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Jaarlijks worden ongeveer 80.000 patiënten behandeld op de ruim 80 intensive care-afdelingen in Nederland.Op een intensive careafdeling worden vitale functies bewaakt en meestal zelfs overgenomen. Bij de meeste patiënten is voor kortere of langere tijd kunstmatige beademing noodzakelijk. Kunstmatige beademing is effectief en soms zelfs levens reddend maar is in het geheel niet zonder risico’s. Lector Critical Care Frederique Paulus gaat in haar rede in op de uitdagingen die de interprofessionele teams op de Intensive Care hebben ten aanzien van de luchtweg- en beademingszorg. Zij zal proberen te schetsen wat ‘Wij gaan goed voor u zorgen’ op een Intensive Care betekent. Het bijzonder lectoraat CriticalCare is ingesteld in samenwerking methet Amsterdam UMC locatie AMC.
Objectives: In Europe, there is a distinction between two different healthcare organisation systems, the tax-based healthcare system (THS) and the social health insurance system (SHI). Our aim was to investigate whether the characteristics, treatment and mortality of older, critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) differed between THS and SHI. Setting: ICUs in 16 European countries. Participants: In total, 7817 critically ill older (≥80 years) patients were included in this study, 4941 in THS and 2876 in the SHI systems. Primary and secondary outcomes measures: We chose generalised estimation equations with robust standard errors to produce population average adjusted OR (aOR). We adjusted for patient-specific variables, health economic data, including gross domestic product (GDP) and human development index (HDI), and treatment strategies. Results: In SHI systems, there were higher rates of frail patients (Clinical Frailty Scale>4; 46% vs 41%; p<0.001), longer length of ICU stays (90±162 vs 72±134 hours; p<0.001) and increased levels of organ support. The ICU mortality (aOR 1.50, 95%CI 1.09 to 2.06; p=0.01) was consistently higher in the SHI; however, the 30-day mortality (aOR 0.89, 95%CI 0.66 to 1.21; p=0.47) was similar between THS and SHI. In a sensitivity analysis stratifying for the health economic data, the 30-day mortality was higher in SHI, in low GDP per capita (aOR 2.17, 95%CI 1.42 to 3.58) and low HDI (aOR 1.22, 95%CI 1.64 to 2.20) settings. Conclusions: The 30-day mortality was similar in both systems. Patients in SHI were older, sicker and frailer at baseline, which could be interpreted as a sign for a more liberal admission policy in SHI. We believe that the observed trend towards ICU excess mortality in SHI results mainly from a more liberal admission policy and an increase in treatment limitations.
In dit proefschrift worden de resultaten beschreven van een studie die online wijkplatformen voor thuiswonende ouderen evalueert die werden ontwikkeld op basis van wensen en behoeften van eindgebruikers. Middels deze online wijkplatformen worden ouderen gestimuleerd om maatschappelijk te participeren en wordt gepoogd om in wijken vraag en aanbod van inwoners bij elkaar te brengen. Via deze online platformen kunnen wijkbewoners, zo ook thuiswonende ouderen, verschillende applicaties raadplegen.