Service of SURF
© 2025 SURF
Purpose/objective: Stereotactic radiosurgery of brain metastases requires highly conformal dose distributions. Besides beams setup, characteristics of the linear accelerator collimator may also play a role. In this study we compared the impact of leaf width on the dose outside the target for stereotactic radiosurgery of single brain metastases. Results: The mean dose was evaluated in the first 2 rings of 5 mm around the PTV(table 1). The difference in mean dose for the small lesions(Dpres=24 Gy) of the first ring of 5 mm is 1.8 Gy in favor of the Agility and 0.9 Gy for the larger lesions(Dpres=18 Gy)also in favor of the Agility. The difference is smaller for the larger lesions (figure1). Also for the second ring of 5 mm, adjacent to the first ring, the difference is is 1.1 Gy vs 0.8 Gy also in favor of the Agility. Conclusion: For the small lesions with a volume smaller than 4 cm³ the Agility shows a steeper gradient in the two surrounding rings than the MLCi1. Therefore we recommend the use of the Agility for treating the smaller lesions.
This study explores the capability of the COMPASS system (IBADosimetry, Germany) to detect leaf positioning errors of a highresolution MLC with 4mm leaf width using a lower resolution(7.62mm detector spacing) 2D matrix of ionisation chambers
Plant photosynthesis and biomass production are associated with the amount of intercepted light, especially the light distribution inside the canopy. Three virtual canopies (n = 80, 3.25 plants/m2) were constructed based on average leaf size of the digitized plant structures: ‘small leaf’ (98.1 cm2), ‘medium leaf’ (163.0 cm2) and ‘big leaf’ (241.6 cm2). The ratios of diffuse light were set in three gradients (27.8%, 48.7%, 89.6%). The simulations of light interception were conducted under different ratios of diffuse light, before and after the normalization of incident radiation. With 226.1% more diffuse light, the result of light interception could increase by 34.4%. However, the 56.8% of reduced radiation caused by the increased proportion of diffuse light inhibited the advantage of diffuse light in terms of a 26.8% reduction in light interception. The big-leaf canopy had more mutual shading effects, but its larger leaf area intercepted 56.2% more light than the small-leaf canopy under the same light conditions. The small-leaf canopy showed higher efficiency in light penetration and higher light interception per unit of leaf area. The study implied the 3D structural model, an effective tool for quantitative analysis of the interaction between light and plant canopy structure.