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1e alinea column: Internet, social media, en al dan niet location based mobiele data hebben impact op de zichtbaarheid van de burger als consument, op business logica modellen en op hoe organisaties eruit gaan zien qua inrichting om in deze veranderende markt te overleven. In deze column de veranderingen in vogelvlucht en in onderling verband.
Creating a mobile urban tourism storytelling application presents several interactivity challenges on how to convey an engaging multimedia experience on-site. This article describes a methodology for fast prototyping of a multimedia mobile applications dedicated to urban tourism storytelling. The application can be a game that takes advantage of several locationbased technologies, freely available geo-referenced media, and augmented reality for immersive gameplay. The goal is to create serious games for tourism that follow a main narrative but where the story can automatically adapt itself to the current location of the player, assimilate possible detours and allow posterior out-of-location playback. Adaptable stories can use dynamic information from map sources such as points of interest (POI), elevation or virtual buildings. The main focus is for these locationbased storytelling games to create more engagement between the tourists and the urban environment. To explore this concept, an application was designed for the city of Porto: Unlocking Porto. This location-based game with a central, yet adaptable, story engages the player into the main sights following an augmented reality path while playing small games. The article discusses and presents solutions for media acquisition, interactive storytelling, game-design interface and multi-disciplinary coordination for mobile app development.
A case study and method development research of online simulation gaming to enhance youth care knowlegde exchange. Youth care professionals affirm that the application used has enough relevance as an additional tool for knowledge construction about complex cases. They state that the usability of the application is suitable, however some remarks are given to adapt the virtual environment to the special needs of youth care knowledge exchange. The method of online simulation gaming appears to be useful to improve network competences and to explore the hidden professional capacities of the participant as to the construction of situational cognition, discourse participation and the accountability of intervention choices.
Within this interdisciplinary project, we explore the integration of open-source databases, location-based gaming, and immersive storytelling to improve cultural heritage dissemination, interpretation and understanding of European values among younger target audiences. The students develop a game prototype which will be tested with the target audience during the project. The game is aimed to be implemented at cultural heritages sites along the heritage route of St Martin. The learning objective is to foster digital expertise, remote and virtual working proficiency, and the development of an interdisciplinary working attitude in a joint course setup of virtual workshops and MOOC-based lectures.