BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Loneliness is prevalent among older adults and known to be detrimental to mental health. The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Chinese 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS) in the older native and diasporic Chinese community. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Participants were recruited from a local community in urban Tianjin, China and urban Chinese communities of older adults in the Netherlands. Scale properties, including reliability, were calculated with Cronbach's alpha and multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis to examine the two-dimensional structure of the scale and the cross-cultural equivalence between both countries. Item response analysis was employed to plot the relationships between the item response and expected total scale score. RESULTS: A total of 193 older adults from China and 135 older adults from the Netherlands were included. The Cronbach's alphas were and 0.68 (China) and 0.71 (the Netherlands). The DJGLS's two-dimensional structure was validated by the goodness of fit and the factor loadings. Cross-cultural equivalence was demonstrated with the multiple-group confirmatory analysis. In addition, sufficient discriminative power of the individual items was demonstrated by item response analysis in both countries. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: This study is the first to provide a detailed item behavior analysis with an item response analysis of the DJGLS. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the DJGLS has adequate and similar item and scalar equivalence for use in Chinese populations.;BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESLoneliness is prevalent among older adults and known to be detrimental to mental health. The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Chinese 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS) in the older native and diasporic Chinese community. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSParticipants were recruited from a local community in urban Tianjin, China and urban Chinese communities of older adults in the Netherlands. Scale properties, including reliability, were calculated with Cronbach's alpha and multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis to examine the two-dimensional structure of the scale and the cross-cultural equivalence between both countries. Item response analysis was employed to plot the relationships between the item response and expected total scale score. RESULTSA total of 193 older adults from China and 135 older adults from the Netherlands were included. The Cronbach's alphas were and 0.68 (China) and 0.71 (the Netherlands). The DJGLS's two-dimensional structure was validated by the goodness of fit and the factor loadings. Cross-cultural equivalence was demonstrated with the multiple-group confirmatory analysis. In addition, sufficient discriminative power of the individual items was demonstrated by item response analysis in both countries. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONSThis study is the first to provide a detailed item behavior analysis with an item response analysis of the DJGLS. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the DJGLS has adequate and similar item and scalar equivalence for use in Chinese populations.;
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Loneliness is prevalent among older adults and known to be detrimental to mental health. The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Chinese 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS) in the older native and diasporic Chinese community. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Participants were recruited from a local community in urban Tianjin, China and urban Chinese communities of older adults in the Netherlands. Scale properties, including reliability, were calculated with Cronbach's alpha and multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis to examine the two-dimensional structure of the scale and the cross-cultural equivalence between both countries. Item response analysis was employed to plot the relationships between the item response and expected total scale score. RESULTS: A total of 193 older adults from China and 135 older adults from the Netherlands were included. The Cronbach's alphas were and 0.68 (China) and 0.71 (the Netherlands). The DJGLS's two-dimensional structure was validated by the goodness of fit and the factor loadings. Cross-cultural equivalence was demonstrated with the multiple-group confirmatory analysis. In addition, sufficient discriminative power of the individual items was demonstrated by item response analysis in both countries. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: This study is the first to provide a detailed item behavior analysis with an item response analysis of the DJGLS. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the DJGLS has adequate and similar item and scalar equivalence for use in Chinese populations.;BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVESLoneliness is prevalent among older adults and known to be detrimental to mental health. The objective of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Chinese 6-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS) in the older native and diasporic Chinese community. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSParticipants were recruited from a local community in urban Tianjin, China and urban Chinese communities of older adults in the Netherlands. Scale properties, including reliability, were calculated with Cronbach's alpha and multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis to examine the two-dimensional structure of the scale and the cross-cultural equivalence between both countries. Item response analysis was employed to plot the relationships between the item response and expected total scale score. RESULTSA total of 193 older adults from China and 135 older adults from the Netherlands were included. The Cronbach's alphas were and 0.68 (China) and 0.71 (the Netherlands). The DJGLS's two-dimensional structure was validated by the goodness of fit and the factor loadings. Cross-cultural equivalence was demonstrated with the multiple-group confirmatory analysis. In addition, sufficient discriminative power of the individual items was demonstrated by item response analysis in both countries. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONSThis study is the first to provide a detailed item behavior analysis with an item response analysis of the DJGLS. In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that the DJGLS has adequate and similar item and scalar equivalence for use in Chinese populations.;
An extended professional identity theory is proposed to enhance interprofessional collaboration. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether comparative feedback on interprofessional interaction can decrease the degree of profession-based dominance and general dominance in mixed profession groups. This observational study comprised a randomized double-blind pretest-posttest control group design with 19 mixed profession groups (10 intervention and nine control groups, each with three dental and three dental hygiene students). All groups received reflective feedback during two consecutive two hour team development meetings. Intervention groups also received comparative feedback. Profession-based dominance concerned the sum of three observation items (conversational turntaking, dominance and contributing ideas) with a three-point scale: −1 = dental dominance, 0 = no dominance, +1 = dental hygiene dominance. Polychoric correlations confirmed positive associations with the latent trait and an unidimensional underlying structure. Observation items were internally consistent (α > .70). General dominance concerned the sum of absolute values of observation items with a minimum value of zero (no dominance) and the maximum value of three (strong dominance). A two-way factorial ANOVA was performed. The results revealed a significant interaction effect with regard to general dominance, F(1,17) = 6.630, p = 0.020 and large effect size (partial eta squared = 0.28). Comparative feedback on interprofessional interaction decreases general dominance in mixed profession groups.
Het doel van dit project is het slimmer scoren in de fysiotherapeutische zorg door gebruik te maken van PROMIS Computer Adaptive Testing. De verschuiving van acute naar chronische zorg, de toename van evidence based handelen, het (h)erkennen van het belang van het perspectief van de patiënt en de opkomst van value based health care heeft geleid tot het meten van patiënt gerapporteerde uitkomsten, meestal in de vorm van vragenlijsten (Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Fysiotherapeuten blijken het belang van de meetinstrumenten wel te (h)erkennen, maar met name de tijdsinvestering en de veelheid van vragenlijsten te groot vinden om de instrumenten consequent te gebruiken. Fysiotherapeuten vragen dan ook “Help ons met kortere en meer relevante vragenlijsten die klinisch inzetbaar en betekenisvol zijn in de praktijk en elkaar niet overlappen“. Het Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Systeem (PROMIS) is ontwikkeld om beperkingen van klassieke PROMs op te lossen door gebruik te maken van Item Response Theory en Computer Adaptive Testing en geldt als de nieuwe gouden standaard voor het (slimmer) meten en scoren van PROs in de zorg. Tot dusver blijken de Engelstalige PROMIS instrumenten meer valide, betrouwbaarder en responsiever is dan alle bestaande PROMs. Voor de Nederlandstalige versies zijn de betrouwbaarheid en responsiviteit van voor de fysiotherapie belangrijke PROMIS instrumenten nog niet bekend. Het is ook onbekend of fysiotherapeuten de PROMIS instrumenten beter hanteerbaar vinden dan de traditionele PROMs. Omdat betrouwbaarheid en responsiviteitsscores in belangrijke mate bijdragen aan de hanteerbaarheid en interpretatie van meetinstrumenten moeten deze eigenschappen eerst worden uitgezocht. Wij maken gebruik van 5 werkpakketten: WP1 is een test-hertest studie (betrouwbaarheid) van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP2 is een responsiviteit studie van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP3 is een feasibility studie van de PROMIS instrumenten, WP4 is ontwikkeling van scholing en WP5 is de evaluatie van de scholing.