The improvement of passive fire protection of storage vessels is a key factor to enhance safety among the LPG distribution chain. A thermal and mechanical model based on finite elements simulations was developed to assess the behaviour of full size tanks used for LPG storage and transportation in fire engulfment scenarios. The model was validated by experimental results. A specific analysis of the performance of four different reference coating materials was then carried out, also defining specific key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess design safety margins in near-miss simulations. The results confirmed the wide influence of coating application on the expected vessel time to failure due to fire engulfment. Aquite different performance of the alternative coating materialswas evidenced. General correlationswere developed among the vessel time to failure and the effective coating thickness in full engulfment scenarios, providing a preliminary assessment of the coating thickness required to prevent tank rupture for a given time lapse. The KPIs defined allowed the assessment of the available safety margins in the reference scenarios analyzed and of the robustness of thermal protection design.
The improvement of passive fire protection of storage vessels is a key factor to enhance safety among the LPG distribution chain. A thermal and mechanical model based on finite elements simulations was developed to assess the behaviour of full size tanks used for LPG storage and transportation in fire engulfment scenarios. The model was validated by experimental results. A specific analysis of the performance of four different reference coating materials was then carried out, also defining specific key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess design safety margins in near-miss simulations. The results confirmed the wide influence of coating application on the expected vessel time to failure due to fire engulfment. Aquite different performance of the alternative coating materialswas evidenced. General correlationswere developed among the vessel time to failure and the effective coating thickness in full engulfment scenarios, providing a preliminary assessment of the coating thickness required to prevent tank rupture for a given time lapse. The KPIs defined allowed the assessment of the available safety margins in the reference scenarios analyzed and of the robustness of thermal protection design.
The sustainable energy transition asks for new and innovative solutions in the way society, government, energy market and clients (end users) approach energy distribution and consumption. The energy transition provides great opportunity to develop innovative solutions where in the dense built environment district heating and cooling are being strongly advocated.Traditionally, the energy systems in urban districts have been regulated by a top-down approach. With the rise of local and distributed sustainable sources for urban heating and cooling, the complexity of the heat/cold chain is increasing. Therefore, an organic and bottom-up approach is being requested, where the public authorities have a facilitating and/or directive role. There is a need for a new and open framework for collaboration between stakeholders. A framework that provides insight into the integral consideration of heating and cooling solutions on district level in terms of: organisation, technology and economy (OTE). This research therefore focuses on developing this integral framework towards widely supported heating and cooling solutions among district stakeholders.Through in-depth interviews, workshops and focus groups discussions, relevant stakeholders in local district heating/cooling of varying backgrounds and expertise have been consulted. This has led to two pillars in a framework. Firstly the definition of Key Success Factors and Key Performance Indicators to evaluate technical solutions in light of the respective context. Secondly, an iterative decision making process among district stakeholders where technical scenarios, respective financial business cases and market organisation are being negotiated. Fundamental proposition of the framework is the recurrent interaction between OTE factors throughout the entire decision making process. In order to constantly assure broad-based support, the underlying nature of possible barriers for collaboration are identified in a stakeholder matrix, informing a stakeholder strategy. It reveals an open insight of the interests, concerns, and barriers among all stakeholders, where solutions can be developed effectively.
In the last decade, the automotive industry has seen significant advancements in technology (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles) that presents the opportunity to improve traffic safety, efficiency, and comfort. However, the lack of drivers’ knowledge (such as risks, benefits, capabilities, limitations, and components) and confusion (i.e., multiple systems that have similar but not identical functions with different names) concerning the vehicle technology still prevails and thus, limiting the safety potential. The usual sources (such as the owner’s manual, instructions from a sales representative, online forums, and post-purchase training) do not provide adequate and sustainable knowledge to drivers concerning ADAS. Additionally, existing driving training and examinations focus mainly on unassisted driving and are practically unchanged for 30 years. Therefore, where and how drivers should obtain the necessary skills and knowledge for safely and effectively using ADAS? The proposed KIEM project AMIGO aims to create a training framework for learner drivers by combining classroom, online/virtual, and on-the-road training modules for imparting adequate knowledge and skills (such as risk assessment, handling in safety-critical and take-over transitions, and self-evaluation). AMIGO will also develop an assessment procedure to evaluate the impact of ADAS training on drivers’ skills and knowledge by defining key performance indicators (KPIs) using in-vehicle data, eye-tracking data, and subjective measures. For practical reasons, AMIGO will focus on either lane-keeping assistance (LKA) or adaptive cruise control (ACC) for framework development and testing, depending on the system availability. The insights obtained from this project will serve as a foundation for a subsequent research project, which will expand the AMIGO framework to other ADAS systems (e.g., mandatory ADAS systems in new cars from 2020 onwards) and specific driver target groups, such as the elderly and novice.
Nek en rugpijn komen regelmatig voor en gaan vaak gepaard met mentale klachten, waardoor een biopsychosociale aanpak essentieel is. Onze nieuw ontwikkelde biopsychosociale interventie, genaamd Back2Action, integreert reguliere fysiotherapeutische zorg met online modules die specifiek zijn gericht op het verminderen van mentale klachten bij mensen met nek- en/of rugpijn.
De overheid speelt als opdrachtgever en inkoper een belangrijke rol in het circulair maken van de Nederlandse economie. Circulaire inkoop door de overheid komt echter maar langzaam van de grond en vormt nog steeds slechts een klein deel van de totale inkopen van de overheid. Uit gesprekken met circulaire MKB-bedrijven en een uitgevoerde enquête blijkt dat er verschillende barrières zijn om als circulaire ondernemer met succes in te schrijven op aanbestedingen van de overheid. Niettemin zijn er ook succesvolle inschrijvingen van circulaire ondernemers. Als eerste stap in het realiseren van méér circulair aanbesteden en het daartoe verbeteren van de match tussen mkb en overheid, is het doel van onderhavig onderzoek om in kaart te brengen wat de kritische succesfactoren zijn ten aanzien van circulair aanbesteden én van het inrichten van een learning community rond dit thema. Na deze inventarisatie zal vervolgonderzoek nodig zijn voor het verder vormgeven van de learning community en het verzamelen van best practices. Het ultieme doel van de onderzoekslijn is om te komen tot een ontwerp van een raamwerk voor circulair aanbesteden in de regio, dat handvatten en ‘best practices’ bevat, zodat een werkbare aansluiting kan ontstaan tussen het circulaire mkb en de aanbestedingspraktijk van decentrale overheden, zowel inhoudelijk als in het proces. Dit zal resulteren in méér circulair aanbesteden, wat bijdraagt aan het bereiken van de doelstellingen zoals beoogd door de overheid in ‘Nederland circulair in 2050’.