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Mbo-scholen worstelen met de strikte scheiding tussen onderwijs en examinering. Docenten krijgen daardoor moeilijk zicht op de ontwikkeling van hun studenten richting de examinering. Zij zetten formatieve evaluatie-activiteiten (FE-activiteiten) in, maar niet om doelgericht zicht te krijgen op die ontwikkeling. Uit Gulikers & Baartman (2017) blijkt dat 'learning progressions' (leerpaden) kunnen helpen om FE-activiteiten meer doelgericht en onderling samenhangend te maken. Het doel van dit onderzoek was daarom: (1) een learning progression maken, (2) bijpassende FE-activiteiten maken met de learning progression als kapstok. Vier mbo-teams hebben aan de hand van verschillende ontwerpactiviteiten een learning progression gemaakt, FE-activiteiten ontworpen en deze uitgevoerd. In het onderzoek zijn deze ontwerp- en experimenteeractiviteiten geëvalueerd, wat betreft hun bijdrage aan het inzicht van mbo-docenten in het leerpad van hun studenten en het kunnen ontwerpen en inzetten van meer doelgerichte FE-activiteiten. Het innemen van het studentperspectief bleek cruciaal. De mbo-docenten rapporteerden inzichten en geleerde lessen over vakoverstijgend kijken in langere leerlijnen, inzicht in een kernaspect van hun beroep en hoe studenten zich ontwikkelen, en FE-activiteiten die meer doelgericht 'vangen' waar studenten staan hun ontwikkeling op dat kernaspect.
From the article: "The educational domain is momentarily witnessing the emergence of learning analytics – a form of data analytics within educational institutes. Implementation of learning analytics tools, however, is not a trivial process. This research-in-progress focuses on the experimental implementation of a learning analytics tool in the virtual learning environment and educational processes of a case organization – a major Dutch university of applied sciences. The experiment is performed in two phases: the first phase led to insights in the dynamics associated with implementing such tool in a practical setting. The second – yet to be conducted – phase will provide insights in the use of pedagogical interventions based on learning analytics. In the first phase, several technical issues emerged, as well as the need to include more data (sources) in order to get a more complete picture of actual learning behavior. Moreover, self-selection bias is identified as a potential threat to future learning analytics endeavors when data collection and analysis requires learners to opt in."
The workforce in the EU is ageing, and this requires investment in older workers so that the organisations in which they work remain competitive and viable. One such investment takes the form of organising and facilitating intergenerational learning: learning between and among generations that can lead to lifelong learning, innovation and organisational development. However, successfully implementing intergenerational learning is complex and depends on various factors at different levels within the organisation. This multidisciplinary literature review encompasses work from the fields of cognitive psychology, occupational health, educational science, human resource development and organisational science and results in a framework that organisations can use to understand how they can create the conditions needed to ensure that the potential of their ageing workforce is tapped effectively and efficiently. Although not a comprehensive review, this chapter serves as a basis for further empirical research and gives practitioners an insight into solving a growing problem.