Metformin prevents weight gain in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanisms involved are still unknown. In this post hoc analysis of the HOME trial, we aimed to determine whether metformin affects energy intake. Patients with T2D were treated with 850 mg metformin or received placebo added to insulin (1-3 times daily) for 4.3 years. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline, after 1 year and after 4.3 years, according to the dietary history method. Among the 310 included participants, 179 (93 placebo, 86 metformin) completed all 3 dietary assessments. We found no significant difference in energy intake after 4.3 years between the groups (metformin vs placebo: -31.0 kcal/d; 95% CI, -107.4 to 45.4; F-value, 1.3; df = 415; P = .27). Body weight in placebo users increased significantly more than in metformin-users during 4.3 years (4.9 ± 4.9 vs 1.1 ± 5.2 kg; t test: P ≤ .001). Linear mixed models did not show a significant effect of energy intake as explanation for the difference in weight gain between the groups (F-value, 0.1; df = 1; P = .82). In conclusion, the prevention of weight gain by metformin cannot be explained by reduced energy intake.
Metformin prevents weight gain in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanisms involved are still unknown. In this post hoc analysis of the HOME trial, we aimed to determine whether metformin affects energy intake. Patients with T2D were treated with 850 mg metformin or received placebo added to insulin (1-3 times daily) for 4.3 years. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline, after 1 year and after 4.3 years, according to the dietary history method. Among the 310 included participants, 179 (93 placebo, 86 metformin) completed all 3 dietary assessments. We found no significant difference in energy intake after 4.3 years between the groups (metformin vs placebo: -31.0 kcal/d; 95% CI, -107.4 to 45.4; F-value, 1.3; df = 415; P = .27). Body weight in placebo users increased significantly more than in metformin-users during 4.3 years (4.9 ± 4.9 vs 1.1 ± 5.2 kg; t test: P ≤ .001). Linear mixed models did not show a significant effect of energy intake as explanation for the difference in weight gain between the groups (F-value, 0.1; df = 1; P = .82). In conclusion, the prevention of weight gain by metformin cannot be explained by reduced energy intake.
Background: Weight loss is key to treatment of older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes, but also a risk for muscle mass loss. This study investigated whether a whey protein drink enriched with leucine and vitamin D could preserve muscle mass and improve glycemic control during combined lifestyle intervention in this population. Methods: 123 older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes were randomized into a 13-week lifestyle intervention with dietary advice and exercise, receiving either the enriched protein drink (test) or an isocaloric control (control). Muscle mass was assessed with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and glycemic control by oral glucose tolerance test. Statistical analyses were performed using a linear mixed model. Results: There was a nonsignificant increase in leg muscle mass (+0.28 kg; 95% CI, −0.01 to 0.56) and a significant increase in appendicular muscle mass (+0.36 kg; 95% CI, 0.005 to 0.71) and total lean mass (+0.92 kg; 95% CI, 0.19 to 1.65) in test vs. control. Insulin sensitivity (Matsuda index) also increased in test vs. control (+0.52; 95% CI, 0.07 to 0.97). Conclusions: Use of an enriched protein drink during combined lifestyle intervention shows beneficial effects on muscle mass and glycemic control in older adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Chemo-enzymatic peptide synthesis is unique in enabling the fast and sustainable synthesis of cyclic peptides, complex peptides and functionalized mini-proteins. The starting materials are routinely obtained by solid-phase peptide synthesis. One of the starting materials requires an oxo-ester functionality for recognition by the enzymes active site. The SPPS-based synthesis of the oxo-ester functionality still suffers from significant byproduct formation and low overall synthesis yields. The solution to this is introduction of the oxo-ester functionality at the end of the SPPS via a so-called Passerini reaction. Such a process does not only result in a more efficient production of cyclic or long peptides, but also expand the scope towards proteins derived from biological synthesis (i.e. recombinant proteins). To highlight the relevance of this proposed methodology, we will demonstrate a site-selective modification of the pharmaceutically important drug insulin.
Over a million people in the Netherlands have type 2 diabetes (T2D), which is strongly related to overweight, and many more people are at-risk. A carbohydrate-rich diet and insufficient physical activity play a crucial role in these developments. It is essential to prevent T2D, because this condition is associated with a reduced quality of life, high healthcare costs and premature death due to cardiovascular diseases. The hormone insulin plays a major role in this. This hormone lowers the blood glucose concentration through uptake in body cells. If an excess of glucose is constantly offered, initially the body maintains blood glucose concentration within normal range by releasing higher concentrations of insulin into the blood, a condition that is described as “prediabetes”. In a process of several years, this compensating mechanism will eventually fail: the blood glucose concentration increases resulting in T2D. In the current healthcare practice, T2D is actually diagnosed by recognizing only elevated blood glucose concentrations, being insufficient for identification of people who have prediabetes and are at-risk to develop T2D. Although the increased insulin concentrations at normal glucose concentrations offer an opportunity for early identification/screening of people with prediabetes, there is a lack of effective and reliable methods/devices to adequately measure insulin concentrations. An integrated approach has been chosen for identification of people at-risk by using a prediabetes screening method based on insulin detection. Users and other stakeholders will be involved in the development and implementation process from the start of the project. A portable and easy-to-use demonstrator will be realised, based on rapid lateral flow tests (LFTs), which is able to measure insulin in clinically relevant samples (serum/blood) quickly and reliably. Furthermore, in collaboration with healthcare professionals, we will investigate how this screening method can be implemented in practice to contribute to a healthier lifestyle and prevent T2D.
In dit onderzoeksproject, Health and Wellness in a Connected Society, zal onderzocht worden hoe nieuwe (slimme) technologieën gebruikt kunnen worden om fysieke activiteit van mensen te meten, te monitoren en te stimuleren. De focus van het onderzoeksproject ligt hierbij op bevolkingsgroepen voor wie activiteit van cruciaal belang is en die hierbij extra ondersteund kunnen worden. Het onderzoeksproject vindt plaats binnen het lectoraat ICT-innovaties in de Zorg en zal worden geïntegreerd met het onderwijs van de opleiding HBO-ICT van hogeschool Windesheim. Hier zullen studenten werken aan het ontwerpen en realiseren van verschillende producten tijdens projectgestuurd onderwijs binnen verschillende semesters. De uitkomst van deze studentprojecten worden voor het onderzoeksproject ingezet om de toepasbaarheid van deze nieuwe technologieën te onderzoeken. Hiermee draagt het onderzoeksproject bij aan een duurzame, beschikbare, betaalbare en kwalitatief hoogstaande zorg. Daarnaast zal nieuwe opgedane kennis door de postdoc gebruikt worden om het bestaande onderwijs van de opleiding verder aan te vullen en te verbeteren.