Service of SURF
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Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer that affects women worldwide, posing a significant burden on public health. While advancements in early detection and improved treatments have led to a remarkable 90% five-year survival rate and an 83% ten-year survival rate, this has also resulted in more prophylactic mastectomies being performed. Despite advancements in breast-conserving techniques, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy, many women still undergo mastectomies as part of their cancer treatment. In all cases, this results in scarring, and additional side effects from treatment modalities may arise. The loss of a breast can profoundly impact health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Although HRQoL has improved greatly during the recent years, systematic and local therapy having side effects is not uncommon, and this needs more attention.
BACKGROUND: In the last decades, autologous fat grafting has been used to treat adherent dermal scars. The observed regenerative and scar-reducing properties have been mainly ascribed to the tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction (tSVF) in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue's components augment local angiogenesis and mitosis in resident tissue cells. Moreover, it promotes collagen remodeling. We hypothesize that tSVF potentiates fat grafting-based treatment of adherent scars. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of tSVF-enriched fat grafting on scar pliability over a 12-month period.METHODS AND DESIGN: A clinical multicenter non-randomized early phase trial will be conducted in two dedicated Dutch Burn Centers (Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, and Martini Hospital, Groningen). After informed consent, 46 patients (≥18 years) with adherent scars caused by burns, necrotic fasciitis, or degloving injury who have an indication for fat grafting will receive a sub-cicatricic tSVF-enriched fat graft. The primary outcome is the change in scar pliability measured by the Cutometer between pre- and 12 months post-grafting. Secondary outcomes are scar pliability (after 3 months), scar erythema, and melanin measured by the DSM II Colormeter; scar quality assessed by the patient and observer scales of the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS) 2.0; and histological analysis of scar biopsies (voluntary) and tSVF quality and composition. This study has been approved by the Dutch Central Committee for Clinical Research (CCMO), NL72094.000.20.CONCLUSION: This study will test the clinical efficacy of tSVF-enriched fat grafting to treat dermal scars while the underlying working mechanism will be probed into too.
In 2008 heeft het Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (KNGF) de KNGF-beweegprogramma’s herzien; het warden de ‘Standaarden Beweeginterventies’, gericht op mensen met een chronische aandoening. Een dergelijke standaard stelt een voldoende competente fysiotherapeut in staat bij mensen met een chronische aandoening een actieve leefstijl te bevorderen en hun mate van fitheid te verhogen. Basis voor de herziening vormen de oorspronkelijk door TNO ontwikkelde beweegprogramma’s, van waaruit de tekst grondig is geactualiseerd. De gedetailleerde invulling van de programma’s in ‘kookboekstijl’ is niet opnieuw opgenomen. Gekozen is voor een actueel concept dat de fysiotherapeut de mogelijkheid biedt een ‘state-of-the-art’programma te ontwikkelen met respect voor de individuele patiënt en praktijkspecifieke randvoorwaarden