at The Hague University of Applied Sciences is in the form of research platforms that focus on various areas of society. We are ‘Connected Learning’, a research platform focusing on learning in the network society — in that society as such, but also in professional practice and our education. Nice to meet you! So, what do we do? That’s what this book is about, so we’re not going to give anything away just yet. Just thinking about our name, what do you expect we do? Any ideas? Or not a clue at all? If you’d like to find out, keep reading to find out what inspires us, what challenges we face and what drives our curiosity. Some of our ideas are well-established because we’ve been researching them for years, while other, newer ideas are more challenging to grasp. This book provides an overview of where we stand in 2018. You could see it as an initial introduction, with the emphasis on “initial”; we work with many different partners, and we enjoy doing so. Alternatively, you could see it as a calling card for our research agenda. We sincerely hope that, as a reader, you feel encouraged to join us in our quest — possibly towards a joint future.
Het 3D-BioLOKAAL project wil een bio-based filament met karakteristieke lokale vulstoffen ontwikkelen, de eigenschappen van het filament bepalen en het filament inzetten bij de productie van innovatieve designproducten. Bijvoorbeeld voor geïndividualiseerde producten voor de souvenirmarkt of “business to business” relatiecadeaus en promotieproducten. 3D Bakery en Eric Klarenbeek Studio, Inktweb B.V. en Danvos BV, willen innovatieve 3D filamenten ontwikkelen gebaseerd op bio-based polymeren met vulstoffen uit lokale bronnen. Door de ontwikkeling van 3D technologieën en benutting van bio-based materialen, is de productie van bio-based filamenten de laatste jaren sterk toegenomen. 3D-printen met bio-based plastics kan de carbon footprint drastisch verminderen (meer dan 60-70% vermindering is haalbaar)(REF). Om het potentieel van deze systeeminnovatie in de circulaire economie volledig te benutten, is het belangrijk dat materialen lokaal geproduceerd kunnen worden en dat hergebruik van materialen ook zoveel mogelijk gestimuleerd wordt. De lokale productie versterkt tevens de lokale economie. BioLOKAAL onderzoekt vooral de mogelijkheden van zeewier als filament. De innovatieve composieten moeten een hoogwaardige en natuurlijke “look and feel” creëren voor het geprinte product dat voor de beoogde toepassingen zeer belangrijk is. De keuze van het materiaal is tevens belangrijk voor de boodschap die de ontwerper wil overbrengen. Bijvoorbeeld door materialen te gebruiken die aansluiten bij de lokale natuur, zoals zeewier van de Nederlandse kust. 3D printen maakt complex design mogelijk en maakt kleine productievolumes en de productie van geïndividualiseerde producten economisch haalbaar. 3D filament composieten op basis van PLA en bio-based vulstoffen zijn al (beperkt) op de markt voorhanden dus de technische haalbaarheid is bewezen. De filamenten die in BioLOKAAL nieuw ontwikkeld worden zijn vernieuwend vanwege het gebruik van lokale (rest)materialen en sterke gerichtheid op duurzaamheid in combinatie met specifieke visuele en andere tactiele eigenschappen die met filamenten gecreëerd worden.
Designing with the Sun is a KIEM-GoCI explorative research project on the theme Energy Transition and Sustainability. The project is aimed at network and agenda building and design research that explores new (cultural) practices of renewable energy consumption, based on a shift from ‘energy blindness’ to ‘energy awareness’. Up until now the solar industry has been propelled forward by technical innovations, offering mostly pragmatic, economic benefits to consumers. Innovation in this field mostly concerns making solar panels more efficient and less costly. However, to succeed, the energy transition also needs new cultural practices. These practices should reflect the ways renewables are different from fossil fuels. For solar, this means using more direct solar energy, when the sun is there, and being able to adapt to periods of low energy. Currently, consumers are mostly ‘blind’ to the infrastructure behind fossil-based energy. However, for energy sources such as solar and wind ‘awareness’ of their availability becomes more important. What could such an awareness look or feel like? How can it be enacted? And how can a change in practice that is more attuned to availability be experienced positively? Solar companies see opportunities in using design to help build motivating practices and narratives within the solar field, enabling awareness through personal relationships between consumer and solar energy. However, the knowledge of how to get there is lacking. In a research-through-design trajectory, and together with partners from the Creative Industries, Designing with the Sun aims to explore new ways of relating citizens to solar energy. Ultimately, these insights should enable the newly emerging field of solar design to contribute to the emergence of more sustainable and rewarding energy awareness and practices.
Psychosocial problems related to social isolation are a growing issue for wellbeing and health and have become a significant societal problem. This is especially relevant for children and adults with chronic illnesses and disabilities, and those spending extended periods in hospitals or permanently living in assisted living facilities. A lack of social relationships, social connectivity, and the inability to travel freely leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Loneliness interventions often use mediated environments to improve the feeling of connectedness. It has been proven that the utilization of haptic technologies enhances realism and the sense of presence in both virtual environments and telepresence in physical places by allowing the user to experience interaction through the sense of touch. However, the technology application is mostly limited to the experiences of serious games in professional environments and for-entertainment-gaming. This project aims to explore how haptic technologies can support the storytelling of semi-scripted experiences in VR to improve participants’ sense of presence and, therefore, the feeling of connectedness. By designing and prototyping the experience, the project aims to obtain insights and offer a better understanding of designing haptic-technology-supported storytelling and its potential to improve connectedness and become a useful tool in isolation interventions. The project will be conducted through the process of participants’ co-creation.