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Picture books with characters that promote healthy eating are increasingly being used to make this behavior more attractive. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether the effect of vegetable promoting picture books on toddlers' vegetable consumption differed according to the reading style and the use of a hand puppet during reading. The second aim was to investigate whether these effects were mediated by toddlers’ narrative involvement and character imitation. In a 2 (reading style: interactive vs. passive) x 2 (puppet use: with vs. without puppet) between-subjects design, 163 toddlers (2e3 years) were randomly assigned to one of the four reading conditions. The story was about a rabbit that loves to eat carrots. After the fourth reading day, the eating task was conducted in which children could eat freely from four different snacks, including carrots. The main finding was that interactive reading produced the greatest carrot consumption. The explanation for this effect was that interactive reading stimulated toddlers to imitate poses of the book characters, even more when interactive reading was supported by the use of a hand puppet. The findings underline that young children should be actively involved with health interventions in order for them to be effective.
Over the past decade, journalists have created in-depth interactive narratives to provide an alternative to the relentless 24-hour news cycle. Combining different media forms, such as text, audio, video, and data visualisation with the interactive possibilities of digital media, these narratives involve users in the narrative in new ways. In journalism studies, the convergence of different media forms in this manner has gained significant attention. However, interactivity as part of this form has been left underappreciated. In this study, we scrutinise how navigational structure, expressed as navigational cues, shapes user agency in their individual explorations of the narrative. By approaching interactive narratives as story spaces with unique interactive architectures, in this article, we reconstruct the architecture of five Dutch interactive narratives using the walkthrough method. We find that the extensiveness of the interactive architectures can be described on a continuum between closed and open navigational structures that predetermine and thus shape users’ trajectories in diverse ways.
BackgroundThere has been an increasing interest in negative or ‘undermining’ motivations for reading. In this study, we aimed to strengthen knowledge on the validity of the distinction between affirming and undermining motivations. First, we examined whether the structure of a questionnaire based on this distinction could be confirmed. Second, we examined the predictive value of undermining motivations for reading comprehension. Third, we studied moderator effects of gender and age.MethodsWe administered a reading motivation questionnaire and a reading comprehension test to 324 low-achieving adolescents. The questionnaire included items on affirming and undermining motivations for school and leisure time reading: intrinsic motivation and avoidance, self-efficacy and perceived difficulty.ResultsConfirmatory factor analyses supported the assumed structure of the questionnaire. Undermining motivations, particularly perceived difficulty, explained unique variance in reading achievement. Gender and age did not moderate effects of motivational variables.ConclusionsEducators need to be aware of the role of undermining motivations. Future research should examine if interventions can lead to the reduction of such motivations.
Sinds de corona reset wordt in de culturele en creatieve sector volop geïnnoveerd om tijdelijke sluitingen en financiële verliezen te compenseren. Aanbieders van hoogwaardige culturele programma’s, zoals presentatie-instellingen en zelforganiserende collectieven, coördineren in hoog tempo digitale expositieruimtes, livestreams en online debatten, waarmee ze hun bestaande (offline en lokale) en nieuwe (online en mondiale) publiek bedienen. Soms ook tegelijkertijd, in een hybride evenement; met een beperkt live publiek én een onbeperkt aantal online bezoekers. Hoe zorgen zij dat beide groepen bij deze livecastings een gelijkwaardige ervaring hebben? En hoe benutten ze de potentie van dit opgenomen materiaal voor publicatie en blijvende publieksinteractie in hun digitaal (web)archief? Ad hoc coronaoplossingen behoeven nu toekomstbestendige doorontwikkeling. Met MKB’ers ontwikkelen we een langetermijnvisie op off/online kennisdeling van hun culturele aanbod, op voorwaarden van duurzaamheid en technologische onafhankelijkheid in het beheer en de data-opslag van hun gepubliceerde materiaal. Verregaande digitalisering en klimaatoverwegingen geven namelijk naast corona urgentie aan een visie op hybride programmering. In het onderzoek worden werkende principes ontwikkeld voor een langetermijnvisie op een hybride en kwalitatief hoogwaardig programma-aanbod, met het oog op het bedienen van nieuw en bestaand publiek na de corona reset, via participatieve livecasts van evenementen, de samenhangende verslaglegging daarvan middels publicaties die uiteindelijk in levende archieven te komen: Om het knelpunt van ‘schermmoeheid’ bij eindgebruikers van programma-aanbod te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘participatieve livecasting’, om de succespijler ‘gezamenlijke publiekservaring bij online evenementen’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van ‘gefragmenteerde informatievoorziening’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘hybride publicaties’, om de succespijler ‘samenhang in off/online programma-aanbod’ te bewerkstelligen. Om het knelpunt van een ‘reactieve houding’ bij programma-aanbieders te voorkomen, ontwikkelen we werkende principes in het oplossingsgebied ‘levende archieven’, om de succespijler van een ‘anticiperende houding in de werkwijze van programma-aanbieders’ te bewerkstelligen.
Despite the benefits of the widespread deployment of diverse Internet-enabled devices such as IP cameras and smart home appliances - the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) has amplified the attack surface that is being leveraged by cyber criminals. While manufacturers and vendors keep deploying new products, infected devices can be counted in the millions and spreading at an alarming rate all over consumer and business networks. The objective of this project is twofold: (i) to explain the causes behind these infections and the inherent insecurity of the IoT paradigm by exploring innovative data analytics as applied to raw cyber security data; and (ii) to promote effective remediation mechanisms that mitigate the threat of the currently vulnerable and infected IoT devices. By performing large-scale passive and active measurements, this project will allow the characterization and attribution of compromise IoT devices. Understanding the type of devices that are getting compromised and the reasons behind the attacker’s intention is essential to design effective countermeasures. This project will build on the state of the art in information theoretic data mining (e.g., using the minimum description length and maximum entropy principles), statistical pattern mining, and interactive data exploration and analytics to create a casual model that allows explaining the attacker’s tactics and techniques. The project will research formal correlation methods rooted in stochastic data assemblies between IoT-relevant measurements and IoT malware binaries as captured by an IoT-specific honeypot to aid in the attribution and thus the remediation objective. Research outcomes of this project will benefit society in addressing important IoT security problems before manufacturers saturate the market with ostensibly useful and innovative gadgets that lack sufficient security features, thus being vulnerable to attacks and malware infestations, which can turn them into rogue agents. However, the insights gained will not be limited to the attacker behavior and attribution, but also to the remediation of the infected devices. Based on a casual model and output of the correlation analyses, this project will follow an innovative approach to understand the remediation impact of malware notifications by conducting a longitudinal quasi-experimental analysis. The quasi-experimental analyses will examine remediation rates of infected/vulnerable IoT devices in order to make better inferences about the impact of the characteristics of the notification and infected user’s reaction. The research will provide new perspectives, information, insights, and approaches to vulnerability and malware notifications that differ from the previous reliance on models calibrated with cross-sectional analysis. This project will enable more robust use of longitudinal estimates based on documented remediation change. Project results and methods will enhance the capacity of Internet intermediaries (e.g., ISPs and hosting providers) to better handle abuse/vulnerability reporting which in turn will serve as a preemptive countermeasure. The data and methods will allow to investigate the behavior of infected individuals and firms at a microscopic scale and reveal the causal relations among infections, human factor and remediation.