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Valuation judgement bias has been a research topic for several years due to its proclaimed effect on valuation accuracy. However, little is known on the emphasis of literature on judgement bias, with regard to, for instance, research methodologies, research context and robustness of research evidence. A synthesis of available research will establish consistency in the current knowledge base on valuer judgement, identify future research opportunities and support decision-making policy by educational and regulatory stakeholders how to cope with judgement bias. This article therefore, provides a systematic review of empirical research on real estate valuer judgement over the last 30 years. Based on a number of inclusion and exclusion criteria, we have systematically analysed 32 relevant papers on valuation judgement bias. Although we find some consistency in evidence, we also find the underlying research to be biased; the methodology adopted is dominated by a quantitative approach; research context is skewed by timing and origination; and research evidence seems fragmented and needs replication. In order to obtain a deeper understanding of valuation judgement processes and thus extend the current knowledge base, we advocate more use of qualitative research methods and scholars to adopt an interpretative paradigm when studying judgement behaviour.
This thesis provides an examination of judgement autonomy of Dutch commercial real estate valuers in relation to client orientation. The valuation of commercial real estate such as offices or retail properties requires in-depth analysis due to its uniqueness by location, building type and usage details. Essentially, a register-valuer is qualified and instructed to assess a property value to one’s best cognitive effort and inform others of this outcome by means of a valuation report. In the Netherlands, concerns over independence risks and client-related judgement risks of valuers have been raised by regulative authorities as the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). A significant part of these concerns followed the 2008 financial crisis, which appeared to be at least partially driven by unreliable and incomparable valuations of Dutch commercial real estate (AFM, 2014; DNB, 2012; 2015). Among other things, these concerns led to the instigation of the Nederlands Register Vastgoed Taxateurs (NRVT) in 2015. NRVT is a new Dutch central register of valuation practitioners set up in order to improve self-regulation, quality control and compliance of valuation practitioners. Currently, the chamber for commercial real estate valuation holds about 2,000 commercial valuation registrations (NRVT, 2020). The introduction of NRVT, and other measures taken, reflect an instrumental view towards enhancing professionalism of Dutch valuers. This view is based on a systematic orientation to professional conduct in which good practice is primarily objectively determined (Van Ewijk, 2019). However, Wassink and Bakker (2016) point out that individuals make personal choices in order to deal with work complexity. Insight into and reflection on individual choices is part of what is referred to as normative aspects of professionalisation: what norms prevail in individual judgement and decision-making and why (Van Ewijk, 2019). In this regard, insight into judgement reasoning of valuation practitioners may contribute to normative levels of professional development of valuers. The need for such is expressed through community concerns over how individual judgement autonomy may become subdued due to instrumental-driven developments taking place in the sector. The combination of authoritative concerns over professional quality in the Netherlands and lack of (scientific) insight on how client influence affects judgement in valuation practice poses a problem: How may practitioners address client-related judgement bias risks and improve valuation accuracy from this viewpoint, if little is known on how such risks may occur in daily practice? The seemingly scarce scientific insights available in this regard in the Netherlands may also prevent educational programs to adequately address valuer independence and objectivity risks in relevant training programs. In order to address this knowledge gap, the present PhD research examines the following research problem: 169 Summary “How does client orientation affect professional judgement autonomy of commercial real estate valuers in the Netherlands?” The term ‘client orientation’ should be broadly interpreted and may refer to valuers’ perception, understanding and meaning given to alleged, actual or anticipated client-related aspects. Information on such client aspects is not required for the performance of valuation instructions. It should also be noted that this research examines the context of how client orientation may affect valuer judgement reasoning patterns during work practice, yet not its effect in terms of decision on final value opinion.
Teacher beliefs have been shown to play a major role in shaping educational practice, especially in the area of grammar teaching―an area of language education that teachers have particularly strong views on. Traditional grammar education is regularly criticized for its focus on rules-of-thumb rather than on insights from modern linguistics, and for its focus on lower order thinking. A growing body of literature on grammar teaching promotes the opposite, arguing for more linguistic conceptual knowledge and reflective or higher order thinking in grammar pedagogy. In the Netherlands, this discussion plays an important role in the national development of a new curriculum. This study explores current Dutch teachers’ beliefs on the use of modern linguistic concepts and reflective judgment in grammar teaching. To this end, we conducted a questionnaire among 110 Dutch language teachers from secondary education and analyzed contemporary school textbooks likely to reflect existing teachers’ beliefs. Results indicate that teachers generally appear to favor stimulating reflective judgement in grammar teaching, although implementing activities aimed at fostering reflective thinking seems to be difficult for two reasons: (1) existing textbooks fail to implement sufficient concepts from modern linguistics, nor do they stimulate reflective thinking; (2) teachers lack sufficient conceptual knowledge from linguistics necessary to adequately address reflective thinking.
Society continues to place an exaggerated emphasis on women's skins, judging the value of lives lived within, by the colour and condition of these surfaces. This artistic research will explore how the skin of a painting might unpack this site of judgement, highlight its objectification, and offer women alternative visualizations of their own sense of embodiment. This speculative renovation of traditional concepts of portrayal will explore how painting, as an aesthetic body whose material skin is both its surface and its inner content (its representations) can help us imagine our portrayal in a different way, focusing, not on what we look like to others, but on how we sense, touch, and experience. How might we visualise skin from its ghostly inner side? This feminist enquiry will unfold alongside archival research on The Ten Largest (1906-07), a painting series by Swedish Modernist Hilma af Klint. Initial findings suggest the artist was mapping traditional clothing designs into a spectral, painterly idea of a body in time. Fundamental methods research, and access to newly available Af Klint archives, will expand upon these roots in maps and women’s craft practices and explore them as political acts, linked to Swedish Life Reform, and knowingly sidestepping a non-inclusive art history. Blending archival study with a contemporary practice informed by eco-feminism is an approach to artistic research that re-vivifies an historical paradigm that seems remote today, but which may offer a new understanding of the past that allows us to also re-think our present. This mutuality, and Af Klint’s rhizomatic approach to image-making, will therefore also inform the pedagogical development of a Methods Research programme, as part of this post-doc. This will extend across MA and PhD study, and be further enriched by pedagogy research at Cal-Arts, Los Angeles, and Konstfack, Stockholm.
Werknemers en werkgevers in de Groen Grond Infra (GGI) sector krijgen een steeds grotere rol in de natuurinclusieve transitie binnen de agrarische sector en GGI. Deze groene transitie vereist verschillende soorten kennis, investeringen en inzet van loonwerkers. De betrokken loonwerkers moeten nu niet alleen taken uitvoeren maar ook meedenken over hoe die taken uit te voeren om bij te dragen aan de groene transitie. Een belangrijk onderdeel van deze verandering is dat werknemers als "change agents" gaan optreden. Dit betekent dat ze, dankzij hun kennis en houding, helpen om de groene transitie te realiseren. De GGI-sector omvat veel verschillende werkterreinen, zoals cultuurtechniek, agrarisch loonwerk en beheer van groene ruimtes. Om studenten op te leiden voor de arbeidsmarkt in deze diverse sector, is een nieuwe aanpak nodig. Deze aanpak moet de diversiteit van de sector bedienen en studenten stimuleren om een ondernemende en duurzame rol aan te nemen. Bedrijven, studenten, docenten, onderzoekers en andere betrokkenen gaan in een praktijkonderzoek een leeromgeving creëren die opleidt voor deze "change agents". In dit pilot-onderzoek werken studenten, bedrijven, een docent-onderzoeker, een practor en lector samen met vraaggestuurd onderwijs. Dit betekent dat de leerbehoeften van de studenten centraal staan, binnen kaders van duurzaamheid en natuurinclusiviteit. Het bedrijfsleven en het onderwijs faciliteren het leerproces, bewaken de kaders en reflecteren met de studenten op hun toekomstige rol als "change agents" in de GGI-sector. Het doel van dit pilot-onderzoek is dat studenten GGI(loonwerk) vaardigheden en tools ontwikkelen om mee te denken binnen de groene transitie. Door middel van interviews, Situational Judgement Tests en rubrics wordt inzicht verkregen in dit proces. De onderzoeksvraag is: Hoe kan vraaggestuurd onderwijs, vormgegeven door studenten, bedrijfsleven en Terra MBO, bijdragen aan een ondernemende houding bij GGI-studenten, zodat zij beter kunnen functioneren als "change agents" in toekomstbestendig loonwerk?
De klimaatopwarming is een van de meeste urgente uitdagingen voor onze maatschappij. Om deze opwarming tegen te gaan zijn verschillende technologieën ontwikkeld om CO2 uit lucht te halen. Deze technieken blijken echter erg complex en duur om op grote schaal toe te passen. Het start up bedrijf Carbyon ontwikkelt momenteel een nieuwe technologie om CO2 uit de atmosfeer te halen waarmee de kosten met een factor 10 kunnen worden verlaagd. De vraag is echter wat de netto CO2 winst is van deze nieuwe technologie en of die CO2-winst nog kan worden geoptimaliseerd in de verdere ontwikkeling van deze technologie. De samenwerking tussen Carbyon en de Radboud universiteit heeft dan ook als doel om de netto CO2 winst door direct air capture (DAC) via het nieuwe Carbyon-proces te kwantificeren en te optimaliseren. Tevens zal de CO2-winst worden vergeleken met bestaande DAC-technologieën. Carbyon zal metingen uitvoeren op hun direct air capture proces om het energie- en materiaalverbruik per ton CO2 in kaart te brengen. Verder zal Carbyon een inschatting maken op basis van expert judgement hoe de industriele setting van het DAC-proces eruit zal zien. Deze technologische expertise is van onmisbaar belang om een goede inschatting van alle relevante procesparameters voor het uitvoeren van de milieugerichte keten-analyse. De Radboud universiteit zal met die gegevens een volledige keten-analyse (levenscyclusanalyse) uitvoeren om in te kunnen schatten of de technologie van Carbyon een netto bijdrage kan leveren aan de reductie van het CO2 gehalte in de atmosfeer. In deze ketenanalyse zullen de CO2 emissies als gevolg van het materiaal en energieverbruik worden afgezet tegen de CO2 afvang van de nieuwe DAC technologie. Tenslotte zal op basis van een zwaartepuntanalalyse worden bekeken op welke wijze de CO2 emissies van het materiaal en energieverbruik kunnen worden gereduceerd in de verdere ontwikkeling van deze Carbyon DAC-technologie.